
4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Chez-Ryo

住所 :

Akasaka, Minato City, 〒107-0052 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Monday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–1:30PM
街 : Tokyo

Akasaka, Minato City, 〒107-0052 Tokyo,Japan
asa on Google

ソムリエがいる落ち着いたカジュアルフレンチ! ハヤシライスとボロネーゼは特に絶品? カウンターもあり、ゆっくりカウンターで飲むのも良し、お友達とわいわい美味しいご飯を食べるもよし、色々な場面で使えそうなお店でした。こーゆーお店は1件知ってると重宝します。 是非また伺いたいと思います。
Calm casual French with sommelier! Hayashi rice and Bolognese are especially excellent ? There is also a counter, you can drink slowly at the counter, you can eat delicious rice with your friends, it was a shop that could be used in various situations. It is useful if you know one at this store. I would love to visit again.
あきちゃん on Google

I didn't come to the office, so I visited for the first time in a long time and it is still open! 1200 yen course of soup, delicious salad of appetizer, Bolognese. It's really delicious ... Especially for salads, leaves can't be stabbed in a fork at other stores, but they can be stabbed beautifully. Is this craftsmanship? Just the right size to put in your mouth. When the person at the other table returns, sterilize with alcohol. I started selling dressings for 800 yen, so I bought it for the New Year! I think it's a little expensive compared to the amount, but I'm looking forward to it.
城大蔵 on Google

You can enjoy French at a reasonable price while using good materials. High level lunch starts from 1200 yen. A French restaurant on the 4th floor of a slightly inconspicuous building. It's like an adult hideaway restaurant. It's hard to say that you'll be full, but I think keeping it at this level is a satisfying amount. It seems that there are many female customers. Recommended for lunch, a small French restaurant in Akasaka with a high level that captivates noisy female customers. For those who want to eat well, a large serving is possible at an additional charge, but it seems that the chef's intention here is the 8th minute.
Kayoko Suda on Google

偶然見つけたフレンチはカウンター数席とテーブル3卓暗いの、こじんまりしたお店。 ランチは1200円で数種類あって+300円でチョイ高級なメニューもある。 1500円は予算オーバーだったけど、どうしてもスズキとオマールのパイ包みが食べたくて奮発❣ まずはしっかり作られたスープ(この日はグリンピース)、かなり山盛りで海鮮もたっぶりでお得な感じのサラダ、それからメイン。 いやぁ、スズキとオマールのパイ包み、フォークが止まりませんでした。 ドリンクは別途300円なので諦めたけど、ハイクオリティなランチ、リピ決定です。
The French restaurant I found by chance was a small shop with several counter seats and 3 dark tables. There are several kinds of lunch for 1200 yen, and there is also a high-class menu for +300 yen. ‥ 1500 yen was over budget, but I really wanted to eat pie package of Suzuki and Omar ❣ First of all, the well-made soup (green peas on this day), the salad with a good deal of seafood and plenty of seafood, and then the main. Well, I couldn't stop the Suzuki and Omar pie wrapping and the fork. ―― I gave up because the drink is 300 yen separately, but I decided to give a high quality lunch, Lipi.
Kazuya Akanuma on Google

最高に美味しいフレンチ うっかり伺ったフレンチレストランですが、とても美味しくて大変満足でした。 店内はバーのような雰囲気でカウンターとテーブル席があります。 最初は軽めに行こうと考えて、スープとハムとワインを頼んでそれで終わりにするつもりでしたが、スープがあまりにも美味しい!! しっかりとした旨味があってあまりにも美味しくて本格的なフレンチだったので、ついつい色々と食べ過ぎてしまいました。 一口で終わらせるつもりが、サラダから炭水化物まで諸々。 とても美味しかったのです。
The most delicious french I accidentally visited a French restaurant and it was very delicious and I was very satisfied. The store has a bar-like atmosphere with a counter and table seats. At first I thought I'd go lighter, so I asked for soup, ham and wine and ended with that, but the soup is so delicious! ! It was a delicious and authentic French dish with a good taste, so I ate too much. I'm going to finish it with a bite, but everything from salads to carbohydrates. It was very delicious.
natuki S on Google

