
2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 岩武耳鼻咽喉科医院

住所 :

Dai, Kamakura, 〒247-0061 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87977
Webサイト : https://iwatake-ent.jp/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Dai, Kamakura, 〒247-0061 Kanagawa,Japan
清水紅仁(kuni) on Google

When I didn't get through well for a year, I was angry that I should come more often. When I went to another hospital, I was immediately called surgery and performed surgery.
杉山慶行 on Google

Never listen to the patient's opinion. He wanted to prescribe a liquid drug that was not a powder, but was not able to change it. Other clinics could change to liquid type. I can't take the powder medicine, so I asked him to change it, but I don't seem to understand the patient's feelings.
Y O on Google

I think my arms are good. It will give you proper treatment to the back of your nose. It's always crowded, but I'm glad you can make reservations online. Since I am a fast-paced teacher, I have to arrange my head and have a medical examination ^^;
恋は各駅停車 on Google

待合室の液晶画面に、待ち人数と待ち時間、今の受付番号が常に表示されているのであとどの位で順番が来るかの目安になるので良かった。 インターネットで受付番号の予約や現在の番号の確認が出来るみたいなので便利です。
It was good to see how many orders would come if the number of waiting people, waiting time, and current reception number were always displayed on the LCD screen of the waiting room. It is convenient because you can check the reception number and check the current number on the Internet.
a6903239 on Google

I was consulted with hay fever several years ago. This teacher may have been busy getting irritated during the season, but it was the first time he was obsessed as a patient. . . Shine your personality before medical.
mino mania on Google

僕はこの先生がお気に入り♪ 花粉の時期にはいつも助けて貰ってます(^^)
I like this teacher ♪ I always get help during the pollen season (^^)
リンセン on Google

耳が聞こえにくくなり通っていました 突発性の難聴ということでしばらく通っていましたが、これ以上通院しても変わらないと言われやめました。 他の病院に行ったら聴神経腫瘍という脳腫瘍ができており、手術しましたが右耳は失聴しました。 もう少し早く見つかれば失聴しなくて済んだと言われました。脳腫瘍の可能性があるなら説明して欲しかった。 耳鳴りが酷かったので「耳の中で水がながれる音がする」と説明したら「その音は僕には聞こえないから」と信じられない対応。なぜいつも患者さんがいるのか不思議です。
It was hard to hear I had been attending for a while because of sudden hearing loss, but I was told that it wouldn't change even if I went to the hospital any more. When I went to another hospital, I had a brain tumor called an acoustic nerve tumor, and I had an operation, but my right ear was deaf. I was told that if I found it a little earlier, I wouldn't have lost my hearing. I wanted you to explain if there is a possibility of a brain tumor. The ringing in my ears was so bad that I couldn't believe it because I couldn't hear the sound when I explained that there was a sound of water flowing in my ears. I wonder why there are always patients.
ちいこ on Google

長く続く咳が止まらなくて一度行きました、喉もおかしいと言ったら何故か鼻からカメラを入れられ何でもないと言われました。自分の周りの人から咳が気になると言われて先生に聞いたら「人が気になっても自分が気になってないなら別にいいんじゃない」と冷たく言われました。その後良い先生がいて 逆流性食道炎と分かり薬を出してもらって咳がピタッと止まりました 良いクチコミしか書いていなかったから行ったのに失敗でした。今は良い先生に見てもらってラッキーです ちなみにカメラ入れられたのを今の先生に聞いたのですが不思議だねって言っていました。その分料金払うのに最悪でした。先生も怒りやすいタイプなのか初めてなのに上から目線で常に怒られました。この先生をいい人と書かれている方は患者さんなのかなぁ?
I went once because I couldn't stop coughing for a long time. When I said that my throat was strange, I was told that I could put the camera through my nose and nothing happened. When people around me told me that I was worried about coughing, I was coldly told by the teacher, "If people care about me but I don't care about myself, it's okay." Then there was a good teacher I found out that I had reflux esophagitis, and when I was given medicine, my cough stopped suddenly. I went there because I wrote only good reviews, but I failed. I'm lucky to have a good teacher look at me now By the way, I asked my current teacher that the camera was put in, but he said it was strange. It was the worst to pay for that. Even though it was my first time to be a type of teacher who was easy to get angry, I was always angry from the top. Is the person who describes this teacher as a good person a patient?

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