膝痛専門整体パーム - Ashiya

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Contact 膝痛専門整体パーム

住所 :

Chayanocho, Ashiya, 〒659-0067 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879778
Postal code : 659-0067
Webサイト : https://st-palm.com/knee/
街 : Hyogo

Chayanocho, Ashiya, 〒659-0067 Hyogo,Japan
愛子友保 on Google

Three years ago, I had edema of the left joint, and I had a surgery at an osteopathic clinic. At the end of January of this year, my swelling became severe and I went to an orthopedic clinic to drain water. After that, my exacerbation deteriorated and my entire left leg swelled and I was in great pain. I finally grabbed myself, and I couldn't walk without a cane. At that time, because I was uneasy and I couldn't expect to return to work, I searched online, and the first thing I found was "Knee-specialized manipulative ❗". Immediately after reading the experience stories, I contacted them by line and consulted about the condition of my feet and what I am worried about returning to work. After that, I thought I would like to ask the teacher to give me a polite reply and feel at ease. The first time, on March 9, I had a medical examination with a cane. I was taught how to get up and walk, practiced, and on the way back, I was surprised by saying, "Please bring a cane with me ..." ❗ I returned without a cane. After the first treatment, I was glad that I was surprised and foreseen that I was able to explain the root cause carefully and what to do in the future, and that it will be about 3 months from now that I will be able to walk stably without problems. . After that, you can rest assured that you can consult with us on line if you are worried about it. Since mid-April, I have returned to work little by little. I am currently doing it once every two weeks, and as I said earlier, I'm looking forward to seeing him walking steadily around June.
溝康子 on Google

昨年10月 膝の痛みと左腕が痛く上がらなくて整形外科を受診し3月末迄通院しました が、思う様に改善されなかったのでグーグルで調べて整体パームさんとの出合い。 藁をも掴む思いで受診しました。原因は日常生活動作とセルフケアなどで改善出来るとの事や改善の見通し等など説明を受けて、お任せしたいと決めました。 現在7回の受診で膝の痛みは緩和され、歩行は自己努力が必要ですが、腕は耳まで上がる様になりました。 今後、良い状態が安定して維持出来るように、施術とアドバイスを受けて行きたいと思います。
Last October, I had an orthopedic surgery because I had a pain in my knee and a pain in my left arm, and I went to the hospital until the end of March. However, it did not improve as expected, so I checked it on Google and met with Manipulative Palm. I had a medical examination with the intention of grasping straw as well. I decided to leave it to me after receiving explanations such as the reason that I could improve it by activities of daily living and self-care and the prospect of improvement, etc. At the 7th visit, my knee pain has been alleviated, and walking requires my own effort, but my arms are now raised to my ears. In the future, I would like to receive treatment and advice so that I can maintain a good condition in a stable manner.
max puni on Google

I had stiff shoulders and headaches when I was raising and working and I often went to other massages. I simply wondered, "How do you cure without massage?", and the first discount was applied, so I decided to try it. As a result, it fits me perfectly. I have almost no symptom anymore, but I see him from time to time.
banban on Google

去年までコインパーキングだった場所にできた新しいビルの4階。朝、近所を散歩中、そのビルの前で上を見上げたら「痛み・しびれに特化」の文字。「ああ、整体屋さんなのね…」と思ったその日。突然、首が回らない状態に!(涙)覚えていた文字でネット検索し、ホームページから予約しました。そして…帰りはほぼ症状なし!生活習慣次第で再発する可能性もあるとのことで、念のため次回も予約しました。「整体屋さん」って軽く考えてすみません。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。 先生!これからもよろしくお願いします! (2019/10追記です。) 移転されているので追記します。 前の場所ができてからそんなに経ってなかったのに、1年で今の所へ移転されました。前より広くて見晴らしがいいので気持ちが良いです!^ - ^ 今は膝の痛みで月一回くらい通ってますがほとんど良くなってます。 何でも教えてくれるので助かってます!
The fourth floor of a new building that was in a place where it was a coin parking until last year. If you look up in front of the building while taking a walk in the neighborhood in the morning, the words “specialize in pain and numbness”. The day I thought, “Oh, you ’re a manipulative ...” Suddenly, the neck does not turn! (Tears) I searched the internet with the characters I remembered and made a reservation from the homepage. And ... almost no symptoms on the way home! I made a reservation next time just in case, because there is a possibility of recurrence depending on lifestyle. I'm sorry to think lightly about "manipulative shop". ゚ (゚ ´Д ` ゚) ゚。 Sensei! I look forward to working with you! (Added on 2019/10.) I will add it because it has been moved. Although it wasn't so much since the previous place was made, it was moved to the current place in a year. It feels great because it ’s wider and better than before! ^-^ Now I go about once a month because of knee pain, but it's almost getting better. I'm saved because it tells me anything!
Izumi on Google

