Doutor - Chiba

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Doutor

住所 :

135‐1 Hamanocho, Chuo Ward, Chiba, 260-0824, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8998
Postal code : 260-0824
Webサイト :

135‐1 Hamanocho, Chuo Ward, Chiba, 260-0824, Japan
安達遊馬 on Google

ガソリンスタンド併設で、便利です。しかも、ガソリンを入れると、ドトール商品が、割引になります。すごくうれしいです。 消費税が改正され、ガソリン給油時にドトールドリンクが割引になりますが、こちらは、そのまま持帰りとなります。店内の飲食の際は、店内で買うことになります。
Convenient with a gas station. Moreover, if you add gasoline, Doutor products will be discounted. I'm really happy. The consumption tax has been revised and Doutor drinks will be discounted when gasoline is refueled, but this will be taken home. In the case of eating and drinking in the store, you will buy it in the store.
Gaku Nishimoto on Google

ガソリンスタンドに併設のお店ですので Tポイントは付きません。その代わり20円引きの割引券を貰いました。喫煙所は11席ですが 広く感じます。
Since it is a store adjacent to the gas station, T points are not included. Instead, I got a 20 yen discount coupon. The smoking area has 11 seats, but it feels large.
西野清美 on Google

I love the atmosphere of the restaurant because I have a relaxing tea time.
若松希果 on Google

This is my favorite cake.
成田真弓 on Google

久しぶりに寄らせて貰いました。 求めているアイテムも見つかりました。 おもてなしにぴったりでした。 桜の季節に会いそうなコーヒー豆もお客様に出す日を待ちわびています。 近くにドトールがないので寂しいです。
I had you stop by for the first time in a long time. I also found the item I was looking for. It was perfect for hospitality. We are looking forward to the day when we will serve coffee beans that are likely to meet during the cherry blossom season. I'm lonely because there is no Doutor nearby.
シンクン on Google

Located inside the gas station, you can enjoy authentic coffee! Wi-Fi is also available, and there is a smoking area, so it's a convenient shop! We are no longer issuing discount tickets! The picture is German dog and iced coffee!
Fred Varcoe on Google

Good cheap coffee, nice pastries and a great tuna cheddar roll
Nguyệt Phong Anh on Google

The local is good. Drinks, in general, are good, but the cakes is neutral. Some are too oil.

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