Eiburu - Utsunomiya

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Eiburu

住所 :

522 Imaizumicho, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321-0962, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Postal code : 321-0962
Webサイト : https://shop.able.co.jp/C03000723/%3FprefKey%3Dtochigi

522 Imaizumicho, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321-0962, Japan
Hikari Nozawa on Google

すごく親切、丁寧に対応してくださり、お部屋も希望通りのお部屋が決まり満足してます。 ですが、4/28日初日から給湯機の故障なのかお湯がでず、説明書等もなく、問い合わせ先も繋がらず、原因がわからず、お風呂に入ることが出来ないので結局今まだ住めてないのが残念です。
They are very kind and polite and they are satisfied with the room as you would like. However, there is no hot water in the water heater since the first day of 4/28, there are no manuals, etc., and the contact information is not connected, I do not know the cause, I can not take a bath, so I still live now It is disappointing not to
登志 on Google

店員さんの対応がよかったです。 いろいろ相談にのっていただいてくれましたよ。 物件も良く、お陰さまで契約出来ました。
The clerk's response was good. He kindly helped me out with a variety of consultations. The property was good and we were able to sign the contract.
ayaka naoi on Google

親身になって話を聞いていただき、対応もよくいい物件を見つけることができました。 また次の引っ越しの時も利用させていただきたいと思います。
I was kindly listened to the story, and I was able to find a good property that responded well. I would also like to use it when I move next time.
しぐれ on Google

とても素早く対応していただき助かりました。 お家賃などもかなり無理を言ったのに交渉して頂き、とても良かったです。 また引越しする機会があればお願いしたいです。
It was very helpful to respond very quickly. It was very nice to have you negotiate even though I said that it was impossible to pay rent. I would like to ask if I have the opportunity to move again.
じゃがまる on Google

It's a good store that will give you a polite response as if you would live together! The store manager is kind and easy to talk to, so it is also recommended for young people!
鈴木則行 on Google

無理を言っても嫌な顔をせず内見の手配を何件もしてくれました。 対応も早く親切丁寧に対応していただき気持ちよく良い物件を見つけることが出来ました。 また引っ越しを検討する時は担当してくれた人にお願いしたいと思います。
He made a number of arrangements for the preview without making a disgusting face even if he said it was impossible. We were able to quickly and kindly respond to you, and we were able to find a comfortable property. Also, when considering moving, I would like to ask the person in charge.
Y A on Google

何から何まで親切丁寧に説明してくださる、素敵なスタッフさんが沢山いらっしゃる不動産屋さんです。 賃貸契約をするに辺り、不安要素を一つずつ解消してくださいます。 本当に素晴らしい担当者様に出会えました! お部屋探しはエイブル宇都宮駅北店さんがオススメです。
A real estate agent with a lot of nice staff who kindly and politely explain everything. When you make a rental contract, please eliminate the anxiety factors one by one. I met a really wonderful person in charge! Able Utsunomiya station north store is recommended for finding a room.
もも on Google

Everyone was polite and kind! Thank you! The only thing I care about is the store manager's age lol (because he looked very young)

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