エスプラナード通り、赤坂駅よりにあるのですが、看板がなくちょっとわかりづらいかも。しかし隠れ家感があります。店内に入ってみるとまるでBarみたいと思ったらワインバーでした。 カウンターとテーブル席があるのですが、カウンターに座ると正面は窓なのでとても開放的な雰囲気。 ランチは1,200円でサラダとスープが付き、またメインが選べます。メニューに「上野精養軒直伝のハヤシライス」という文字を発見。他のメニューも気になったのですが、この字面も気になってしまいこちらを注文しました。 まずはスープが提供されるのですがこれが美味しい。またサラダが提供されて驚く。量も多いし具材の種類も多い。そして大変美味しいのです。 1200円のランチでこのスープ、サラダはハイクオリティだと思います。というか赤坂でこの味この量はとてもコスパが良いです。 こちらのお店は料理を美味しく食べて欲しいという観点から腹八分目の量なのだそうです。確かにメインは上品な量でした。しかしながらサラダの食べ応えがあるので私はこの量で大満足。男性には少し少なく感じるかもしれないのですが+300円でメインの量を増やせるのでそちらがおすすめです。
It is located on Esplanade Street, closer to Akasaka Station, but it may be a little difficult to understand because there is no sign. However, there is a sense of hiding. When I entered the store, it looked like a bar and it was a wine bar. There is a counter and a table seat, but when you sit at the counter, the front is a window so it has a very open atmosphere. Lunch costs 1,200 yen and comes with salad and soup, and you can also choose the main dish. I found the word "Hayashi rice from Ueno Seiyoken" on the menu. I was worried about other menus, but I was also worried about this character and ordered this. First of all, soup is served, but this is delicious. Also surprised that the salad is served. There are many quantities and many types of ingredients. And it's very delicious. I think this soup and salad are of high quality for a 1200 yen lunch. In fact, in Akasaka, the amount of this flavor is very good. It seems that this restaurant is the 8th half of the stomach from the point of view of delicious food. Certainly the main was an elegant amount. However, I'm very satisfied with this amount because I can eat salad. It may feel a little less for men, but it is recommended that you increase the main amount with +300 yen.
m_A A_R on Google

内緒にしておきたい、大好きなお店です。 サラダが豪華です。ランチセットでこのボリューム⁉️と驚きます。 パスタもリゾットも美味しいです。 いつもランチで伺っていますが、夜も行ってみたいです。
This is my favorite shop that I want to keep secret. The salad is gorgeous. I am surprised at this volume ⁉️ at the lunch set. Both pasta and risotto are delicious. I always visit for lunch, but I would like to go there at night as well.
Lemon grass on Google

以前から気になっていて、ランチで利用しました。赤坂のクラブなどが入ったビルの4階にあり、エレベーターで4階まで上がったら目の前の扉を開けます。扉が閉まっていたので、本当にここでいいのかな?とドキドキしながら入りました。 ゆったりとしたカウンター席とテーブル席があり、Barのような雰囲気です。 この日いただいたもの(税込) ・選べるメインランチ 1,500円 メインはフォアグラ、トリュフ、ブランデーで仕上げたボロネーゼをセレクト。 まずはスープ。 カリフラワーのポタージュ。 濃厚で美味しい。ポーションが少ないのでもっと欲しい。 サラダ 地鶏とフォアグラのテリーヌ、タコのマリネなど具沢山なサラダ。色々楽しめて美味しい。 ボロネーゼ トリュフ香る濃厚なボロネーゼは私好みでした。 量が少ないので、これだけ?って思ったけど、普段食べ過ぎだし、この後仕事で食べ過ぎは眠くなるので、たまには腹八分目もいいか(笑) 写真はアップで撮ったのでボリュームあるように見えますが、量はかなり少ないので、次は大盛りにしようかな。あと、提供時間はゆっくりなのでお時間に余裕がある時をオススメします。
I've been interested in it for a long time and used it for lunch. It is located on the 4th floor of the building that houses the clubs in Akasaka, and when you take the elevator to the 4th floor, you can open the door in front of you. The door was closed, so is it really okay here? I entered with excitement. There are spacious counter seats and table seats, and it has a bar-like atmosphere. What I received on this day (tax included) ・ Choice of main lunch 1,500 yen The main selection is bolognese finished with foie gras, truffles and brandy. First of all, soup. cauliflower soup. Rich and delicious. I want more because there are few potions. salad A lot of salads such as chicken, foie gras terrine, and octopus marinade. You can enjoy various things and it is delicious. Bolognese I liked the rich bolognese with the scent of truffles. Since the amount is small, is this all? I thought, but I usually eat too much, and after this I get sleepy after eating too much at work, so sometimes it's okay to have an eighth minute (laughs) The photo was taken up close, so it looks voluminous, but the amount is quite small, so I think I'll make a large one next time. Also, since the serving time is slow, we recommend when you have time to spare.

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