元祖 清水屋

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 元祖 清水屋

住所 :

Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Webサイト : https://www.aiaiaizu.com/shimizuya/shimizuya.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–4PM
Sunday 10AM–4PM
Monday 10AM–4PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 10AM–4PM
Thursday 10AM–4PM
Friday 10AM–4PM
街 : Fukushima

Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima,Japan
いかけん on Google

いか、にしん、まんじゅうの各天ぷらが単品注文可能。テーブルのお茶は注文した方に無料です。 おやつタイムに通りかかったら寄ってくお店。 食事はそば、うどん有り。天ぷらのくみあわせても楽しめる。
Squid, herring and steamed bun tempura can be ordered separately. Table tea is free for those who order. A shop that you will stop by when you pass by for a snack time. Meals include soba and udon. You can also enjoy it with tempura.
茉莉花茶 on Google

天ざるそばを注文し、出てきた天麩羅に驚き。ニシンとイカでした!イカははさみで食べやすい大きさに切って食べるそうです。 揚げもちと天ぷらまんじゅうを追加。 揚げもちは外はカリカリで大根おろしが添えられてました。 会津の味が堪能出来て、とても美味しくいただけました。
I ordered tempura soba and was surprised at the tempura that came out. It was herring and squid! Squid is said to be cut into pieces that are easy to eat with scissors. Added fried rice cake and tempura bun. The outside of the fried rice cake was crispy and served with grated radish. I was able to enjoy the taste of Aizu and it was very delicious.
s tk on Google

A bowl of squid and onion with kakiage, a strangely rich sauce, and an exquisite seasoning to complete the meal. There are also Zaru soba and tempura buns. The homemade buns are delicious as they are or fried.
tooru shouji on Google

From Aizuwakamatsu, turn left at the intersection of the ramen shop and continue on the undulating mountain road. I hated this soba when I was a kid. Rather than hate soba, I go by car and get drunk almost every time on mountain roads. Aizuwakamatsu is the hometown of his father. On my way home, I was always invited to this soba shop and kneaded that I didn't like it every time. The taste of memories of my father and his grandparents. Both his father and grandparents are now dead. The image is tempura soba. Herring and squid for tempura. Squid is dried squid and scissors are given for those who cannot chew. In addition, herring tempura and bun tempura. A place to go to eat tempura rather than eating soba. I think there is soba as a side dish of tempura
メイタンテイ on Google

丁度新蕎麦の時期に当たりラッキー ざるそばと天ぷら盛合わせ 新そばだからか微かに緑がかり名水の冷水で絞められ美味 天ぷらは熱々で初体験のニシンといかの天ぷら、そして饅頭天 店内寒い中食べるざる蕎麦でも やはり冷たく食べたい 蕎麦湯が開店直ぐだったのでほぼお湯! 普通なら蕎麦粉少し入れて蕎麦の風味と熱々のトロミで最後暖まるところだけど 残念な〆でした。
Lucky for the new soba season Assorted zaru soba and tempura Because it is new soba, it is slightly greenish and squeezed with cold water of famous water and it is delicious Tempura is hot and first experience herring, squid tempura, and steamed bun Even if you eat soba noodles in the cold inside the store, you still want to eat it cold Soba hot water was just opened, so it's almost hot water! Normally, I would add a little buckwheat flour and warm it up with the flavor of buckwheat and hot toromi, but it was a shame.
たぼ on Google

お蕎麦の喉越し最高に美味しい(*`ω´)b にしん&饅頭の天ぷらも美味し過ぎ? 麦酒がすすむ逸品ですね。
The best soba noodles in the throat (* `ω´) b Herring & steamed bun tempura is too delicious ? It's a gem that beer goes on.
shingo ishikawa on Google

この値段ですから機械打ちでも文句ありません。むしろ下手な手打ちより真面目な機械打ちのお手本と言えるでしょう。 天ぷら蕎麦はニシンとスルメです。これは最高!とは言いませんが、海から遠い文化をうかがえるのもまた楽しい。 天ぷらまんじゅうは、コロモしっかり系ですね。私は蕎麦つゆにつけない方が美味しいかなぁ。
Because it is this price, there is no complaint even if you hit it with a machine. Rather, it can be said that it is a model of serious mechanical striking rather than poor hand striking. Tempura soba is herring and dried squid. This is the best! Not to say, but it's also fun to see the culture far from the sea. Tempura Manju is a solid Koromo bun, isn't it? I wonder if it's better not to soak it in soba soup.
mero kuroshiba on Google

帰路の途中、お昼に利用しました。 連休やお盆の時期はかなり混雑で並びますが今日は平日の為、ガラガラでした。 ざる蕎麦と天麩羅盛り合わせを注文。 五分程度で提供いただきました❗️ 天麩羅はお値段も安く美味しい。 お蕎麦です。残念、、十割そばとありますが⁉️❓ん❓十割❓個人的な感想です。 残念なのは、お蕎麦の上に乗っていた海苔です。かなり古い海苔。古い海苔ほど風味を台無しににする物はありません。 最悪なのは蕎麦の香りを全て消し去ってしまうこと。本当に残念でした。 もう、一点。薬味のネギも古いカピカピで筋だらけ。ツユの味を台無しにしてました。 この時期の長ネギは美味しくはありません、特に会津地方のこの時期は。 万能ネギなら問題なかったかも?と、思った清水屋さんでした。 頑張ってくださいね。
I used it for lunch on my way home. It was quite crowded during the holidays and Obon festival, but today was a weekday, so it was rattling. I ordered Zaru soba and tempura platter. It was provided in about 5 minutes ❗️ Tempura is cheap and delicious. It's soba. Unfortunately, there is 100% buckwheat noodles, but ⁉️❓n❓100%❓ is my personal impression. Unfortunately, the seaweed on top of the soba noodles. Pretty old seaweed. Nothing spoils the flavor like old seaweed. The worst thing is to erase all the aroma of buckwheat. I was really disappointed. one more point. The condiment green onions are also old and full of streaks. It ruined the taste of tuyu. The green onions at this time are not delicious, especially at this time in the Aizu region. Maybe there was no problem with all-purpose green onions? It was Shimizuya who thought. Please do your best.

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