焼肉商事 こども食堂

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 焼肉商事 こども食堂

住所 :

Dojo Kitamachi, Chuo Ward, 〒260-0000 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Dojo Kitamachi, Chuo Ward, 〒260-0000 Chiba,Japan
妬きぷりん on Google

土曜日の夜に、前日電話で予約してうかがいました。 焼肉は、何を食べても美味しかったです。 お店の雰囲気も良くてリピート確定です。 家からは、遠いのですが、また伺いたいと思います。
On Saturday night, I made a reservation by phone the day before. Yakiniku was delicious no matter what I ate. The atmosphere of the shop is good and the repeat is confirmed. It's far from home, but I would like to visit again.
鳥羽乳郎 on Google

芸人、ニッチロー氏も認める千葉の名店 上質な肉を安価に提供してくれる焼肉商事 とにかく何を食べても美味しい。 楕円形のノスタルジックな銀皿に載って出てくる肉達を ロースターで焼くスタイルも良い。 オーナーは見た目に反してとても心優しい方で このコロナ禍に地域の子供達の為に子供食堂を開催したりと地域貢献もしてくれている。 応援したくなる大好きなお店です。 ※ニッチロー氏は無類の焼肉好きで、長野県飯田市の焼肉大使を務めている焼肉グルメです。
Chiba's famous store recognized by entertainer Nicchiro Yakiniku Shoji, which offers high-quality meat at low prices Anyway, it's delicious no matter what you eat. The meat that comes out on an oval nostalgic silver plate The style of roasting is also good. The owner is very kind, contrary to what he looks like It also contributes to the local community by holding a children's cafeteria for local children in this corona disaster. It's a favorite shop that you want to support. * Mr. Nicchiro is an unrivaled yakiniku lover and is a yakiniku gourmet who serves as a yakiniku ambassador in Iida City, Nagano Prefecture.
hiro Taka on Google

肉は全部美味い! タレが強すぎないので肉本来の旨さが味わえます。 ほんとに美味しい焼肉屋です。 ただ、「網を交換してください。」と言いにくい雰囲気があります。 でも、オススメできます。
Meat is delicious all! Because the sauce is not too strong you can experience the original effect of meat. It is really delicious grilled meat shop. However, there is to say difficult atmosphere "Please replace the net.". But you can recommend it.
Chrome Hearts on Google

久しぶりに会った大学生の娘が焼肉が食べたいと言うのでGoogleMAPでたどり着き、昨日18時に予約して伺いました? 開店と同時に入りましたが次々とお客さんが来店されあっという間に満席になってましたので予約は必須だと思います☎︎( ˘ᵕ˘ )℡ 頼んだメニューは下記の通り *厚切りタン 評判通りの厚みでしたが柔らかくめちゃくちゃ美味しかったです。追加でもう1人前頼みましたが最初から2人前頼んだ方が間違いないです。 *カルビ 大将が仙台牛って言ってみえたと思います。ブランド牛ですので間違いない美味しさで脂がとても甘かったです。 *ロース 薄切りスライスで炙りというおすすめの食べ方を教えていただいたので片面づつ8秒~10秒程度炙って食べました。タレが付いてましたのでそのまま何も付けず口に入れました。 個人的な好みとしては焼肉は厚い方が食べ応えあって良いですが、これはこれで白飯?進みそうです。 *ハツ これはそこまでインパクト有りませんでした。 *ハラミ 久しぶりに美味しいハラミ食べました。 カルビよりもロースよりもハラミが気に入りました!でも1番は厚切りタン☺ *キャベツ 塩ダレキャベツです。お肉が来るまでのビールのアテに、口直しにどれだけでも食べれます。オカワリキャベツしましたがボリュームもあってお値打ちです? *石焼きビビンバSP 炙りユッケが載ってました!味付けも少し濃いめの味で熱々のうちに( ू०௰०ू )はふはふ♥︎しながら食べましたが美味しかったです。多分ですが、石焼きの器が無くなるとSOLD OUTっぽですので早めに頼んだ方がいいと思います。 総じて何を食べても美味しいですŧ‹”ŧ‹”( ‘ч’ )ŧ‹”ŧ‹”お店の雰囲気も含め、中々敷居が高そうだなと思ってましたがアットホームな感じで大将はコワモテですが優しい感じ、奥さん(かな?)もキレイで愛想有る優しい感じでした。 大学生の娘も美味しい美味しいと1品食べる毎に言っててうるさかったです✋ 多くのメニューが早い段階でどんどんsold outになっていきますので最初の段階である程度食べたいものは注文通した方が無難かも知れません。 私だけ食べ終わった後に娘と別れ車で岐阜まで帰りましたが焼肉パワーで元気に帰れました?? ぜひまた千葉へ行った時には伺いたいと思わせてくれるお店でした??´-
My daughter, a college student I met after a long time, said she wanted to eat yakiniku, so I arrived at Google MAP and made a reservation at 18:00 yesterday ? I entered the store at the same time as the store opened, but I think that reservations are essential because customers came to the store one after another and it was full in a blink of an eye ☎︎ (˘ᵕ˘) ℡ The menu I ordered is as follows * Thick sliced ​​tongue It was as thick as the reputation, but it was soft and insanely delicious. I asked for another serving, but it is definitely better to ask for 2 servings from the beginning. * Calvi I think the general said Sendai beef. As it is a brand beef, it was definitely delicious and the fat was very sweet. * Loin I was taught the recommended way to eat it by roasting it in thin slices, so I ate it by roasting it for about 8 to 10 seconds on each side. There was sauce, so I put it in my mouth without adding anything. As a personal preference, thicker yakiniku is better to eat and respond to each other, but this seems to advance to white rice ?. *hearts This didn't have that much impact. * Harami I ate delicious skirt steak for the first time in a long time. I like skirt steak more than loin than ribs! But the first is thick sliced ​​tongue ☺ *cabbage It is salted cabbage. You can eat as much beer as you like until the meat comes. Okawari cabbage, but it's also good value for volume ? * Stone-grilled bibimbap SP The roasted yukhoe was on it! The seasoning was a little strong and I ate it while it was hot (ू०௰०ू) while ♥ ︎, but it was delicious. Probably, when the stone-grilled bowl is gone, it looks like SOLD OUT, so I think you should ask early. In general, it's delicious no matter what you eat. It's a sloppy but gentle feeling, and the wife (maybe?) Was also beautiful and amiable and gentle. It was noisy to say that my daughter, a college student, was delicious and delicious every time she ate one dish ✋ Many menus are sold out more and more at an early stage, so it may be safer to order what you want to eat to some extent at the first stage. After I finished eating, I broke up with my daughter and returned to Gifu, but I was able to return to Gifu with the power of yakiniku ?? It was a shop that made me want to visit when I went to Chiba again ??´-
なきむし22 on Google

