Chiba Keizai University High School - Chiba

2.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Chiba Keizai University High School

住所 :

4 Chome-3-30 Todorokicho, Inage Ward, Chiba, 263-0021, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 263-0021
Webサイト :

4 Chome-3-30 Todorokicho, Inage Ward, Chiba, 263-0021, Japan
May on Google

(Translated by Google) Teachers and students have no common sense ... Or if you enter this high school (student) or work (teacher) you will be brainwashed ... I can not hide the confusion that my general common sense does not reach this high school (> _ _<) まぁ、第三者(顧問弁護士)に相談したら学校側の言い分が一般常識とかけはなれてると言うことが分かっただけでも私には救いでした。
茂木颯斗 on Google

Even if every club activity wins halfway, it's about the prefecture
マンメンミ太郎 on Google

西千葉に何十年も住んでいますが、教員が通学路に立っているのを見た事がありません。 ましてやこんなご時世で、登校時間を変更するのなら、一定の時間に登校する生徒が集中するのはわかってそうなものですが? 信号で詰まる、歩道からはみ出てるなど日常茶飯事です。 そんな大人達が何を教えてるんですかね?
I've lived in Nishi-Chiba for decades, but I've never seen a teacher standing on the road to school. Even more so, if you change the school attendance time in such a time, it seems that you know that the students who go to school at a certain time will concentrate. It's a daily occurrence, such as being clogged with traffic lights or sticking out of the sidewalk. What are these adults teaching?
Tay3065 on Google

The only good thing is the uniform. I wonder if I could meet about 3 good teachers. It is the worst because the teachers treat students differently in the department. Mr. K, who may have retired from retirement age but has strong makeup who taught English, favored the students and was the worst. Also, Mr. M, who teaches ancient writing, was the worst person as a person who made the students stand like an army and checked whether they made up one by one.
どれみふぁえもんが on Google

在学中インターネット上で問題行為(荒らし、誹謗中傷、煽り、差別etc.)を続けた末に過去類を見ない炎上を起こし、依頼した弁護士や関係者まで巻き込んで、現在に至るまで日本中に迷惑をかけ続けているある少年が卒業した高校 本当なら☆1つすら付けたくないほどに酷い
After continuing problematic acts (vandalism, slander, insult, discrimination, etc.) on the Internet while attending school, he caused an unprecedented flame and involved the lawyer and related persons who requested it, all over Japan until now. High school where a boy who continues to cause trouble graduated If it's true ☆ It's so terrible that I don't even want to attach one
Ado K. on Google

高額な費用を払って来るような高校じゃない。 親に高い学費を払ってもらった挙げ句、人生を失敗という悲しい結果になる前に考え直した方がいい。 部活動が強いとか偏差値が普通とか生徒も関係者もイカれた環境で普通の学校生活が送れるとは思えない それに対して反発すればろくな生活も出来ない、環境を変えない方が元から居る人間は居心地がいいため、そうゆう風習が出来上がってる 真面目に勉強しに来た人にとっては最悪な状態、ネットで炎上した人もいるみたいだけど差別的、頭がおかしい、マナーの欠片もないこうゆう生徒ばかりだった。 と思ってたら、他の人も同じ考えだった
It's not a high school that pays a lot of money. After having your parents pay a high tuition fee, you should rethink your life before it has the sad consequence of failure. I don't think that students and related parties can lead a normal school life in a crazy environment, such as strong club activities and normal deviation values. On the other hand, if you oppose it, you will not be able to live a good life, and people who are originally there without changing the environment are comfortable, so that custom has been completed. It was the worst condition for those who came to study seriously, and although some people seemed to be on fire online, all the students were discriminatory, crazy, and had no etiquette fragments. I thought, other people had the same idea
Tako on Google

数年前に資格を受けに行きました。 部活動中の生徒が部外者の私に挨拶をしてきてびっくりした。 しっかりしている子もいるもんだなと感心したのを覚えています。 その他のことはよく分からないのでとりあえず★は4です。
I went to get a qualification a few years ago. I was surprised when a student in club activities greeted me as an outsider. I remember being impressed by the fact that some children are solid. I'm not sure about other things, so ★ is 4 for the time being.
高井正義 on Google

This is the high school where my friend Ryota Hasegawa was enrolled. It was a moment when I thought there was a wonderful school.

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