過去に半月板損傷で手術をした両膝に水が溜まり、腫れ、歩行が難しくなったので整体パームさんに問い合わせました。 予約を取る段階から礼儀正しい対応で、ラインでの会話もスムーズでした。 初回のセッションは、丁寧なヒアリングの後にホワイトボードで図解を含めながらの根本原因等の説明、治療法、治療プランについて説明があります。そして、先生と一緒に本気で治療に向き合うか否かを確認します。 正直お目にかかるまでは半信半疑でしたが、先生の説明は物理学と生物学と人体学が関連しており、その理論に納得しました。 先生は、身体にストレス(圧)の無いソフトな手技で口調もソフト。毎回、必ず良くなっていきました。マッサージのような一時的な治癒ではなく、長期的に身体のゆがみやひずみを調整していくという施術です。 また、生活習慣(歩き方、座り方、歩行時間や速さ、自転車の乗り方)やアイシングの指導も受け、質問にも丁寧にアドバイスを頂きました。 クリニックも自然光が入り明るく、先生自ら隅々までお掃除をされ清めていらっしゃいます。完全予約制なので時間の無駄がなく、プライバシーを守れるのも利点です。 膝が良くなるにつれ持病の椎間板ヘルニアも良くなり、相乗効果があったのは驚きでした。潤滑が大切と教わったので、ホームケアをしながら現状を維持したいと思います。信用のできる先生です。
I contacted Mr. Palm, who had been operated on due to a meniscus tear in the past, because water accumulated on both knees, causing swelling and difficulty in walking. The correspondence was polite from the stage of making a reservation, and the conversation on the line was smooth. In the first session, after a careful hearing, a whiteboard will explain the root cause, etc., including illustrations, treatment methods, and treatment plans. Then, check with your teacher to see if you are serious about the treatment. To be honest, I was skeptical until I saw him, but I was convinced that his explanation was related to physics, biology, and human anatomy. The teacher has a soft tone with a soft technique that does not cause stress (pressure) on the body. Every time, it got better. It is not a temporary healing like a massage, but a treatment that adjusts the distortion and strain of the body over the long term. In addition, I received guidance on lifestyle (how to walk, how to sit, walking time and speed, how to ride a bicycle) and icing, and received polite advice on questions. The clinic is also bright with natural light, and the teacher himself cleans and purifies every corner. Since it is a complete reservation system, there is no waste of time and it is also an advantage that you can protect your privacy. As my knees got better, my chronic disc hernia also got better, and I was surprised that there was a synergistic effect. I learned that lubrication is important, so I would like to maintain the status quo while doing home care. A credible teacher.
木下貞子 on Google

長年膝や肘の痛みに、色んなところに行きましたが、改善はなくもう年だし諦めようかなと思っていました。そんな折スマホで「整体パーム」さんが目に止まり、痛みに対する捉え方、施術の理念に納得、すぐにここだ! と思いお世話になることしました。 穏やかな御人柄で施術も安心して受けられます。 痛みの原因、日々の生活の仕方を教わり、トレーニングは難しくは無いし結果が見えるので続けられます。 ウォーキングも時間が少しずつ延ばせるようになりました。 楽しんで来たスポーツも続けられて感謝しております。
I went to various places for pain in my knees and elbows for many years, but there was no improvement and I thought I should give up. At that time, "Manipulative Palm" caught my eye on my smartphone, and I was convinced of the way of thinking about pain and the idea of ​​treatment, and it was right here! I was taken care of. With a gentle personality, you can receive the treatment with confidence. You will be taught the causes of pain and how to live your daily life, and training is not difficult and you can see the results so you can continue. Walking time can now be extended little by little. I am grateful that I have continued to enjoy the sports I have enjoyed.
みち on Google

