Docomo Shop Inuyama Shop - Inuyama

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Docomo Shop Inuyama Shop

住所 :

Gozegawa-8 Goromaru, Inuyama, Aichi 484-0066, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 484-0066
Webサイト :

Gozegawa-8 Goromaru, Inuyama, Aichi 484-0066, Japan
Wotake 1202 on Google

docomoネットワークID?のパスが分からなくなり 何十年かぶりに来店しました。 予想はしてましたが最低な接客でした 今まで通りリンゴの店を利用した方が詐欺紛いの契約もされないので安心。 ※犬山東の店舗から移転したのかな?
docomo network ID? I do not know the path of I came to the store after a few decades. I expected, but it was the worst customer service It is safer to use the apple store as before, as there is no contract for fraud. *Is it moving from the Inuyama East store?
Fabio Satoshi Sakuda (XILFX) on Google

I made a contract that wasn't deceived at the Inuyama store, and when I went to complain, I was a liar. Whenever you talk to DoCoMo, you should record it. Untrustworthy. It doesn't matter which hand the helper shop says. Be careful!
ドリームドルフィン on Google

The docomo shop Inuyama store was relocated due to a fire or insufficient parking lots. I feel that the waiting time is slightly faster with reservations than in the past. Depending on the location, some shops are about 3 hours late. It is a little bigger than Fuso's docomo shop.
高橋佳苗 on Google

お店も広くてとても綺麗です。 新しい料金プランについて丁寧に教えて月々の料金がとてもお得になりました。また伺いたいです。
The shop is large and very beautiful. I carefully taught about the new rate plan and the monthly rate was very good. I would like to ask you again.
村上俊彦 on Google

Very poor response. The Komaki store was kind.
なお on Google

登録店では無いですが、 料金がどうも高くなった気がして、取りあえず何処でも良いかと来店。 確認すると、5000円程安くなるとの事! 色々有難うございました。 Wi-Fiの事も教えていただきました。
It's not a registered store, I felt that the price was high, so I came to the store asking if I could go anywhere. If you confirm, it will be about 5000 yen cheaper! Thank you for everything. I also learned about Wi-Fi.
A on Google

受け付けの方が感じが良く待ち時間も少なく良かったです 携帯操作の無料講座があるようです
It was nice that the receptionist felt better and there was less waiting time. There seems to be a free mobile operation course.
。うっちゃんまっちゃん on Google

犬山五郎丸ショップ は>【絶対!】辞めた方が良いですよ〜。 (移転前の 犬山市街の頃から良い評判はあんまり…?) 凄く不親切だから>家族が居なくて>年寄りはネットやらないと馬鹿にした>足下見るような>そ う い う 商売 をされているんでしょうね?直ぐに>バレますよ?汗笑 2026年まで ガラケーは使えるのに 年配者が>F-17 バッテリー?(まだまだ使いやすいガラケー用)取り寄せを頼むと『もう製造していません(だから>手に入らない)』と嘘をつく様に教育を受けた 男性店員がいるので 十分御注意して下さいね?✨ (ドコモの直販オンラインショップで正規価格 F-17>1,540円(送料別) まだまだ買えます) 2021.11.18 現在 取り寄せサービスも出来ないドコモショップに存在意義は有りません!多分>2度と行かないよ?スマホ・ガラホも買いに行かないよ?遠くても 評判の良いショップへ行きますよ? 近所にーー 小牧のアオキスーパー前のショップも有りますが(経営母体は犬山とは違うらしい。) 安心出来る親切なショップ?は近所なら>《ドコモショップ扶桑店》さん がまだ “親切そうな店員さん” が居そうですね…✨(扶桑さんは 小牧ショップと同じ経営母体>結局>扶桑店さん で電池?取り寄せて頂きました)感謝☆ 安心☆安全✨?笑
Inuyama Goromaru Shop Ha> [Absolutely! ] You should quit ~. (It hasn't had a good reputation since the time of Inuyama city before the move ...?) Because it's so unfriendly > I don't have a family > I made a fool of the elderly if I didn't go online > It's like looking at my feet > Isn't it a business? Immediately> Will you get caught? Sweat lol I can use the feature phone until 2026 There is a male clerk who was educated to tell a lie that an elderly person> F-17 battery ? (for a feature phone that is still easy to use) and asks for it, "I don't manufacture it anymore (so> I can't get it)". So please be careful ?✨ (Regular price F-17> 1,540 yen (shipping fee not included) can still be purchased at DoCoMo's direct sales online shop) As of 2021.11.18 There is no point in existence in a docomo shop that cannot be ordered! Maybe> I'll never go again? Don't you go buy your smartphone or galaho? Do you go to a reputable shop even if you are far away? In the neighborhood There is also a shop in front of Aoki Super in Komaki (the management body seems to be different from Inuyama). A kind shop where you can rest assured? If you are in the neighborhood> > seems to still have a “kind-looking clerk” ... Thanks ☆ Safe ☆ Safe ✨?lol

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