Citroen Okayama - Okayama

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Citroen Okayama

住所 :

323-8 Nodono Nishimachi, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0066, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 700-0066
Webサイト :

323-8 Nodono Nishimachi, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0066, Japan
林正勝 on Google

もう10年ほど前になりますが、ラリーカーレプリカでお世話になりました。 その節はありがとうございました。
It's been about 10 years ago, but I was taken care of by the rally car replica. thank you for your help.
周利槃特釈迦仏 on Google

Immediately after entering the store, he looked suspicious, but when he realized that it was for purchase, he responded gently.
岡本明美 on Google

Even the customer service is French style (laughs)
def abc on Google

こんな扱いされたのは初めてです。 予約をせずに行ったのがいけなかったのか対応冷たく、目的があって聞いているのに突き放さす様な言い方をされて嫌な気持ちになりました。子ども連れで行ったので、こちらも言い聞かせてはいましたが触ったり、走ったり、1歳児が車に登ったり…こちらも悪いですが「いい加減にしてくれませんか」と女性の方に怒られました。 話を聞きたかったし、実際の車に乗ってみたかったので、目を離した私もいけませんが頭が真っ白になりました。 やはり日本のメーカーがいいですね。
This is the first time it has been treated like this. Correspondence that I should not have gone without making a reservation Correspondence was cold and I was displeased because I was listening to it with purpose and listening. Because I went with children, I told them here, but I touched, ran, and a one-year-old child climbed a car ... This is also bad, but I was angry at the woman saying, "Would you like me to do it?" Was. I wanted to listen and talk in an actual car, so I couldn't look away, but my head turned white. After all a Japanese manufacturer is good.
M O on Google

The customer service attitude of the director here is too bad. And I have a strong habit. I don't care about the story of my car VOLVO. Don't answer the phone during a conversation. There is no car that has only merit. I can't trust a sales person who says only good things, so I stopped buying a car here. And the story of the French at the head office has nothing to do with the customers.
ジョーダンロアーク on Google

受け付けの女性の方が親切、丁寧、そしてとても可愛らしくて、元気をもらえて笑顔になれました^ ^ありがとうございました☆
The lady at the reception was kind, polite, and very cute, and I was able to get energized and smile ^ ^ Thank you ☆
Y m on Google

予約をせずに行ったのが良くなかったのでしょうか? 全くもって今迄のカーディーラーさん達の中でも最悪の対応でした。 駐車場枠の前に試乗車を停めてる状態だったので、一旦は停めようしたが停められず、仕方なく駐車場枠外に寄せて出ていくのを待とうとしたら、第一声が 「試乗に出るのに邪魔になるので駐車場枠に停めてください。」 ※「いらっしゃいませ」すらない。 その試乗車が邪魔になって停められないので、一旦寄せた旨と、充分に出られるスペースを開けてる旨を伝えると、 「そこは駐車場枠じゃありませんから、誘導してあげようとしてるんです。」 ※何故か上から目線。 そこで責任者と名乗られる方が出てこられ、 「そこに停めるな!」 ※こちらも第一声に「いらっしゃいませ」すら言えない。 なので再度説明して、停められない旨を伝えたが、 「そりゃそりゃすんませんなぁ」 と言われ、謝られるので有ればもう少しまともな謝り方が出来ないのかと言ったが、そこで、 「ありがとうございました」 と強制的に追い出しされました。 もう行く事はないでしょうね。 他の方々の書込みも間違いないのでしょうね。
Wasn't it good to go without a reservation? It was the worst response among car dealers so far. I was in a state where the test drive was parked in front of the parking lot frame, so I tried to stop it once, but I could not stop it, and when I tried to wait for it to go out of the parking lot frame, the first voice was "Please park in the parking lot as it will be an obstacle to the test drive." * Do not even "Welcome". The test drive was in the way and I couldn't stop, so I told him that I had brought it in and that I had enough space to get out. "It's not a parking lot, so I'm trying to guide you." * For some reason, look from above. There came a person who could be called the person in charge, "Don't stop there!" * I can't even say "Welcome" to the first voice. So I explained it again and told him that I couldn't stop, "I'm sorry." I was told that I would be apologized, so I asked if I could apologize a little more decently, but there "thank you" Was forcibly kicked out. You won't go anymore. There is no doubt that other people's writings are also correct.
rie tunalove on Google

口コミで悪いように書かれていたのでどうかなと 思ったのですが、実際行ってみて書かれている ようなことは全くありませんでした。 無愛想なおじさんがチラホラいる国産車のディーラーに 比べると、スタッフみなさんの対応もスマートで、 全員が気持ちよく挨拶してくれるいいお店でした。 よく考えてみると、口コミで悪く書かれているように 高級車が並ぶお店で子供が暴れてて怒らない 親の方がどうかと思うし、このコロナ禍で買うか どうかわからない人にむやみに近よっていく営業の方がどうかなと…。 購入前に不安なところも払拭してくれて安心して 購入することができました。
It was written as bad in the word of mouth, so I wonder if I thought, but it was written when I actually went there There was nothing like that. To a domestic car dealer with an unfriendly uncle By comparison, the staff's response is smart, It was a nice shop where everyone greeted me comfortably. If you think about it, it's written badly in word of mouth. Don't get angry when your kids go wild in a store lined with luxury cars I wonder if my parents would like to buy it with this corona I wonder if it would be better for a sales person to approach people who don't know. Rest assured that you will be able to wipe out any uncertainties before purchasing. I was able to purchase it.

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