Deitona - Okayama

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Deitona

住所 :

161-3 Fukuda, Minami Ward, Okayama, 702-8021, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 702-8021
Webサイト :

161-3 Fukuda, Minami Ward, Okayama, 702-8021, Japan
Takashi Yamada on Google

Good American office for taking care of e90 lights. The price was conscientious and saved.
Kazuyoshi Ono on Google

It is a used car shop with an in-house maintenance factory that boasts safe maintenance technology from imported cars to domestic cars that introduce expensive car-mounted computer testers.
TB on Google

オイル交換にて伺いました。 丁寧な対応で安心できました。
I asked for an oil change. I was relieved by the polite response.
町の時計屋さん on Google

The worst shop. I don't have much knowledge about setting up a homepage like a specialty store, so I don't have enough explanation. I'm suspicious that it was properly inspected. It is a shop that you should never go to.
z345 on Google

She helped me while riding a car. The customer is treated carefully and the cost is reasonable. He / she will be more friendly than foreign car dealers.
K M on Google

飛び入りネットで、探して行きました。 プジョーかかえる問題であるAL4オートマ、部品持ち込みで、こころよく交換修理していただきました。 技術力もあり、価格も良心的で感動いたしました。待合のルームが、アメリカンな雰囲気で、タイヤ交換、オイル交換など、少し待ってと言う作業の時も、スマホやパソコン持って暇がつぶせそうです。オススメですよ。大切な趣味車のメンテは、ここが一番、
I looked for it on the jump-in net. The AL4 automa, which is a problem with Peugeot, brought in parts and repaired it with great care. I was impressed with the technical capabilities and the conscientious price. The waiting room has an American atmosphere, and even when you are waiting for a while, such as changing tires or changing oil, you can spend your time with a smartphone or computer. I recommend it. This is the most important hobby car maintenance,
柴福 on Google

ディーラーに3件行ってわからなかった不具合の原因が、マフラーを分解してもらって判明しました。 しかもその時は料金がかかりませんでした。 後日持ち込みで交換してもらいました。 とても良心的で熱心なお店です。
The cause of the trouble that the dealer did not understand three cases was found by disassembling the muffler. Moreover, there was no charge at that time. I had it brought in at a later date and exchanged it. It is a very conscientious and enthusiastic shop.
福田三男 on Google

アメ車の整備・点検の信頼できる店舗のようです。軽四の車検で利用しましたが、親切で丁寧な感じがしました。子供が近くから車の下側が見えて興奮していました!! 店内駐車場にでいとなのロゴが入った黄色い車などがあります。道路からは何度も見たことのあるお店でしたが入ってみるとオールディーズの雰囲気の店内は居心地がいい。おしゃれ男子が好きそうなカフェバー風です。 もちろん整備の方もきちんとしてくださってました。業務用の社用車の点検・整備もされていました。店内入口の棚には鈴鹿の何かのレースのカップとかが並んでいました。車好きにもそうじゃなくてもいいお店だと思います。
It seems to be a reliable store for maintenance and inspection of American car. I used it for a car inspection of Karushi, but it felt kind and polite. The child was excited to see the underside of the car from near!! There is a yellow car with a big dog logo on the parking lot. It's a shop I've seen many times from the road, but when I enter it, the shop has an oldies atmosphere and is very comfortable. It's a cafe bar style that fashionable boys seem to like. Of course, the person in charge of maintenance was also nice. The company car for business was also inspected and maintained. On the shelves at the entrance of the store, there were some Suzuka lace cups lined up. I think it is a good shop for car lovers as well.

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