東鮨 新店

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 東鮨 新店

住所 :

Daimoncho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0846 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
街 : Saitama

Daimoncho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0846 Saitama,Japan
水澤敬二 on Google

宿題店でしたが、都内在住ですし、定年暮らしだし、行けるかなあと思っていたら妻が浦和迄車を出してほしいとの要望を言って来ました。ピ~ンとアンテナが反応し快諾、やっと訪問出来ました。私は1000円ランチの14貫握り。妻は同じ1000円ランチの天然インドマグロの鉄火丼を頂きました。コスパ最高です。ネタも豊富で新鮮だし、酢飯もまあまあ? ガリもケチらないし、シジミの味噌汁もついてました。近所な似た感じの店も多く、駅からもすごく近いし、ライバル達と頑張って皆がレベルアップしていると思います。 大食い犬の私は量がもうチョイと思い増したが、大盛りの相談にも乗ってくれるそうです。ランチビール(生)も300円でしたが、車だったので断念。次は電車でライバル店も含めて訪問したいです。
It was a homework shop, but I live in Tokyo, live at retirement age, and when I was wondering if I could go, my wife asked me to leave the car to Urawa. Pean and the antenna reacted and agreed, and finally I was able to visit. I have 14 pieces of 1000 yen lunch. My wife had the same 1000 yen lunch of natural Indian tuna tekkadon. Cospa is the best. The ingredients are abundant and fresh, and the vinegared rice is ok ? The gari wasn't stingy, and the clam miso soup was also included. There are many similar shops in the neighborhood, and it's very close to the station, so I think everyone is working hard with their rivals to improve their level. As a big-eating dog, I'm surprised that the amount is already good, but he seems to be able to give me a lot of consultation. Lunch beer (raw) was also 300 yen, but I gave up because it was a car. Next time, I would like to visit the rival stores by train.
わんちきちゃん on Google

I visited in July last year and ordered a handful of lunch. I was worried at first because I had never seen red rice sushi, but I thought it was recommended because it was delicious. However, the intimidating attitude of the female clerk at the store was subtle, so I set it to 3 stars for the time being.
高橋まる on Google

2022/03/08初訪問 税込み1000円は信じられない。とても良かった。赤身と白身で酢飯使い分けてるのが凄い。赤酢の酸味が鮪と鰹によく合う、特に本鮪の赤身の漬けが素晴らしい。次は鉄火丼にする。味噌汁も良かった。ボタン海老の頭使用とは。それにしても、大宮のランチ鮨は凄いね。ただ今日いろいろ見て、やっぱり鮨だけじゃないね。大宮ランチは日本一かもしれない。まだまだ楽しめそうでなにより、嬉しいね。
2022/03/08 First visit: 1000 yen including tax is unbelievable. It was very good. It is amazing to use vinegared rice properly for red and white. The acidity of red vinegar goes well with tuna and bonito, especially the pickled red tuna. Next is Tekkadon. Miso soup was also good. What is the use of Botan shrimp head? Even so, Omiya's lunch sushi is amazing. But looking at various things today, it's not just sushi. Omiya lunch may be the best in Japan. I'm glad that I can still enjoy it.
junyao on Google

先日知り合いから 「大宮で寿司を食べるならここがお薦めだよ」 と言われていた、こちらの店で本日のランチ❗ 『にぎり14貫@東鮨・大宮』 回転寿司くらいの一口サイズで、赤シャリと白シャリと使われている。 ・マグロ ・イカ ・マグロ ・エビ ・カツオ ・ホッキ貝 ・カニ ・ハマチ ・サーモン ・アナゴ ・玉子 ・〆イワシ ・カズノコ ・イクラ ・のり巻き(カッパ・カンピョウ・玉子) ・シジミ味噌汁 14貫で千円と、 ランチタイムの寿司屋はかなりのお得感? 美味しくいただきました⭐ ( ̄∇ ̄*)ゞ 2022.03.28
From an acquaintance the other day "If you want to eat sushi in Omiya, this is the place to go." Today's lunch at this shop that was said to be ❗ "Onigiri 14 Kan @ Tosushi / Omiya" It is bite-sized, about the size of conveyor belt sushi, and is used with red and white rice. ·Tuna ·squid ·Tuna ·shrimp ・ Skipjack ・ Spisula ·crab ・ Yellowtail ·Salmon ·eel ·egg ・ 〆Iwashi ・ Kazunoko ·salmon roe ・ Norimaki (kappa, kanpyo, egg) ・ Shijimi miso soup 14 pieces for 1,000 yen, Lunchtime sushi restaurant is a great deal ? It was delicious ⭐ ( ̄∇ ̄ *) ゞ 2022.03.28
新井悟 on Google

定期的に利用してます! にぎり14貫で1000円! 安定した美味しさです! シャリが少し多めでしょうか、他のお店では物足りなさがありますがここは満足できます! たまには他のも食べてみようかと思います(^^)
I use it regularly! 14 pieces of rice balls for 1000 yen! It's a stable taste! Maybe it's a little more sushi rice, but it's not enough at other shops, but I'm satisfied here! I think I'll try other foods once in a while (^^)
haku haku on Google

金曜日のお昼時にランチ目当てで行きました。開店前に行ったのですが開店した頃には行列ができてました。 その光景に期待しながらお店に入って14貫のランチ握りとランチビールわ頼みました。結論から言うとこれで1300円はお得過ぎる。内訳は握りが1000円でビールが300円です。 どのネタも新鮮でマグロも美味しかったですしシャリは赤酢と通常の酢をネタによって使い分ける拘り用。また、職人さんが握っている姿を見ながら食べることで更なる満足感が。お店は開店直後にほぼ満席になっていましたが納得です。というかこれで元が取れてるのか心配になります。しかし大宮のあちこちで1000円前後のランチ合戦が行われているようですね。消費者から見ると助かりますが何か複雑な感じがします。 今度は夜に伺いたいですね。ご馳走様でした。
I went for lunch on Friday at noon. I went there before the store opened, but by the time it opened, there was a line. Expecting the sight, I entered the shop and ordered 14 pieces of lunch and lunch beer. From the conclusion, 1300 yen is too profitable with this. The breakdown is 1000 yen for a handful and 300 yen for beer. All the ingredients were fresh and the tuna was delicious, and the sushi rice was made with red vinegar and regular vinegar depending on the ingredients. In addition, you can feel more satisfied by eating while watching the craftsman's grip. The store was almost full right after it opened, but I'm convinced. Or rather, I'm worried if this will pay off. However, it seems that lunch battles of around 1000 yen are being held here and there in Omiya. From the consumer's point of view, it helps, but it feels complicated. I would like to visit you at night this time. It was a treat.
Nelson Wan on Google

Tasty Sushi with good price, 1000 yen for what I showed in the photo. I can eat it all day.
mike hangover on Google

Taste 5 Atmosphere 4 Volume 5 Value 5 Service 5

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