Ebinashi Fire Department Hq Fire Department - Ebina

4.7/5 に基づく 3 レビュー

Contact Ebinashi Fire Department Hq Fire Department

住所 :

816 Oya, Ebina, Kanagawa 243-0411, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 243-0411
Webサイト : http://www.city.ebina.kanagawa.jp/shisetsu/kanren/shobo/1005708.html

816 Oya, Ebina, Kanagawa 243-0411, Japan
クラ散歩kura on Google

I received a fire card.
Children's Limbo on Google

Adjacent to the city hall and police, it is convenient to go to each station, but the distance from the station is halfway.
海老名の雑用人 on Google

昨年、海老名市消防本部でも、 パワハラ問題がマスコミにて、あげられたけど、消防や海上保安庁や自衛隊や、警察等の特殊な仕事って、人命を優先するから、今あげたどの仕事も全て、日々厳しい訓練と災害や事故事件等が発生した現場での時間を争う闘いだから、指導する方はする方で、どのように指導を、 すればいいのかと日々悩むに、 悩んで、苦労して指導するから大変なんだよね‼️又々指導される方も、これまた、産まれ育った年代も違うから、厳しく、訓練等で指導されちゃうと、 (これって❓パワハラ❓)と、 勘違いしちゃったりもあるから 元々、パワハラって、何処からきた言語なのかな❓それから 海老名市消防本部でのパワハラ は、私から観たら、パワハラ ではなくて、上司が余りにも、部下を思う気持ちから、少しばかり、厳しく指導しちゃったのかもね❓私は、若手の海老名市消防本部の職員や他の市町村の消防職員や、警察官で有ろうと、先輩や上司が厳しく指導をしても、それは、個々において ベテランの消防士や警察官に、 なって欲しいとの思いと現場でのトラブルや怪我等も、させまいとの思いも有るからパワハラとか、故意に厳しくしてるとは思わないでください‼️あくまでも、厳しい訓練が有る仕事なのでと、声をかけております 消防士や警察官や海上保安官や自衛官の前に、1人の人間ですから、ミスも有るかもしれないが、そんなミスさえも絶対に、 赦されない仕事だから、その 大変さは、口では表せないほどのものであり、大変な苦しみだと思います‼️そんな仕事をしている方々の苦しみ悲しみむなしさも、大変だと、日々思いながら、何かと陰ながら御協力を させて頂いております‼️ 私から観たら、パワハラとは コロナウイルスとは違う一種の 独特なウイルスではないかと、 口にしていますから‼️ 本来ならば、『独りじゃないよ、独りで苦しむな、その苦しみも、皆んなで分かち合おうよ‼️』ですかね❓それから、 火災が発生して、火災現場へ 出場して、火災が鎮火するまでの時間が、長ければ長い程、 火災現場で、活動している消防士や消防職員の方々とて、1人の人間ですから、トイレや食事等の問題について、最近西日本でも、大規模な物流倉庫の火災 が発生して、10時間以上燃えていて、鎮火のメドがたたなかった等とのニュースも有りました、もし、そんな火災が発生したら どうなるのか❓東京消防庁では、そんな時の為に、トイレも 付いて、簡易に給水や給食が、 出来る、後方支援車両(給仕車)なるものが配備されていると、 以前聴いたことがありますが、 海老名市消防本部だけでの維持管理が経費的にも、困難で有れば、綾瀬市、座間市、海老名市の統合消防指令センターも、 有るんだから、3市が共同で、維持管理をして、海老名だけではなくて、座間でも、綾瀬でもこの後方支援車を長時間対応の災害現場に出場して、現場で、 活動中の消防職員を後方支援 してもよいと思いますよ‼️ 3市の市議会でも即急に検討して頂き早期に後方支援車両の導入を、してもらいたいですね‼️『??消防、救急には、 国境も、都道府県境も市町村区境も無い、有るのは命を救うだけ‼️』
Last year, at the Ebina City Fire Department, The power harassment problem was raised in the media, but since special jobs such as firefighting, Japan Coast Guard, Self-Defense Forces, police, etc. prioritize human life, all the jobs I just mentioned are strict training and disasters every day. Since it is a battle to compete for time at the site where an accident etc. occurred, the person who gives guidance is the one who gives guidance, and how to give guidance. I'm wondering if I should do it every day It's hard because I'm worried and have a hard time teaching! ️ Also, those who are instructed again are also born and raised in different ages, so if they are rigorously instructed by training etc., (This is ❓ power harassment ❓), I sometimes misunderstand Where did power harassment originally come from? ❓ Then Power harassment at the Ebina City Fire Department From my point of view, power harassment Rather, my boss may have given me a little strict guidance because of the feeling of thinking about his subordinates. Whether or not it is, even if seniors and bosses give strict guidance, it is individual. For veteran firefighters and police officers Please do not think that it is power harassment or intentionally strict because there is a desire to become a person and troubles and injuries at the site. ️I am calling out that it is a job with strict training to the last There may be mistakes because I am one person in front of firefighters, police officers, coast guard officers, and SDF personnel, but even such mistakes are absolutely ... It ’s an unforgivable job, so that The difficulty is beyond the reach of the mouth, and I think it is a great pain! ️ I think that the pain and sadness of those who are doing such work is also difficult, and I think that it is difficult to cooperate with me in the shadow of something. I am allowed to do it! ️ From my point of view, what is power harassment? A kind of different from coronavirus I think it's a unique virus I'm talking about it! ️ Originally, "I'm not alone, don't suffer alone, let's share that suffering with everyone!" ️ ”❓ Then A fire broke out and went to the fire site The longer it takes to participate and the fire is extinguished, the longer Since there is only one person, the firefighters and firefighters who are active at the fire site, there is a recent fire in a large-scale distribution warehouse in western Japan regarding problems such as toilets and meals. There was news that the fire had been burning for more than 10 hours and there was no way to extinguish the fire. What will happen? ❓ At the Tokyo Fire Department, there is also a toilet for such a case. With, you can easily supply water and lunch. If a logistical support vehicle (serving vehicle) is deployed, I've heard it before, If maintenance and management by the Ebina City Fire Department alone is difficult in terms of cost, the Ayase City, Zama City, and Ebina City Integrated Fire Command Center can also be used. Because there is, the three cities jointly carry out maintenance and management, and not only Ebina but also Zama and Ayase participate in this logistical support vehicle at the disaster site that responds for a long time, and at the site, Logistics support for active firefighters I think it's okay! ️ I would like the city councils of the three cities to consider it immediately and introduce logistical support vehicles as soon as possible! ️ "?? For firefighting and emergency, There are no borders, no prefectural borders, no municipal borders, all that is there is to save lives! ️ ”

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