Drive Market 26 Izumiotsu - Izumiotsu

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

ドライブマーケット | 大阪・京都のカーナビとタイヤの取り付け専門店 -


Contact Drive Market 26 Izumiotsu

住所 :

3 Chome-2-765 Kitatoyonakacho, Izumiotsu, Osaka 595-0012, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 595-0012
Webサイト :

3 Chome-2-765 Kitatoyonakacho, Izumiotsu, Osaka 595-0012, Japan
夏育実 on Google

When purchasing Nbox Custom (JF1), I found this store when I was searching online to install ALPINE BIC X. I also consulted with a mass retailer, but in response to the answer that "it can not be installed", this shop listens to the person and asks the manufacturer, and it is very kindly installed safely. I will receive it. The price is also conscientious and I know nothing about the car, so I was able to leave it with confidence. The shop's response is also very nice and recommended.
AGEエイジ on Google

カーナビの取り付けをご依頼しました。レーダーの持ち込み取り付けも快く了承して頂き、店員さんも車の知識が豊富で安心してお任せできるお店でした!デッドニングでもお世話になります。 追加:デッドニング、ナビ取り付け、スピーカー交換とレーダーの持ち込みをお願い致しました。 どれも不具合等は一切なく元々付いていた純正部品は丁寧に梱包してまとめて頂き、インナーパネル等に傷1つ無くさらに施工後の動作確認もしっかりとお時間作って頂きご希望通りの素晴らしい大満足の出来でした!そしてホーンも変えたかったのですが、今だけがキャンペーン中で無料で取り付けて貰えました!本当に感謝しかありません。腕の良い知識豊富なスタッフさん達です!お願いする価値ありです!!
We requested the installation of a car navigation system. We kindly accepted the installation of the radar, and the shop assistants had a wealth of knowledge about the car, so it was a store that we could trust. Thank you for your help in Deadning. Addition: I asked for deadning, navigation installation, speaker replacement, and bringing in radar. None of them had any problems, the original parts that were originally attached were carefully packed and put together, there was no scratch on the inner panel, etc., and the operation check after construction was made firmly on time. I was satisfied! I also wanted to change the horn, but only during the campaign I got it installed for free! I really appreciate it. Staff with good knowledge and knowledge! It's worth asking! !
599 Collabo on Google

Telephone correspondence is kind and the price is cheap. In addition, the installation is very polite and you can leave it to us with confidence. Thank you for your first time, but it seems to be your favorite store in the future.
kaka 6719 on Google

オーディオ取り付け&説明も丁寧で素晴らしい店員さんがいるお店です。 次に何か取り付ける時にはまたお願いしたいです
It is a shop with a wonderful clerk who has a polite audio installation and explanation. I would like to ask again the next time I install something
まつきち on Google

N-WGNのタイヤ交換お願いしました。TOYOタイヤのSD-K7、工賃、廃タイヤ処分費込みでも大変リーズナブルな値段でした。 以前からスピーカー交換、スタッドレスタイヤ&ホイール購入と色々お世話になっています(´∀`*)
I asked for a N-WGN tire replacement. It was a very reasonable price, including the TOYO tire SD-K7, labor costs, and waste tire disposal costs. I have been taking care of various things such as speaker replacement, studless tire & wheel purchase (´∀`*)
Takahiro H on Google

I had the security and battery replaced at the drive market Izumiotsu store. I was nervous at the store for the first time, but I was impressed by Mr. Kakiuchi's kind customer service and explanation ? Thank you. I can only say. I would definitely like to use this shop again.
崔俊邦 on Google

タイヤの取り寄せも可能でタイヤ代含めて安く交換して頂きました。 作業にも心遣いが感じられ、またお願いしたいと思えるような方々でした。
Tires can be ordered and replaced at a low price including the tire fee. They were people who felt kindness in their work and wanted to ask again.
43 tam on Google

I asked you to install a drive recorder. I'm glad that you responded politely by e-mail and that the wiring constructed elsewhere was also cleaned up. I would also like to use it for another installation.

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