
4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact いなかや

住所 :

Dojo, Sakura Ward, 〒338-0835 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88888
Webサイト : http://inakaya.on.omisenomikata.jp/
街 : Saitama

Dojo, Sakura Ward, 〒338-0835 Saitama,Japan
美保子長谷川 on Google

Kaneko Isao (いさぽん) on Google

A wonderful restaurant where you can enjoy authentic Japanese cuisine at a reasonable price
きのこ太郎 on Google

いつ行ってもお刺身がめっちゃ美味しい❗ うどんもうどん屋さんより美味しくて、よく家族で行くけどいつも大満足でかえります。
Sashimi is really delicious whenever you go ❗ Udon is more delicious than udon noodle shops, and I often go with my family, but I am always very satisfied.
だよこもも on Google

I went to eat with my family on Saturday, but the food was delicious and the simmered seaperch was the best. I will go to eat again.
戸井田一磨 on Google

Everything is delicious Japanese food from the whole to the noodles. It is felt that the price is too low for the food which is particular about the stocking of ingredients, the cooking method, and the preparation. The cherry blossoms in the garden are lit by the light in spring and the atmosphere is excellent.
神山七朗 on Google

掘り出し物の店。 値段がやすく料理はどれも外れなく美味しかった。 店内は田舎の実家に帰ったときのような雰囲気。 場所は判り辛く、知ってる人ではないと訪れる事は出来ないように思う。 偶然に通りがかりに見つけたとしても、どんな食事が出るか見当がつかないので入って見るには少し勇気がいる。 私は知人に連れていって貰ったが、飛び込みでは入り辛いと思う。
A bargain shop. The price was easy and all the dishes were delicious. The atmosphere is the same as when you return to your home in the countryside. The place is hard to understand, and I don't think you can visit unless you know it. Even if you find it by chance, you have little courage to see it because you have no idea what kind of meal it will be. I took it to an acquaintance, but I think it would be difficult to get into it.
青木勇樹 on Google

I went to various Japanese restaurants, but this one, which was a few minutes from my house, was the most delicious. Fresh enough to surprise you that sashimi can be eaten in Saitama prefecture. The egg porridge was cheap but had a gentle taste and was very delicious. I definitely want to go again
真夜中のロックンロール on Google

自宅から近いがコロナ禍で当面、営業していなかったようて応援する意味で初訪。居酒屋と看板出てるが居酒屋とは違う。夕飯の予定であったがメニューが…一品一品が高額で刺身の盛り合わせが一人前で税別2800円、生ビール(大)が税別800円、刺身を除く野菜は自宅の畑で収穫された物だと説明がありましたが、尋常じゃない値段。老夫婦で切り盛りしてるようだが、女将らしき方(アク強め)がお喋り好きとメニューの宣伝で、ゆっくりできず。大した物は頼んでないのに2人で7800円! 美味しいとは思うが、ここは銀座や築地ではない。住宅地内にあるのに、地域にマッチしてない金額、二度目は無いな。
Although it is close to my home, I visited for the first time in the sense of cheering as if it was not open for the time being due to the corona virus. There is a sign that says Izakaya, but it's different from Izakaya. I was planning to have dinner, but the menu was ... Each item was expensive and the sashimi platter was 2800 yen for one person, draft beer (large) was 800 yen for tax, and the vegetables except sashimi were harvested in my field. There was an explanation, but the price is unusual. It seems that the old couple is working hard, but the way they look like a landlady (stronger acquaintance) is that they like to talk and the menu is advertised, so they can't relax. Even though I didn't ask for a big deal, it was 7800 yen for two people! I think it's delicious, but this is not Ginza or Tsukiji. Even though it is in a residential area, there is no second time that the amount does not match the area.

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