DCM Kahma Shizuoka Yanagicho shop - Shizuoka

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact DCM Kahma Shizuoka Yanagicho shop

26 Yanagicho, Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, 420-0007, Japan
miyuki takasu on Google

Especially the gardening is fulfilling. I'd like to be able to make a QR code payment.
調査 on Google

出入口に赤い服を着た 連中の営業がうざい。 しつこく話しかけてくる。 無視したが最後に小馬鹿に するような笑い方をされた。 こちらは何もしていないのに何故 そんな扱いを受けなければならないのか。
I wore red clothes at the doorway Their business is annoying. I talk to you persistently. I ignored it, but at the end I was a fool I was laughing like I was. Why is this not doing anything Do I have to be treated like that?
山田マキ(エース) on Google

It is a DIY home improvement store. Kama also sells many original products, and because it is a private brand, similar products are cheap. However, since the location of the store is personally inconvenient even in Shizuoka city, I usually go to a nearby home center, but I go when I buy things that can only be placed in Kama.
樹里 on Google

When I didn't know where it was, the clerk politely told me, and when the item was expensive, he introduced me to a cheap item.
川安田 on Google

ボタン電池を買いに行きました 店員さんやレジさんの対応が素晴らしい?相川さんが対応してくれました 1個しかなかったので在庫確認から 取寄せましょうかと素晴らしい対応です 流石カーマ?
I went to buy a button battery The correspondence of the clerk and the cashier is wonderful ? Mr. Aikawa responded Since there was only one, from the inventory check It ’s a wonderful response to order. As expected Kama ?
戸塚勇一 on Google

自分の中でカインズとカーマがごっちゃになってる。 店舗は狭くなくだいたいはあるのかな。たぶん。 まあデザインがどうとかで買うようなものはあまりホームセンターにはいかんし。
Cainz and Kama are messed up in me. I wonder if the stores are not small and usually there. perhaps. Well, there aren't many things that you can buy at home improvement stores.
A j on Google

3万程度のママチャリで最初からBBのベアリングガコッとなる時があるものを掴んでしまった 購入から店を出るまでタイヤの空気を入れるだけ、自転車屋と同じレベルを期待するのは駄目だ
I grabbed something that sometimes became a BB bearing from the beginning with a mamachari of about 30,000 You can't expect the same level as a bike shop just by inflating the tires from purchase to leaving the store.
Jovie Sisik on Google

Pretty big place to find almost anything.

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