COCORIS グランスタ東京店

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact COCORIS グランスタ東京店

住所 :

JR Tokyo Station, 1 Chome−9−1, Marunouchi, Chiyoda City, 〒100-0005 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8999
Webサイト :
街 : Tokyo

JR Tokyo Station, 1 Chome−9−1, Marunouchi, Chiyoda City, 〒100-0005 Tokyo,Japan
Yui on Google

いつも、あと◯個ですー!という声がしていたので気になったからと夫がフィナンシェを買ってきました。 包装はすごく立派でしたが、味は油っぽくて全く美味しくありませんでした。 原材料を見てみるとバターではなく、マーガリン使用なんですね。 販売方法にも問題があるようですね。 騙された気分です。
There are always ◯ more! My husband bought a financier because I was curious about it. The packaging was very good, but the taste was oily and not delicious at all. Looking at the raw materials, it seems that margarine is used instead of butter. There seems to be a problem with the sales method. I feel deceived.
mari san on Google

いつも列を生しているのですが、たまたま空いてきた時に買いました! これはかなり美味しい!
I'm always in line, but I bought it when I happened to be vacant! This is pretty delicious!
Salt sugar on Google

頭にリスを乗せたかわいい女の子がトレードマークのチョコサンドクッキー屋さんです。 ちょっと甘めですが、クッキーはサクサクで美味しいです。他には焼き菓子のフルーツケーキ、チョコではなくジャムを挟んだクッキー等も販売されています。 サイズが少し小さめで一箱の数が少ないので、お値段が高く感じます。 他の方も記載されていますが、大きな声の呼込みであの通りを通る時少し萎縮してしまいます。 ですが、店員さんは丁寧でフレンドリーな感じがします。制服も可愛くて好きです。
A cute girl with a squirrel on her head is a trademark chocolate sandwich cookie shop. It's a little sweet, but the cookies are crispy and delicious. In addition, baked confectionery fruit cakes and cookies with jam instead of chocolate are also on sale. The size is a little small and the number of boxes is small, so the price feels high. Others are also mentioned, but when you pass through the street with a loud call, it will be a little atrophied. However, the clerk feels polite and friendly. I also like the uniforms because they are cute.
y s on Google

The financier is delicious. I was impressed by the friendliness of the clerk on the table, but is it a signboard? I was worried that I could hear multiple people talking in a loud voice from behind.
森の人々 on Google

季節風限定品(ピスタチオの缶)をお土産に。 リスの髪のイラスト… 女子受けするようです♪ 何も言わなくても予備の手提げ袋を 付けてもらえたりとサービスはいいかと。 ただ、自分用に買える値段ではなかったのが残念。
A monsoon limited edition (can of pistachio) as a souvenir. Illustration of squirrel hair ... It seems to receive girls ♪ A spare carrying bag without saying anything I wonder if the service is good if you can attach it. However, it's a pity that it wasn't the price I could buy for myself.
かぼちゃぷりん on Google

I dropped the item I was planning to buy while lining up and took it to the cash register, but the staff noticed it and replaced it with a new one. The person in charge of the cash register also gave a very nice voice saying, "I want you to eat it in a beautiful condition." The atmosphere of the staff is wonderful even before eating the product, and it is a shop that you want to repeat.
W RITZ on Google

木苺のサンドクッキーが美味しいです。 お土産でいただいて気に入りました。 木苺サンドだけのバラ売りもあったら嬉しいな。 ピスタチオサンドも欲しかったけど、ちょうど売り切れの時間でした。 次回のお楽しみにします。 袋がおしゃれで、お土産を持ち歩くのも良い気分。
The raspberry sandwich cookies are delicious. I liked it as a souvenir. I would be happy if there was a separate sale of only raspberry sand. I also wanted a pistachio sandwich, but it was just sold out. I look forward to the next time. The bag is fashionable and it feels good to carry souvenirs with you.
ゆぅ on Google

木苺のサンドクッキーが好きです、DAIMARUにある人気のキャラメルサンドよりこっちの方が好き。待ち時間も少ないですし 数量限定のフィナンシェ果実がとてもおいしかった フィナンシェのメープルマロン… 栗が苦手なのでただのメープル味にしてほしいです!
I like raspberry sandwich cookies, I prefer this one to the popular caramel sandwiches in DAIMARU. There is little waiting time The limited number of financier fruits was very delicious Financier Maple Marron ... I'm not good at chestnuts, so I want it to be just a maple flavor!

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