レイワ不動産 大国町店

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

大阪のペット可物件・不動産(賃貸マンション)|レイワ不動産 - Reiwa-fudosan.net


Contact レイワ不動産 大国町店

住所 :

Daikoku, Naniwa Ward, 〒556-0014 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://www.reiwa-fudosan.net/
街 : Osaka

Daikoku, Naniwa Ward, 〒556-0014 Osaka,Japan
Yoppii on Google

Thank you for your polite guidance from the beginning to the end, including Mr. Fujita in charge and other staff members. Thanks to you, I was able to meet a good property! !! I look forward to working with you next time ^^
池田岳男 on Google

先週、引っ越しをしたいけど自分の希望条件が何点かあったので、あまり期待せずにお伺いしました。 対応して頂いた店長の石田さんは、話し方も丁寧な上、私の希望条件を満たしている物件を見つけてくれて、あっさり契約をする事になったのですが 少しでも出費を減らせるようにと管理会社と交渉してもらったりと、こちらの期待以上の対応をして頂き感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。 引っ越しをしたい友達がいたら、このお店をぜひ紹介したいですね!
Last week, I wanted to move, but I had some requirements, so I didn't expect much. Mr. Ishida, the store manager who responded, spoke politely and found a property that met my desired conditions, so I decided to make a contract easily. I am very grateful for the response that exceeded my expectations, such as negotiating with the management company so that I could reduce my expenses as much as possible. If you have a friend who wants to move, I would love to introduce you to this shop!
眞鍋悠未 on Google

事情が有りすぐに契約出来ないが何件か内見をした上で、契約した場合の見積もりを算出して欲しいというこちらの勝手な申し出に対し、嫌な顔一つせず快諾しご案内して下さいました。 内見時かなり時間を割いて頂いたと思うのですが、急かす様な事は一切無く。 お部屋のメリットデメリットを上げて一緒に考えて下さり助かりました。 契約の際のやり取りも最初から最後まで迅速丁寧にご対応頂き、有り難う御座いました。
I can't sign the contract right away due to circumstances, but after making some preliminary inspections, I will accept and guide you without a disgusting face to this selfish offer to calculate the estimate when you sign the contract. Thank you. I think you took a lot of time during the preview, but there was nothing to hurry. It was helpful to raise the advantages and disadvantages of the room and think together. Thank you for your prompt and courteous response from the beginning to the end of the contract.
bubu in on Google

初めての一人暮らしで分からない事ばかりだったのですが担当して下さった方がとても素敵な方で丁寧に沢山教えて下さり安心できました! 不動産の方はすぐに!と焦らされるイメージだったのですがゆっくり色々考えて親身になって下さり有り難かったですm(_ _)m また周りでお部屋探しで悩んでいる方が居ればご紹介させて頂ければと思います♪ 本当にありがとうございました⭐︎
It was my first time living alone and I didn't understand everything, but the person in charge was a very nice person and I was relieved that he taught me a lot carefully! The real estate person had the image of being impatient immediately, but I was grateful for the slow thoughts and kindness. M (_ _) m Also, if there are people around you who are having trouble finding a room, I would like to introduce them ♪ Thank you very much ⭐︎
ふぁいそん on Google

店長の石田さんがすごく丁寧で、 リモート内覧なども多くの箇所行って いただき凄く助かりました! ビデオ電話で部屋の間取りとか家賃とか 自分の都合に合わせてもらい相談もしやすく とてもよかったです!おすすめです!
The manager, Mr. Ishida, is very polite. I also went to many places such as remote viewing Thank you very much for your help! Room layout or rent by videophone It's easy to get a consultation at your convenience It was very good! it's recommended!
Natsu Takano on Google

店長さんに対応してもらいました。 管理会社との交渉や質問にとても力になってもらいました。 入居後も非常に頼りになって相談に乗ってくれたり親身になってくださって、他の不動産屋さんと沢山話してきましたがレイワさんが1番信頼できるところだな、と感じたので決めました。 お店の人も感じがよく、満足する物件に住むことができたので本当に選んでよかったです。みなさま本当にありがとうございました!!友人が引っ越しする時はめちゃくちゃオススメさせてもらいます!!
I had the store manager respond. The negotiations and questions with the management company helped me a lot. Even after moving in, he was very reliable and helpful, and I talked a lot with other real estate agents, but I felt that Reiwa was the most reliable place, so I decided. I did. The shop staff also felt good and I was able to live in a satisfying property, so I'm really glad I chose it. Thank you very much to everyone! !! When my friend moves, I really recommend it! !!
Mariya Kobayashi on Google

Ishida San is the best realtor I’ve ever had!!! He’s so nice and helpful. I recommend this place for everyone nihonjin to foreigners! Please come here!
Amandine Nakasone on Google

Amazing service! Even with my limitedJapanese abilities, they were very helpful!

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