無事ボーナスが出たので自分へのご褒美にと、事前に電話予約をして、かみさんと2人で初めて訪問。開店10分前に到着し店先で開店待ちしていたら店主さん(?)から「寒いですね、中に入って開店まで待ちませんか?」とお気遣い頂き、お言葉に甘えて店内へ。 色々なお肉を頂き、その美味しさが最高のご褒美!になりました。特にレバー、プリンプリンで旨かったなぁ~。厚切りタンもタン元の柔らかい部分で厚切りでも噛むと柔らかく肉汁ジュワワ~でこれまた最高! 是非またお邪魔させて頂きます! ごちそうさまでした☆
I got a bonus safely, so I made a phone reservation in advance to reward myself, and visited for the first time with Kami-san. If you arrived 10 minutes before the store opened and were waiting for the store to open, the owner (?) Would like to say, "It's cold, why don't you go inside and wait until the store opens?" We have various meats and the deliciousness is the best reward! became. Especially the liver and pudding pudding were delicious. Thick sliced ​​tongue is also the soft part of the tongue, and even if it is thickly sliced, it is soft and soft with gravy. I will be happy to bother you again! Thank you for your feast ☆
Hiroyuki kitagawa on Google

妻がクチコミで探し、初入店。一見さんお断り! 結構、ハードル高め。入ると、雰囲気が良い店内に、心地良い音楽。女性店員さんも良い感じで案内してくれました。 お腹が空いていたのも相まって、お通しのキャベツの千切りススムススム。これで、ビール2杯は行ったかもしれません。お肉も高めのものをチョイス。みて下さいお肉の色、私は初めてですね。値段の割にとても安い、旨い、美味い? 美味しいお肉は、沢山よりは、余韻を味わう的に ビール沢山飲んでしまいました。 当日、イベントやっていたのか、子供にケーキとお菓子を山ほど頂けました。 必ずまた行きたいお店です。
My wife searched by word of mouth and entered the store for the first time. Rejection at first glance! The hurdle is quite high. When you enter, you will find comfortable music in the restaurant with a nice atmosphere. The female clerk also guided me with a good feeling. Coupled with the fact that I was hungry, the shredded cabbage was soothing. You may have gone two glasses of beer with this. Choose meat that is also expensive. Please see the color of the meat, this is my first time. Very cheap for the price, delicious, delicious ? Delicious meat tastes more lingering than a lot I drank a lot of beer. Perhaps I was doing an event on the day, I got a lot of cakes and sweets from my child. This is a shop I definitely want to visit again.
新城裕文 on Google

Cranrine on Google

Absolutely furious experience. Staffs are unfriendly and helpless when you asked some recommendations on meat. What is outrageous is that there were so many dishes which are not written on menu and only available to locals who come here often enough to be friend of the owner. While you are dining, you hear the conversation between locals and the owner who is now actively recommending special meats! You need to be with someone who knows this place well or have to get referral from such people. Quality of meat was good but for this service and the owner, I would happily go somewhere else. There are a lot of places with good meats and service out there.

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