51才女性です。腰痛でコルセットが外せない生活を20年来続けてきましたが、この夏に腰痛がひどくなったと同時に左膝に鋭い痛みが出始めて、不安と焦りのなかネット検索で見つけたこちらへ来院しました。時間をかけた丁寧な診察の後に、大きなボードに図解入りで、いまの腰痛・膝痛の原因について説明して下さいました。それまでの常識が覆されて驚きましたが、納得がいきました。その後に受けた初回施術では腰・左膝の両方の痛みが嘘のように無くなり、行きはタクシーでの来院がやっとだったのに、帰りは30分間違和感のない徒歩で帰宅できました。日常生活での指導も歩行や冷却、立ち座りの方法等、お金もかからず自分の心がけで実行できることだったので助かりました。 1週間後の来院時には20年来のコルセットもとれており、2ケ月半後の現在は、膝も腰も痛みもなく順調です。湿布や服薬から解放され普通に生活できること、腰痛をおこす前の気力や活力が戻りつつあることが非常に嬉しく有難いです。 実はこちらへ来院する1週間前に整形外科を受診し、椎間板ヘルニアと診断されて牽引治療をはじめていたのですが、こちらで腰の牽引は禁忌だと説明頂き、やめると判断できたことも、早い回復に繋がったと思います。整体は始めてでしたが、思い切って来院して良かったです。余計な治療は加えず信頼できる先生です。先日は中2の娘の歩行も見て頂きました。私のように腰・膝の痛みに悩んでいる方、根本から治したい方は、是非来院してみて下さい。
I'm a 51 year old woman. I've been living a life where I can't take off my corset because of my back pain for 20 years, but at the same time as my back pain got worse this summer, I started to have sharp pain in my left knee. After a long and careful examination, he explained the cause of the current back pain and knee pain with an illustration on a large board. I was surprised that the conventional wisdom was overturned, but I was convinced. In the first treatment I received after that, the pain in both my lower back and left knee disappeared like a lie, and although I could barely come to the hospital by taxi, I was able to return home on foot for 30 minutes without any discomfort. I was saved because I was able to give guidance in daily life, such as walking, cooling, standing and sitting, etc., without spending money and with my own mind. When I came to the hospital one week later, I had a corset for 20 years, and now, two and a half months later, my knees, lower back, and pain are all right. I am very happy and grateful that I am free from compresses and medications and can live normally, and that my energy and vitality before I had back pain are recovering. Actually, I had an orthopedic surgery one week before coming to this hospital, and I was diagnosed with herniated disc and started traction treatment, but I was told that traction of the waist is contraindicated here, and I was able to decide to stop it. I think it led to a quick recovery. It was my first time to have a manipulative treatment, but I'm glad I took the plunge and came to the hospital. He is a reliable teacher without any extra treatment. The other day, I also saw the walking of my second daughter. If you are suffering from lower back / knee pain like me, or if you want to cure it from the ground up, please come visit us.
小出美鈴 on Google

3ヶ月前より急に膝や股関節が痛くなり歩行や立ち上がりが困難になりました。 泉先生が痛みの原因の説明や施術をして下さり、家での手当てや体操を教えて下さいました。 おかげ様で膝に水が貯まるのも防げましたし、身体が治そうとする力を引き出して下さいました。 今では、諦めかけていたお茶のお稽古で、正座もでき、立ち上がりもスムーズになりました。 ありがとうございました。
My knees and hips suddenly hurt more than three months ago, making it difficult to walk and stand up. Dr. Izumi explained the cause of the pain and gave me some treatments, and taught me how to treat and do gymnastics at home. Thanks to you, I was able to prevent water from accumulating in my knees, and I was able to draw out the power to heal my body. Now that I'm giving up on tea lessons, I can sit upright and get up smoothly. Thank you very much.

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