Chichiyasuonofureai Park

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Chichiyasuonofureai Park

住所 :

Ono, Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima, Japan

街 : Hiroshima

Ono, Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima, Japan
もみじ on Google

Due to the state of emergency, the use of large playset is prohibited (´-`) .. oO
フリード煮汁 on Google

指定緊急避難場所の機能を兼ね備えた公園です。 小学生低学年程度を対象にした大型遊具とターザンロープ、高齢者向けの健康器具(ぶら下がり棒・ストレッチベンチ等)が設置されています。 東屋は2棟建ってます。 グラウンドは少し広い程度で、思い切り蹴飛ばすようなボール遊びは不可。 トイレと備蓄倉庫が建っており、サッカーボールを壁打ちするような場所もありません。 伊藤園の自動販売機1台と駐車場(42台+1台)もあります。
It is a park that also functions as a designated emergency evacuation site. Large playsets and Tarzan ropes for the lower grades of elementary school, and health equipment for the elderly (hanging bars, stretch benches, etc.) are installed. There are two eastern houses. The ground is a little wide, and you can't play with a ball like kicking it. There is a toilet and a storage warehouse, and there is no place to hit a soccer ball on the wall. There is also one ITO EN vending machine and a parking lot (42 + 1).
コマキ on Google

R3年春にできたばかりの公園でとにかく遊具もトイレもキレイで使いやすい。 滑り台も低月齢用から難易度の高いものまで5種類くらいあって色んな年齢の子供が遊べそうで◎。 ターザンロープやお花屋さん(ままごとなどごっこ遊びコーナーかな?)もあり、1歳半のうちの子どもも楽しそうに遊んでいます。 駐車場も台数が多く有り難いです。 ただ避難所も兼ねて高台にあるので眺めはいいけれど風が強くて寒い日は長居できないかも…。 備蓄倉庫やもしもの時のマンホールトイレや水タンク救護室になる東屋など災害時の公園の働きも目立つ場所にボードが立ててあり、分かりやすいです。 グランドも広くちょっと遊んだり運動の練習をするくらいなら他の人とも被らず広々と使えそう。 週3くらいで遊びに行っています
The park was just opened in the spring of R3, and the playset and toilet are clean and easy to use. There are about 5 types of slides, from younger ones to more difficult ones, so children of all ages can play. There are also Tarzan ropes and a flower shop (Is it a playground for playing house?), And children aged one and a half are playing happily. Thank you for the large number of parking lots. However, since it is on a hill that doubles as an evacuation center, the view is nice, but it may not be possible to stay long on a cold day due to the strong wind. It is easy to understand because the board is set up in a place where the work of the park in the event of a disaster is conspicuous, such as the storage warehouse, the manhole toilet in case of emergency, and the eastern house that becomes the water tank rescue room. The ground is wide and you can use it spaciously without suffering from other people as long as you play a little or practice exercise. I go to play about 3 times a week
うらら on Google

Playsets were not available under the state of emergency. The scale is ideal for preschoolers to the lower grades of elementary school. It is a pleasant park on a hill with a good view. The toilet is also clean and clean. The parking lot is fully equipped, but I thought it would be crowded normally.
Happyやにゃ on Google

Until now, this park was completed where I was jogging and wanted to train on the stairs. Since it is on the mountain, there are many stairs, and the width of the stairs is wide, so there is plenty of room when passing by the stairs, so I think that there will be no contact with passersby. Also, there are several types of stretching equipment for adults in the park, which is very convenient! I can run around the park like an outer track, so I would like to focus on this area for my future diet. However, when you visit here on a rainy day, the stairs are quite slippery, so you should be careful.
大橋綾子 on Google

When I saw a cow object passing by, I was curious, so I went for a walk with my dog. At the disaster prevention facility that doubles as a park, many young mothers came with their children. I strongly agree with the creation of such a facility that can be used as a resting place in normal times and as an evacuation place in an emergency. The stairs are one step wider, and the handrails are easy to grip, making it a facility that is friendly to the elderly. It is also attractive that it is bright and has a good view.
Pon on Google

2021年4月にできた公園。 防災公園らしく、自販機は災害時には無料で飲めることができると書いてありました。 公園入口に牛のオブジェがあり、近くに駐車場も数台あります。 更に坂道をあがっていくと、たくさん停められる駐車場があります。 広い敷地に遊具は1つ。 幼児~低学年までくらい対象の遊具です。 高台にあるので見張らしはいいです。 ボール遊びや、ウォーキング、自転車等もできるグラウンドです。
A park opened in April 2021. Like a disaster prevention park, it was written that vending machines can be drunk free of charge in the event of a disaster. There is a cow object at the entrance of the park, and there are several parking lots nearby. If you go up the slope further, there are many parking lots where you can park. There is one playset on a large site. It is a playset for infants to lower grades. It's on a hill, so it's nice to keep an eye on it. It is a ground where you can play balls, walk, and cycle.
ひろあきおづ on Google

幼児から小学生くらいが楽しく遊べる規模の防災を備えた公園です。 駐車場も多くグラウンドで幼児の自転車の練習にはもってこいです。 此方の公園のフェンスや手摺等を施工しました。 自分が関わったものを子供たちに提供出来るのは防護柵屋さん冥利につきます。
It is a park equipped with disaster prevention on a scale that can be enjoyed by children and elementary school students. There are many parking lots on the ground, which is perfect for practicing infant bicycles. We constructed fences and handrails in this park. It is the guard rail shop that can provide the children with what they are involved in.

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