Crystal Family Clinics - Tokai

3.7/5 に基づく 7 レビュー

Contact Crystal Family Clinics

住所 :

Massaki-79-1 Kagiyamachi, Tokai, Aichi 477-0032, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 477-0032
Webサイト :

Massaki-79-1 Kagiyamachi, Tokai, Aichi 477-0032, Japan
Andrea Franzoni on Google

É muito boa essa clínica
This clinic is very good
西村研二(けんこぺ) on Google

親身になってくれる 女医さんです
A female doctor who is kind to me
大西成幸 on Google

最低最悪危険なクリニックでした! 診療方法の説明を求めたところ、いきなり女の院長が出て来て他の患者さんがいるのにもかかわらず大声で怒鳴りつけられしまいには110番通報されました! 患者が医療方法について説明を求めるのは間違いでしょうか? 医師には説明責任があると思うんですが、、、なぜ110番通報?
It was the worst and most dangerous clinic! When I asked for an explanation of the medical treatment method, a female director suddenly came out and yelled at me despite the fact that there were other patients, and I was called 110! Is it wrong for patients to ask for explanations about medical methods? I think the doctor is accountable, but why call 110?
天狐 on Google

I went to the hospital for 7 years, but it was a misdiagnosis of the name of the disease and a large number of oral prescriptions. Instead of recovering from the symptoms, the symptoms worsened and I was suspicious. It is said that it is good if you take the prescribed internal medicine as directed, and if you stop taking it, your symptoms will get worse! There is an unusually high number of medical examinations in which the patient feels uneasy. I went to the hospital for 7 years, without any doubt, but I was disliked by the attitude of the woman doctor who was too terrible, now I changed to another hospital, and the name of the illness that was told by this woman doctor was totally misdiagnosed. Then, after I found out that the internal use was not suitable at all, and changed to another hospital, the painful symptoms so far disappeared and improved. It was a really horrible hospital.
早川美紀 on Google

110番の書き込みのかた、たぶん私が居合わせたかただと思うんですが・・ 入り口を入ってきたときから、受付の人に強い口調だったり、看護婦さんたちにも大声で同じ言葉を繰り返してるし、待合室にいた私は少し怖いなと思って見ていました。 そのかたの近くで待っていた人も、場所を移動したりして・・ 先生も含めて何人もの人が対応してましたが、診察も進まないし、おさまる様子がなかったので、警察を呼ぶことになったみたいです。 最近はお店とかでも大声で文句を言ってる人をみかけるし、行きつけの病院に怖いかたがいると行きづらいので、私としては毅然とした対応にほっとしました。 他に待っていた人たちも、みんな安心した感じでした。 これからも安心して通院できそうです。
The person who wrote 110, I think I was there ... From the time I entered the entrance, I had a strong tone to the receptionist and repeated the same words to the nurses in a loud voice, and when I was in the waiting room, I thought I was a little scared. People who were waiting near that person also moved to another place ... A number of people, including the teacher, responded, but the medical examination did not proceed and it did not seem to be settled, so it seems that he decided to call the police. Recently, I've seen people complaining loudly in shops, and it's hard to go to the hospital I go to if I'm scared, so I was relieved to take a resolute response. The other people who were waiting were all relieved. It seems that I can go to the hospital with confidence in the future.
古田義昭 on Google

取り留めのなく症状を話しても、最後までしっかり聞いてくれる先生です。 自分も娘も通っていますが、3歳の娘にも目線を合わせて、娘自身の言葉を聞こうとしてくれます。 以前は病院嫌いだった娘も、「みか先生のところに行く」と自分で言い出すようになりました。 子供に出された粉薬も美味しいようで、進んで飲んでくれます。 病院に行くたびに、なだめてすかして・・が必要なくなり、楽になりました。 自分自身も、子供のついでに診てもらうことができるので、とても助かっています。
Even if you talk about symptoms without stopping, he is a teacher who listens to the end. Both my daughter and my daughter are attending, but she also looks at her 3-year-old daughter and tries to listen to her. My daughter, who hated the hospital in the past, started to say, "Go to Mika-sensei." The powder given to the child seems to be delicious and willing to drink. Every time I went to the hospital, I no longer needed to calm down and became comfortable. I am very helpful because I can see my child as well.
無夢mumu on Google

誰にでも自信を持って良い女医さんで 良い看護師さん達だと オススメしたい病院です!! もう私は何年お世話になっていることか… 祖母が高齢になるまで他医院では発見されなかった病まで 見つけて治療してくださいました。 クリニックの先生には感謝することばかり… こなにも患者さんに対して親身で優しくて いつも全力で治療をしてくださる先生は他にいないと思います! もう他の病院の治療では うちの家族は満足できません! これからもずっとお世話になりたいと思っています。
A good female doctor with confidence for everyone Good nurses It is a hospital I would like to recommend! !! How many years have I already taken care of ... Until the grandmother gets old I found and treated me. I just thank the clinic teacher ... I am kind and kind to the patient I don't think there is any other teacher who will always do my best! In other hospital treatment My family is not happy! I would like to continue to take care of you.

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