Driver's license prep NishimuraDo - Chiba

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Driver's license prep NishimuraDo

住所 :

2 Chome-33 Hamada, Mihama Ward, Chiba, 261-0025, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 261-0025
Webサイト :

2 Chome-33 Hamada, Mihama Ward, Chiba, 261-0025, Japan
平田五月 on Google

匹田実 on Google

Yhang G on Google

奥村博美 on Google

I will go to the driver's licensing center. Cheap from the story
Kumar Gaire on Google

The money is expensive and the response is bad. It's a waste of money to go there, so it's best not to go there. I think the rating 1 is also high.
遠藤明子 on Google

My son, a high school student, took this course to get a moped license. My son didn't tell me that I needed a resident card on the day, so I didn't want to bring it with me. When I heard it from the receptionist in the morning, my head turned white. Anyway, I just moved at high speed for 1 hour one way. I thought about giving up the exam, but with the appropriate advice from the receptionist, I immediately returned to the dragonfly and came back. The resident's card was safely in time for the reception. My son, who was studying here, was able to pass the exam safely! He said he would have fallen if he hadn't studied here. When I saw the result announcement, I was surprised that the pass rate of the moped license was very low. Thanks to everyone, I was able to pass! Thank you very much! Thank you ?
spring kawada on Google

西村堂さんにお世話になりました。教習所でも何回も試験を受け教習所の先生にも大変お世話になった娘ですが、最後の本免試験 独学で受験したがなかなか合格できない。 この前一緒に幕張のセンターに行ったとき、普通免許の合格者は全体の7割程度。私が受験していた時とは大きく違う。当然うちの娘は不合格だったが、隣で喜んでいる家族。。。なにやら電話でありがとうございますとお礼を言ってる。受験したのは息子さんらしく免許の交付のあいだにご両親とお話ができた。息子さん独学で20回以上受験したが合格できず困っていたところ、前回センター前の『西村堂』を紹介されたとか?それで今回合格!嘘みたいと。。。 『西村堂』聞いたことあるぞその名前。私が免許を受験した30年前もあった。試験場前にあったなぁ。懐かしい で帰りに西村堂へ娘と一緒に。。。 まず接客は普通だけど、気さくな感じ いつも緊張する娘だけど、受付と先生(女性)の方がうまくリードしてくれて娘が初めての人と普通に会話してる(正直驚きました) 数回受験してると説明したらしく、無料のカウンセリングを受けることに、何か壺でも売られるのかと思いきや勉強方法のやり方の説明のみ、娘も真剣に聞いているし自分から質問している(驚きですよ) で先ほどの息子さんのことをさらっと聞いてみる。合格は先ほど電話で連絡いただきました。だいぶ苦労していたみたいですが、今日こちらで受講し合格です。 10数回受験してる方が1回で合格なんてあり得るんですか?とぶしつけな質問を投げかけると、女性の先生がやさしく説明。私たちはお一人お一人の習熟度や能力を見て、どこが弱い方なのかを判断し補強し合格させる方法をとっています。だから1回での合格を狙えるのですと。 なんだか希望が湧いてきました そして、珍しく娘が質問。やっぱり問題を覚えないとダメなんですよね 女性の先生がいいえ。問題なんて覚えなくていいですよ。意味がありません。法規の意味をしっかり理解すれば解けない問題はありません。あなたが覚えやすい方法で教えますよ 娘がめずらしく講習受けたい!合格したい! で今日講習受けて受験しました。 はい!『合格』です。娘と二人で電光掲示板の番号を二度見。。 娘の受験番号あります。。 受講される方のために、講習の内容について書いておきます 娘が受けた講習は エスコースプレという個別指導の講習 講習料金は9900円(税込み)このほかにかかったのは、試験料1750円(これは県の収入証紙/西村堂は証紙の販売ができるとこらしい)と免許交付料2050円(これも県の収入証紙) この前カウンセリングをしてくれた先生と60分の個別指導:娘の弱点を的確に見つけ出し、考え方の間違いをわかりやすく説明してくれる 先生との個別指導が終わったら、最新問題をコンピュータで学習したらしい まあてんこ盛りだったらしいが、娘のペースに合わせてくれる(これ大事)らしので、娘も自信ありげだった 試験前に娘から『たぶん今日合格できるよ。自分が間違えていたところがわかったから』 それで今日の結果となりました 西村堂様(感謝)そして先生ありがとうございました ところで気になったのですが、外国人の方と英語での会話が聞こえましたが、英語での授業も行っているのですね。凄いとこだ。。 あと、娘の受けたクラスの下位版としてCAIプラスってのがあるので、そちらは5500円なので手ごろです 2回も3回も仕事休んで(私も娘も)来るくらいなら、西村堂様(感謝)受講したほうがいいと思います 最後に一言 先生の一言が娘に自信を持たせたと思う 『人は顔や体形が違いそれも個性!勉強の仕方も人それぞれあっていいんです。周りの人と同じようにやってできなければ、それはその努力があっていないだけです。私たちはあなたに合った努力の仕方を見つけ指導します。だから自信を持ってください』だったと思う。 お礼を言っても足りない具合感謝しています。ありがとうございます じつは今度息子が原付の受験を検討していますので、またお世話になります 家族そろってお祝いをしました。ありがとうございました 星が5でも足りないぐらいです
Thank you to Mr. Nishimurado. My daughter has taken many exams at the driving school and was taken care of by the teachers at the driving school, but she took the final exam by herself, but she couldn't pass it easily. When I went to the Makuhari center together the other day, about 70% of the people passed the regular driver's license. It's very different from when I was taking the exam. Naturally my daughter failed, but the family who is happy next door. .. .. Thank you for calling me something. It seems that my son took the exam, and I was able to talk with my parents while the license was issued. My son took the exam more than 20 times by himself, but he couldn't pass it and was in trouble. Did he introduce "Nishimurado" in front of the center last time? So I passed this time! I want to lie. .. .. "Nishimurado" I've heard that name. It was 30 years ago when I took my driver's license. It was in front of the test site. good old days On the way home, I went to Nishimurado with my daughter. .. .. First of all, the