
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact モック

住所 :

Ebesu, Narita, 〒286-0047 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8779
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Ebesu, Narita, 〒286-0047 Chiba,Japan
沢田猛 on Google

アイスコーヒー、こく、深みがあり美味しい。手作りのハンバーガーグ定食、焼肉定食も最高。50キロあり遠いので毎日は行けませんが、週一は行ってます。推薦します。 スタバやドトールより旨い。
Ice coffee, rich, deep and delicious. Homemade hamburger set meal and grilled meat set meal are also the best. It ’s 50 kilometers away, so I ca n’t go every day, but I go once a week. I recommend. Better than Starbucks or Doutor.
ペコペココ on Google

昔ながらの喫茶店 氷音熟成珈琲を頂きました! 深みがあってまろやかで美味しかったです!
Old-fashioned coffee shop I got an ice-aged coffee! It was deep, mellow and delicious!
bounty hunter on Google

It's my first time to enter an old coffee shop. was delicious!
Ma Aoya on Google

モーニングがなかなかお得ではないでしょうか?! 店内は昭和から数十年営業されてきた歴史を感じます、今どき本当に貴重なお店です。 エビ入のオムライスセットとハンバーグセットが個人的にはオススメです! のんびりした時間を過ごしたい時には立ち寄ってます!
Isn't morning a good deal? !! The inside of the store has a history of being open for decades since the Showa era, and it is a really valuable store nowadays. I personally recommend the omelet rice set with shrimp and the hamburger set! Stop by when you want to spend a relaxing time!
石川貴裕 on Google

喫煙可能な喫茶店です。 のんびり落ち着いた雰囲気で楽しめました
It is a coffee shop where you can smoke. I enjoyed it in a relaxed and calm atmosphere
m. Nano on Google

昔ながらのナポリタンが食べたくて行きました! 本当に美味しくて店内も古いながらもいい味を出していて急かされる気持ちもなくゆったりと過ごせました。 メニューがどれもおいしそうでまた行きたくなりました!
I went there because I wanted to eat old-fashioned Napolitan! Although it was really delicious and the restaurant was old, it had a good taste and I could spend relaxing time without feeling rushed. All the menus looked delicious and made me want to go again!
菊地康二 on Google

The recent trend for lunch is to visit coffee shops with abundant Western dishes. Today, I went a little further from my home in Chiba City and visited [Mock] in Ebesu, Narita City. Illustrations and handwritten menus are irresistible in a log house-style store that feels like the Showa era! ︎ From the delicious menu, Kami ordered the "hot dog set" from the restaurant's recommended "hamburger set (large rice)". The hamburger steak with ketchup-based sauce on the hot dog that everyone imagines is truly a Showa heritage. Non-smokers should be careful as the inside of the store is like a coffee shop in the Showa era and smoking is allowed!
よくまる on Google

駐車場は広くないですが、 ログハウス、昭和の喫茶店、 成田でゆっくり素敵な時間を過ごせる場所になりました。 ご飯もコーヒーもおいしいです。 たっぷりミートソースにオムライス おいしくて、写真を撮るのを忘れてしまい、食べかけで失礼します。
The parking lot is not large, but Log house, Showa coffee shop, It has become a place where you can spend a wonderful time slowly in Narita. Both rice and coffee are delicious. Omelet rice with plenty of meat sauce It's delicious, I forgot to take a picture, and I'm sorry to eat it.

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