
4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact さくら鍼灸整骨院金沢八景院

住所 :

Deiki, Kanazawa Ward, Yokohama, 〒236-0021 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : http://sakuramedical-group.co.jp/kanazawahakkei/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–1PM
Sunday 9AM–1PM
Monday 9AM–1PM
Tuesday 9AM–1PM
Wednesday 9AM–1PM
Thursday 9AM–1PM
Friday 9AM–1PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Deiki, Kanazawa Ward, Yokohama, 〒236-0021 Kanagawa,Japan
スナッチ on Google

寝違えで丸一日首が動かせなくなったのと1ヶ月ほど酷い頭痛に悩んでいたのですが、こちらにお世話になり今では首の痛みも頭痛も治ってすっかり良くなりました。 痛みの原因やそれを治すための施術内容についても丁寧に説明して頂いて安心して受けることが出来ました。 今後も通い続けたいと思います。
I had been suffering from a severe headache for about a month because I couldn't move my neck for a whole day because I fell asleep, but now that I have been taken care of, my neck pain and headache have improved. I was able to receive it with peace of mind by carefully explaining the cause of the pain and the content of the treatment to cure it. I would like to continue to attend.
e yama on Google

We had a careful counseling at the first time, and performed postpartum pelvic correction and inner muscle training. Pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding have made life easier by relaxing the stiff and leaning body! You can visit with a stroller, so it was saved without having to search for a depository one by one!
Akane M on Google

It was used for postpartum pelvic correction. About a month after I started going, I could feel that my pelvis was tightening. I also do inner training, so I feel that my core is solid and my posture is improving. I am very grateful that even if I took two children with me, they played with me and talked to me.
LeaLea MAKI on Google

バスケ中に息子が捻挫をしてお世話になりました。歩けない程の捻挫でしたが、ハイボルト治療をしていただき、なんと1週間で完治。バスケにも復帰する事が出来ました。 先生もバスケに詳しく、勉強になるお話しを沢山聞けます。またケガをしてしまった時にはお世話になりたいです。
My son was sprained during basketball and was taken care of. It was a sprain that I couldn't walk, but after receiving high-bolt treatment, it was completely cured in a week. I was able to return to basketball. The teacher is also familiar with basketball and can listen to many stories that will be useful for studying. I would like to take care of you if you get injured again.
aiko on Google

いつも丁寧に施術してくださいます。 仕事柄腰や肩がすぐ痛くなってしまうのですが定期的に通うことで少しずつ改善してきました。 これからも通わせていただきます。
Please treat me carefully at all times. My back and shoulders hurt quickly, but I have improved little by little by going regularly. I will continue to attend.
midochan y on Google

すごい親身に診ていただいて、まだ、治療していただいてますが、とても親切丁寧に治療をしてもらっています。 診察中も、ためになる話や日常会話まで楽しく会話してくれます。 受付の方も雰囲気が良く受け答えをしてくれて、安心して通えます。 急なキャンセルもたいおうしてくれるので、安心して治療をお任せできます。
I have been treated with great kindness, and I am still being treated, but I am being treated very kindly and politely. Even during the medical examination, you can enjoy talking about useful stories and daily conversations. The receptionist also has a nice atmosphere and answers, so you can go there with confidence. You can also take care of sudden cancellations, so you can leave the treatment to us with confidence.
Yurie Akiyama on Google

産後の腱鞘炎の治療・産後骨盤矯正からお世話になり、産後8ヶ月の今もインナーマッスルEMSトレーニングを続けつつ定期的にお世話になっています。 施術は毎回的確で辛い痛みを解決してくださるので、とても助かります! あかちゃんと一緒に伺える点もとてもありがたいです。 施術技術と効果がとても高いので母や主人にもすすめお世話になっています。
I have been indebted to the treatment of postpartum tendonitis and postpartum pelvic correction, and I am indebted to him regularly while continuing the inner muscle EMS training even now, 8 months after giving birth. Every treatment is accurate and solves painful pain, which is very helpful! I am very grateful that I can visit with Aka-chan. The treatment technique and effectiveness are very high, so I recommend it to my mother and my husband as well.
チョコクッキー on Google

産後3年程、片足の付け根が痛くて我慢しながら生活をしていた私を救ってくれました。骨盤矯正、インナーマッスルEMSトレーニング、筋トレの方法を教えて頂き、今も通院中です。 最初は痛くて痛くて大変でしたが、だんだんと痛みが取れてきてラクになってきました。 姿勢が悪く猫背ぎみだったのが改善してきて、お腹も凹みだし、脂肪が減ってきました。 産後骨盤矯正の大切さを実感しました。
About three years after giving birth, he saved me from having a pain in the base of one leg and living with patience. I was taught how to correct the pelvis, inner muscle EMS training, and muscle training, and I am still going to the hospital. At first it was painful and painful and difficult, but gradually the pain was getting better and it became easier. My bad posture and stooping have improved, my stomach is dented, and my fat has decreased. I realized the importance of postpartum pelvic correction.

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