Chiba Prefecture Cultural Hall - Chiba

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Chiba Prefecture Cultural Hall

住所 :

11-2 Ichibacho, Chuo Ward, Chiba, 260-8661, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 260-8661
Webサイト :

11-2 Ichibacho, Chuo Ward, Chiba, 260-8661, Japan
アロハイロハ on Google

千葉交響楽団定期(2021/10)。 客席内でのお喋りはいい加減に止めて欲しい。 アナウンスではコロナ感染症対策の為、『座席は間隔を開けての配置となります』と言っていたが、実際は3人、4人と連席で着席していて、間隔を取っていない。中には5人連席という所もあった。 地の利の悪さからか、全体的には空席が目立っていたが、密な所とそうでない所の差が激しい。 後ろに座っていた夫婦連れは絶えず『50代で配偶者という言葉が分らない奴がいる』、『素人には音の違いが分らない』等など、絶えず笑い声を上げながら、そして咳払いしながらの会話。 ロビー、ホワイエといった換気のいい所で喋ってもらいたい。 例えマスクをしていても、100%の飛沫を防ぐ事は出来ないことを、未だ理解していないのか。 我感せずの人は、迷惑。 入場時、『公演関係者』が知り合いの来場者をチケットもぎりの手前で引き留めて話しをするのは控えて欲しい。 後に並んでいる客が入場出来ず、足止めを食らっていた。 またこちらのホールはトイレの個室に、洋式はないのか? 2階席、3階席男性トイレを覗いたら、個室が2つずつ有ったが、全て『和式』。 高齢者には『和式』は辛いと思う。脚の筋力が弱くなっているし、足腰が弱い方には、立ち上がる時、かなりの負担がかかる。立ち上がれず、転倒する事もある。 ホール内は落ち着いて、シックな感じでとても良い雰囲気だが、とにかく階段ばかりである。 会場まで行くのに階段を登って(特に雨の日は苔が生えて滑りやすくなっている)、会場内でも階段が多く、バリアフリーとは到底言えない。 特にトイレは今時『和式』を設置したままと言うのは、考えられない。 客席内は改修して綺麗になっているが、こういった所への配慮が必要ではないのか。 県知事も来場してステージ上で挨拶をしていたけれど、こういった所は視察しないの? 前知事、前々知事の時代も手が届かなかったみたいだから、そんなに期待は出来ないだろう。 因みに前々知事(女性知事)は、デュッセルドルフ交響楽団の公演時(2006年公演、前半1曲目は川瀬賢太郎指揮千葉県少年少女オーケストラでベートーヴェンの序曲)、1階客席内で記念撮影を盛んに行なっていましたね。 そしてこのホールでも『手摺の弊害』があり、座席を選ばないと手摺が視界に入ってしまい、見辛くなる。 都内からのアクセスはJR千葉駅の一つ先のJR本千葉駅から徒歩10分程とあまり良くなく、この30年で3〜4回程しか来ていない。
Chiba Symphony Orchestra regular (2021/10). I want you to stop talking in the audience seats. In the announcement, in order to prevent corona infection, "the seats will be arranged at intervals", but in reality, there are 3 or 4 people seated in a row, and there is no space. There was also a place where 5 people were seated in a row. There were conspicuous vacant seats on the whole, probably because of the poor location, but there is a big difference between dense and non-dense places. The couple sitting in the back constantly laughed and cleared their throats, such as "There is a person in his 50s who does not understand the word spouse", "Amateur does not understand the difference in sound", etc. conversation. I want you to speak in a well-ventilated place such as the lobby or foyer. Do you still understand that even if you wear a mask, you cannot prevent 100% of the splashes? People who don't feel it are annoying. At the time of admission, please refrain from having the "performance officials" hold the visitors you know in front of the ticket and talk. The customers lined up behind couldn't enter, and they were stuck. Also, isn't there a Western style in this hall as a private room in the toilet? When I looked into the men's toilets on the 2nd and 3rd floors, there were 2 private rooms, but they were all "Japanese style". I think "Japanese style" is difficult for the elderly. If you have weak legs and weak legs, it will be a heavy burden to stand up. You may not be able to stand up and you may fall. The inside of the hall is calm, chic and has a very nice atmosphere, but there are only stairs. Climbing the stairs to get to the venue (especially on rainy days, moss grows and makes it slippery), and there are many stairs inside the venue, so it cannot be said that it is barrier-free. In particular, it is unthinkable to say that the toilet is still equipped with the "Japanese style" at this time. The inside of the audience seats has been renovated and cleaned, but isn't it necessary to give consideration to these places? The prefectural governor also visited and greeted on the stage, but wouldn't you visit such a place? It seems that the days of the former governor and the governor were out of reach, so you can't expect that much. By the way, the governor (female governor) took a lot of commemorative photos at the performance of the Dusseldorf Symphony Orchestra (2006 performance, the first song of the first half was Beethoven's overture at the Chiba Boys and Girls Orchestra conducted by Kentaro Kawase). It was. And even in this hall, there is a "bad effect of the handrail", and if you do not choose a seat, the handrail will be in sight and it will be hard to see. Access from Tokyo is not so good, about 10 minutes on foot from JR Hon-Chiba Station, which is one step ahead of JR Chiba Station, and it has only come about 3-4 times in the last 30 years.
ケロヨンしんちゃん on Google

The stage is easy to see from any seat, but since the facility is old, it is not barrier-free, and all the toilets on the second floor are Japanese style. Access is by using the nearby coin parking or by bus from Chiba Station.
Vichai Jamatikul on Google

Nice place
Abhi Thakur on Google

Victoria Vlisides on Google

Been here several times. Decent venue.
Dionie Saito on Google

Come visit, enjoy empressive, interesting talent of children performing traditional Japanese Kabuki
Hanmin Jung on Google

Friendly prefectural hall with some local events.
David Marsh on Google

excellent concert hall. watch a Japanese play with family about time traveling godess in the trees. Hajimarino ki ( はじまりのき )

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