customer service is normal, but it feels friendly My daughter is always nervous, but the receptionist and the teacher (female) lead me better, and my daughter talks normally with the first person (honestly surprised). It seems that she explained that she had taken the exam several times, and she was seriously listening to the explanation of how to study and wondering if any jar could be sold for free counseling, so she asked herself a question. Yes (surprise) So, let's take a quick look at my son. I just contacted you by phone to pass the exam. It seems that I had a lot of trouble, but I took the course here today and passed it. Is it possible for a person who has taken the exam more than 10 times to pass the exam once? When I asked a blunt question, a female teacher explained it gently. We look at each person's proficiency and ability to determine which one is weak, reinforce it, and pass it. That's why you can aim to pass it once. Somehow hope came up And, unusually, my daughter asked a question. After all, you have to remember the problem, right? No female teacher. You don't have to remember the problem. It doesn't make sense. There are no problems that cannot be solved if you fully understand the meaning of the regulations. I'll teach you in a way that's easy to remember My daughter wants to take a rare class! I want to pass! I took a class today and took the exam. Yes! It is "pass". I saw the number on the electric bulletin board twice with my daughter. .. I have my daughter's exam number. .. For those who take the course, I will write about the contents of the course The course that my daughter received is an individual instruction course called Escort Pre. The course fee is 9900 yen (tax included). In addition, the examination fee is 1750 yen (this is the prefecture's income certificate stamp / Nishimurado can sell the certificate stamp). (It seems to be a place) and a license issuance fee of 2050 yen (also a prefecture's income certificate) 60 minutes of tutoring with the teacher who counseled me the other day: Find out the weaknesses of my daughter and explain the mistakes in the way of thinking in an easy-to-understand manner. After the tutoring with the teacher, it seems that he learned the latest problems on the computer. It seems that it was a lot of fun, but it seems that it will match my daughter's pace (this is important), so my daughter was also confident. Before the exam, my daughter said, "Maybe I can pass today. I knew what I was doing wrong. " So it ’s the result of today. Mr. Nishimura (thank you) and thank you for the teacher By the way, I was curious, but I heard a conversation in English with a foreigner, but you also have classes in English. It's a great cousin. .. Also, there is CAI Plus as a lower version of the class that my daughter received, so it is reasonable because it is 5500 yen. I think it's better to take Nishimurado-sama (thank you) if you're going to take a break from work two or three times (both me and my daughter). One last word I think the teacher's words gave my daughter confidence "People have different faces and body shapes, and that is also their individuality! It's okay for each person to study differently. If you can't do it the same way as the people around you, it's just that you haven't made that effort. We will find and guide you in the effort that suits you. So please be confident. ” I am grateful that it is not enough to say thank you. Thank you Actually, my son is considering taking the moped exam this time, so I will be indebted to you again. The whole family celebrated. thank you Even 5 stars is not enough

Totally money oriented and value less never recommend to visit this place. It's better to prepare yourself rather than going there. It's embarrassing that they will charge for the free application form and there is one old women staff her response and reaction differs according to the course plan you choose. If you choose the expensive one she will be more polite otherwise not. Such a cheap and non-professional behavior from her. It's literally better to read your self instead of going there and appear only the computer test exam.

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