
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ふるうつらんど井上

住所 :

Chogo, Fujisawa, 〒252-0801 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Chogo, Fujisawa, 〒252-0801 Kanagawa,Japan
GGG KKK on Google

I like the vegetables and fruits here! It's hard to throw away tofu!
muneo 。 on Google

Always we are indebted.
yoshiaki tomita on Google

新鮮な野菜と果実を販売されていて自宅から2分の近さで度々伺っています☺️ 因みに価格も諸々の他店に比較大変リーズナブルですのでご興味があられましたらお近くの方は訪店されて実感されますのもよろしいかと思います?
Fresh vegetables and fruits are sold and I often ask about 2 minutes from my home ☺️ By the way, the price is also very reasonable compared to other stores, so if you are interested, I think it would be nice to visit you and feel it nearby ?
佐藤広子 on Google

ここでは、養鶏もやっています。 働いていますが、皆さん優しい人達ばかりで、とても楽しいです。 ?達は、とても可愛いですよ!
We also do poultry farming here. I'm working, but all of them are kind people and it's a lot of fun. ? They are so cute!
山下早苗 on Google

Anyway, it is a direct sale of vegetables and eggs, which is fresh and has a large number of items. Processed products such as jams and dried fruits are also attractive.
金た負けるな on Google

その日に収穫した新鮮な果物(今は葡萄·梨等々)と野菜とたまごがかえます。 私は、おかワカメをよく買いに行きます。
You can get fresh fruits (now grapes, pears, etc.), vegetables and eggs harvested that day. I often go to buy wakame seaweed.
坂口正 on Google

Home grown vegetables, fruits and agricultural products are delicious, and you can shop with confidence at a reasonable price. Homemade jam is the best !!!
Norio Yamada on Google

どれでも美味い!! スーパーでなかなか見ない野菜や果物がある。また、天然酵母のパンや自家製豆腐、豆乳や各種ペーストなど飽きない。
Everything is delicious! !! There are vegetables and fruits that are hard to see at supermarkets. Also, you won't get tired of natural yeast bread, homemade tofu, soy milk and various pastes.

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