EDION - Nara

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact EDION

住所 :

605 Oshikumacho, Nara, 631-0011, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8779
Postal code : 631-0011
Webサイト : https://search.edion.co.jp/e_store/spot/detail%3Fcode%3D0000010321%26utm_source%3DGMB%26utm_medium%3DGMB_tenpo%26utm_campaign%3DGMB_tenpo

605 Oshikumacho, Nara, 631-0011, Japan
マリエ on Google

建物が出来た時は、3階は家具売り場だったと思う。 いつの間にか家具は止めてしまい、ダイソーに。 最近はダイソーに行ったついでに売り場を覗くだけになってしまいました。 家電を買う時って、ネットなどで下調べしてから行くことが多いのですが、ココに限らず街中の電気店は高いのは知ってるので、はなから選択肢に入らないんですね。 [少し高い]くらいならまだしも、[交渉の余地無し]と思えるほど。 それでも道路反対側にケーズデンキがあったときは、多少なりお得感もあったんですが。 おもちゃ売り場も、いつまでも空いている棚も多く、そもそもヤル気が感じられません。 あと、乗ってる時間はわずかですが、エレベーターに空調が無く、夏は大変暑く感じます。 [押熊界隈]も以前の様に[土日祝は朝から車が大渋滞]は無くなりました。 いろんな店の入れ替わりもあり、押熊もこのまま衰退していくんでしょうかね。
When the building was built, I think the 3rd floor was a furniture department. Before I knew it, I stopped the furniture and turned it into Daiso. Recently, I just went to Daiso and just looked into the sales floor. When I buy home appliances, I often go after doing some preliminary research on the internet, but I know that electronics stores in the city are expensive, not just here, so I can't really choose. If it's [a little expensive], it seems like [no room for negotiation]. Even so, when there was K's Denki on the other side of the road, it was a little profitable. There are many toy departments and shelves that are vacant forever, so I can't feel the sickness in the first place. Also, although I've been riding for a short time, the elevator doesn't have air conditioning, so it feels very hot in the summer. As in the [Oshikuma area], [cars are heavily congested from the morning on weekends and holidays] has disappeared. I wonder if Oshikuma will continue to decline as it is due to the replacement of various stores.
Verwest Tijs on Google

ダイソー目的で数年ぶりに行ったら、もう駄目感が半端なくて悲しかった。 ダイソーは品揃え良いけど駐車場まで戻りくい。 そもそも駐車場が入りにくい上に危ないし、反対車線からは入れない。
When I went to Daiso for the first time in a few years, I was sad because I had no sense of use. Daiso has a good selection, but it is difficult to return to the parking lot. In the first place, it is difficult to enter the parking lot and it is dangerous, and you can not enter from the opposite lane.
Smile on Google

The first floor is home appliances, the second floor is PCs and toys, and the third floor is DAISO. It's very wide. However, it is far because there is only one exit.
美和子 on Google

店員さんがめちゃくちゃ親切、丁寧! それにエディオンさんは自社の配送システムがあるので配達が早い! 冷蔵庫が壊れた時はピンチでしたが本当に早く来てくれて助かりました。 我が家では家電を買うならエディオンさんと決めています!
The clerk is insanely kind and polite! Besides, Edion has his own delivery system, so delivery is fast! It was a pinch when the refrigerator broke, but it was really helpful to come early. At my home, I have decided to buy home appliances with Edion!
景山良一 on Google

Daiso on the third floor is useful for procuring consumables and office supplies as well as home appliances.
山田太郎 on Google

駐車場も店舗も巨大。 品揃えもよく、店員さんも沢山いてわからないことも親切に教えてくれる。大体のものはここで揃う。 3階にはダイソーも併設されておりかなり重宝する。
The parking lot and stores are huge. The product lineup is good, and there are many clerk staff who kindly tell me what I don't understand. Most things are available here. Daiso is also located on the 3rd floor, which is very useful.
kurumiii on Google

先日電動自転車を購入しました。 電話による問い合わせ、試乗から購入まで、担当男性の方の対応が迅速丁寧でとても感じが良く、安心してお取引できました。 即決の決めては、すぐに試乗させて下さったこと。 ネット、近隣ショップより価格がお安いのも理由ですが、他店で同車種は試乗不可でした。 入荷もとても早く、有り難かったです。 受取時の説明も解り易く丁寧で、安心して初乗りできました。 ご担当者様、どうもありがとうございました!
I bought an electric bicycle the other day. From telephone inquiries, test rides to purchases, the male person in charge responded promptly and politely, and I felt very comfortable, so I was able to trade with confidence. The prompt decision was made by letting me test drive immediately. The reason is that the price is cheaper than the online and nearby shops, but it was not possible to test drive the same model at other stores. The arrival was very early and I was grateful. The explanation at the time of receipt was also easy to understand and polite, so I was able to ride for the first time with confidence. Thank you to the person in charge!
Anemone on Google

I will write it on English. This one is big, 3 floors. First is for big home appliances, while the upper for PC and TV. You can also find some network providers on the second floor. Third floor is DAISO, a big one here, almost you can find anything. You can access from bus 77 from Tomigaoka-Takanohara or bus 72 from Yamato-Saidaiji station, then walk.

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