
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact オニキス一関(ONIX)

住所 :

Chiyodacho, Ichinoseki, 〒021-0862 Iwate,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89877
Webサイト : http://www.onix1.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–7PM
Sunday 9AM–7PM
Monday 9AM–7PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 9AM–7PM
Thursday 9AM–7PM
Friday 9AM–7PM
街 : Iwate

Chiyodacho, Ichinoseki, 〒021-0862 Iwate,Japan
佐々木悟 on Google

The customer service of the salesman was good
笑ちゃん〔shochan〕 on Google

The clerk's response was so good that it was helpful for the next time. Approved the photo and 360 ° view.
東城凛 on Google

You can buy a light old car cheaply! It's just a look, but it's a great deal!
高橋綾子 on Google

The cheerful sales staff has a nice atmosphere! ️
Chizuru Iwatsu on Google

今日は 車の保険の相談で 行って来ました。 保険の説明も分かりやすく 希望に沿って考えてくれるので 助かりました。 世間話も楽しくて ついつい長居をしちゃいます。
Today I went with a car insurance consultation. The explanation of the insurance was easy to understand, and it helped me to think in line with the hope. The talks are fun too and I just stay in a long yard.
老川真幸 on Google

その車のマイナスポイントを後から説明し、購入してその日に故障(絶対気付く場所)が見つかり、オイル交換に行けば作業スタッフの手袋が車内に置き去り… 良いのは愛想だけなんですかね もう少ししっかりしてほしいです
I will explain the negative points of the car later, I purchased it and found a failure (a place I will definitely notice) on the day, and if I go for an oil change, the gloves of the working staff will be left inside the car ... Is it only amiable that is good? I want you to be a little more firm
グルメワニ(頑張ってりいちゃん) on Google

数ヶ月間隔の、オイル交換祭り。 お客さんも途切れず来店し、忙しそうだ。 子供たちには、、来店と同時に、飲み物のラムネと、ソーセージと、なかなかのサービスです。 オイル交換もスムーズに終わり、店員さんとも世間話で盛り上がり、良い店舗だと思います。
The oil change festival every few months. The customers are coming to the store uninterruptedly, and they seem to be busy. For children, at the same time as visiting the store, it is a service with a drink of lamb and sausages. The oil exchange is finished smoothly, and the store clerks are full of talks and I think it is a good store.
Alice on Google

1年程前に車を購入させて頂きました。しかし、手続きが中々進まず保険会社への情報提供がなってないとの事で電話したら、購入の際に説明すべきことをその電話で伝えられました。納車予定日が1ヶ月以上遅くなりました。市外での購入だったため、納車を自宅で行いました。その後もいただいたオーディオの不調やスタッドレスタイヤの空気圧が同じでない。昨日知り合いの業者に錆止め依頼したら、助手席側のドアが交換済みであることが発覚。購入当時、事故車表示がなかったためあまりにも不快になりました。情報を伝えるべきところを伝えてくれず、後々ボロが出た感じでした。これには私自身も家族も怒り通り越してあきれました。 情報提供てなんですかね、購入者が欲しい情報は伝えるべきです!!
I bought a car about a year ago. However, when I called because the procedure was not progressing and the information was not provided to the insurance company, I was told by that phone what to explain when making a purchase. The scheduled delivery date has been delayed by more than a month. Since it was purchased outside the city, I delivered the car at home. After that, the audio malfunction and the air pressure of the studless tires are not the same. When I asked a contractor I knew yesterday to prevent rust, it was discovered that the door on the passenger seat side had been replaced. At the time of purchase, there was no accident car display, which made me too uncomfortable. He didn't tell me where to convey the information, and I felt like I was sick afterwards. I and my family were overwhelmed by this. What is the information provided? You should tell the information that the purchaser wants !!

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