おぼんdeごはん 名古屋ラシック店 - Nagoya

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact おぼんdeごはん 名古屋ラシック店

住所 :

Sakae, Naka Ward, Nagoya, 〒460-0008 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8879
Postal code : 460-0008
Webサイト : https://byo.co.jp/obon-de-gohan/
街 : Aichi

Sakae, Naka Ward, Nagoya, 〒460-0008 Aichi,Japan
さと on Google

ご飯は美味しかったのですが、駐車券をだしたのに駐車場の支払いの時に割引が効いてなくてとっても残念でした!! 新人さんっぽい男の人が教えてもらいながらレジしてましたけど。
The rice was delicious, but I was very disappointed that the discount did not work when I paid for the parking lot even though I issued a parking ticket! !! I was registering while a newcomer-like man taught me.
Prune Prune on Google

ランチで利用しました。 写真はお肉の定食です。お魚の定食、お肉とお魚両方の定食もあります。美味しかったです。お豆腐、枝豆のポテトサラダ、野菜サラダ、香の物、お味噌汁と、少量ずつですが、いろいろ食べられて満足できました。ご飯は後刻ひじきご飯にかえることができます。味もよく、特にお味噌汁は出汁がよくきいていて美味しいです。 席に着くとまずアレルギー表を見るか聞かれます。 お願いすると、特定原材料7品目に加えて20品目のアレルゲンが、メニューに含まれているかどうか、表形式で書いてあるファイルを渡していただけました。 ファミレスや回転寿司の大手チェーン以外で見たのは初めてだったので、感動しました。 残念ながら、小麦がアレルゲンだと、白いご飯と鮭の塩麹焼きしか食べられる物はありませんでしたが、他のアレルギーであれば、何かしら食べられる物があるのではないかと思います。
I used it for lunch. The photo is a set meal of meat. There is also a set meal of fish and both meat and fish. It was delicious. Tofu, edamame potato salad, vegetable salad, pickled vegetables and miso soup were added in small amounts, but I was satisfied with the variety. Rice can be changed later to Hijiki rice. The taste is good, especially the miso soup, which has a good soup stock and is delicious. When you get to your seat, you will first be asked if you want to see the allergy chart. I asked you to give me a file that lists in table format whether 20 items of allergens are included in addition to 7 items of specified raw materials. I was impressed because it was the first time I've seen it outside a major chain of family restaurants or conveyor belt sushi. Unfortunately, if wheat was an allergen, only white rice and salmon with salted malt could be eaten, but if you have other allergies, I think there is something you can eat.
ヒラタトモミ on Google

I think the customer service and taste were good.
nna an on Google

You can get full. Tartar sauce has a unique taste and makes you feel hungry ... It seems to be balanced and not so. I made a mistake in choosing a store ?
腹ぺこライターじん on Google

ランチで利用しました。 ダイエット中で外食を諦めてましたが、ひじきご飯を少なめにして、魚や豆腐をメインにオーダー。 薄味で身体に優しい味! 値段も手頃なので、10代の女の子が多かったです。大体¥1,200〜1,500-くらい。デザートのそば粉クレープも美味しそうでした。
I used it for lunch. I gave up eating out while I was on a diet, but I ordered less hijiki rice and mainly fish and tofu. Light and body-friendly taste! The prices were reasonable, so there were many teenage girls. About ¥ 1,200-1,500-. The buckwheat crepe for dessert also looked delicious.
みんみん1号 on Google

ラシック7階にあります。 普段のランチはラシックの7、8階にはほとんど来ない。 平均単価が高いので。 でも、今日はなんとなく来てしまいました。 そして、なんとなく入ってしまったのがこちら。 店名で和食かと思いましたから。 頼んだのは、マーマレード照り焼き定食とあんみつ苺とマスカルポーネです。 結局1870円になり、どこかで締めなきゃいけなくなりました(泣) マーマレード照り焼きは、マーマレードの香り、味共に皆無。 代わりに鶏肉の臭みだけ際立つもので、サラダも乾いていて、チープなものです。 私の口には合いませんでした。 あんみつは、思ったよりは美味しかった。餡は市販だと思うし、寒天も市販でしょう。 だから、無難に美味しかったのかもね。
Located on the 7th floor of LACHIC. I rarely come to LACHIC's 7th and 8th floors for lunch. Because the average unit price is high. But I somehow came today. And here is the one that somehow entered. I thought it was Japanese food by the name of the store. I ordered a marmalade teriyaki set meal, anmitsu strawberries and mascarpone. After all, it was 1870 yen, and I had to tighten it somewhere (crying). Marmalade teriyaki has no marmalade scent or taste. Instead, only the smell of chicken stands out, and the salad is dry and cheap. It didn't fit my mouth. Anmitsu was better than I expected. I think bean paste is on the market, and agar is also on the market. So maybe it was delicious.
さほ on Google

I often go there because I can have a delicious set meal at a reasonable price. It doesn't take long for the food to come out, so it's also helpful when you want to finish your meal quickly at the end of shopping. The set meals range from meat and fish to udon and rice bowls, so I'm happy that the whole family can enjoy the meal. This five-grain hijiki rice is delicious, so children who usually like white rice will always get five-grain hijiki rice when they come here. There are several menus of seasonal ingredients for each season, so I'm looking forward to that too, but this time it was yellowtail. This time, I had a bowl of yellowtail pickled in yuzu kosho, which was also delicious. He said he is also taking out, so I would like to use it next time.
dee geo on Google

To be fair the food was good. I have been a regular customer of the JR gate towers branch of the same restaurant. No complaints about the food. But this one has a terrible staffing problem. There was just one staff to attend a restaurant of more than 10 tables and we couldn't even manage to get a refill of the drinking water!! To make things worse the call button on our table wasn't working. One of us had to leave the place without finishing her food as we had waited for 30 minutes before getting the food we ordered. And we just ordered the set lunch during the lunch time!!! In short if you have all the time in the world, you can probably enjoy the food.

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