Coop Zeze - Otsu

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Coop Zeze

住所 :

1-1 Tatsugaoka, Otsu, Shiga 520-0803, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 520-0803
Webサイト :

1-1 Tatsugaoka, Otsu, Shiga 520-0803, Japan
Hid Hos on Google

三重県四日市市から単身赴任で来たが、四日市市内のAコープと比べて野菜がべらぼうに高くて驚いた。コープなのにどういう事?と思った。 産直コーナには客は道の駅程度の価格を期待するが、容赦なく2倍程度の値付け。 肉も高め。 一方良い点も。大山乳業製品(乳飲料、アイスクリーム、洋菓子、ヨーグルト、バター)が手軽に買えるのはファンとしては有難いことこの上ない。白バラ牛乳は鳥取県内の価格とはいかないが1Lパックが成城石井より50円安く買える。またPBの牛乳も製造元=大山乳業のがあり。 また総菜・弁当は価格が普通の割にこだわりを感じる。但し寿司類は高め。 この店は客に自炊をさせたくないのだろうか?という価格設定。もしそういう意図であれば支持するかも。
I came from Yokkaichi City, Mie Prefecture, by myself, but I was surprised that the vegetables were much higher than A-COOP in Yokkaichi City. What do you mean when you are a co-op? I thought. Customers expect the price of the direct corner to be about the roadside station, but the price is mercilessly doubled. The meat is also high. On the other hand, there are also good points. As a fan, it's great to be able to easily buy Oyama dairy products (milk drinks, ice cream, pastry, yogurt, butter). White rose milk is not the price in Tottori prefecture, but you can buy a 1L pack 50 yen cheaper than Seijo Ishii. There is also a manufacturer of PB milk, Oyama Dairy Industry. In addition, I feel that the prices of delicatessen and bento are normal, but I am particular about it. However, sushi is expensive. Does this store not want customers to cook for themselves? Pricing. If that is the intention, I may support it.
michael may on Google

滋賀の産直野菜コーナーはお野菜がとても新鮮で好きです。低温殺菌牛乳を置いているのもありがたいです。 仏花の鮮度がおそろしく悪いです。枯れかかってます。残念。
I like vegetables very fresh in the direct vegetable section of Shiga. I am also grateful for the pasteurized milk. The freshness of Buddha flowers is terribly bad. It's about to die. Sorry.
栗山純子 on Google

It's a very busy and lively shop whenever you go ?? It's a pleasant shop where all the staff are moving fast. Perhaps they are particular about quality, the price is a little higher than Heiwado-san and Seiyu-san, but it doesn't bother me. It seems to be very delicious probably because the arrangement of fruits etc. is devised, so I just pick it up and buy it. It seems that if you pay 1000 yen, you can become a member and get a good deal.
jake m on Google

野菜の値段は他と比べると高めですが、野菜、お魚、お肉共に新鮮で美味しいです。 ここの一番のオススメは各種お肉の粗びきミンチ。ミンチはここ以外では買えなくなりました?
The price of vegetables is higher than others, but vegetables, fish and meat are all fresh and delicious. The best recommendation here is the coarse minced meat of various kinds. Minced meat can no longer be bought anywhere else ?
東村なつき on Google

近くまで、用事があって行きました。お店の中ゆっくり回りました。 料理が好きなので、食品が特に、お目当ての豚肉があり驚きました! 神戸の芦屋店は、1番ですが家から近いので、2番です。 電車に乗って大きなカバン持ち買い出しに行くつもりです、!!気
I had something to do near me. I went around slowly in the shop. I like cooking, so I was surprised to find the pork I was looking for, especially the food! The Ashiya store in Kobe is number one, but it's number two because it's close to my house. I'm going to take a train and go shopping for a big bag! !! air
すみさん on Google

お弁当の種類が多く、安価で美味しいです 子供達のイベントにハンバーグ弁当等予約注文させて頂きました。丁寧に作って頂きありがとうございました! サンドウィッチも店舗内のパン屋さんで予約注文させて頂きました。 こちらもお手頃価格で美味しく喜ばれました。どうもありがとうございました!
There are many types of bento, cheap and delicious I pre-ordered hamburger steaks for children's events. Thank you for making it carefully! The sandwich was also pre-ordered at the bakery in the store. This was also deliciously appreciated at a reasonable price. Thank you very much!
Sam Benedict on Google

High quality grocery store with great bakery.
Kazuki Onji on Google

Conscientious andmore health food than other supermarkets

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