Century Auto - Matsudo

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Century Auto

住所 :

510 Kamishiki, Matsudo, Chiba 270-2221, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87977
Postal code : 270-2221
Webサイト : http://www.a-cent.co.jp/

510 Kamishiki, Matsudo, Chiba 270-2221, Japan
osamu ebihara on Google

When I hear about a car in the city, I get the impression that there is a difficult old man, but that is not the case, and the scale is large, so it feels like a dealer.
Fredrik Toromond on Google

I have had a long relationship, but I was betrayed by this company. Normally, I don't want to add even one star. I think it's a system, so I gave it a star 1.
y tatewaki on Google

車検の時期がやってきたのだ。代車は用意できる?「『立会い車検』だと2時間で終了するので代車分、お得です!」とのこと。立会い? なんじゃそら? 「はい、お客様には車検作業に立会っていただきます。完全予約制ですが2時間で終わりますよ」とのこと。へー 面白そうやん・・なのでお願いしてみた。 んで、写真。ほんとうに、車検でやっていることを全部見せてくれる。各装置の摩耗具合やフィルターの劣化も丁寧に説明。おや、ここだけ黒くなってるね? 「お気づきですか、実はですね・・(説明へ)」いやー 理系にはたまらん。 ブレーキ検査なんて、ステージの下から試験用の車輪がせり出てきてそれが回りだす。すると、ディスプレイにグラフが瞬時に数値と判定結果を表示。これはおもろい! ヘッドランプの明るさが十分か、向きがずれてないかまでセンサーで計測。「ご存知ですか、ヘッドランプはドライバー一本で高さや左右の向きが調整できるんですよ」いえ、全然。「では見ていてくださいねー(やって見せる)」おおっ 目の前で不具合が解消されるのは快感です。 とにかく目の前で全てが終わるんですよね。そして、交換すべき個所を教えてくれる。「こちらは大丈夫です」「これは次回までに劣化が来ますね」うん、今では程度が肌身で分かる。「交換されますか?」 しますします! お願いした追加作業の間、2階の喫茶室でコーヒーをいただく。自分の車はもちろん、いろんな車の様々な作業を見下ろす感じ。すげー 最近の車検ってこんな感じなの? 「いえ、社員のアイデアで始めたことです。千葉ではまだウチだけなんですよ」とのこと。車の仕組みから仕事の姿勢まで、いろいろ勉強になりました。ありがとう!!
It's time for an automobile inspection. Can you prepare a substitute car? "The" witnessed vehicle inspection "will be completed in 2 hours, so it's a great deal for a substitute vehicle!" Witness? What is it? "Yes, customers will be required to attend the vehicle inspection work. It is a complete reservation system, but it will be completed in 2 hours." Hmm, it looks interesting, so I asked for it. Well, a photo. It really shows you everything you're doing at the scrutineering. Carefully explain the wear condition of each device and the deterioration of the filter. Oh, it ’s only black here, right? "Did you notice, actually ... (to the explanation)" No, I can't wait for science. For brake inspection, the test wheels stick out from under the stage and start spinning. Then, the graph instantly displays the numerical value and the judgment result on the display. This is interesting! The sensor measures whether the headlamps are bright enough or not misaligned. "Did you know, the height and left-right orientation of the headlamps can be adjusted with a single screwdriver." No, not at all. "Let's see it (I'll show you)" Oh, it's a pleasure to solve the problem in front of you. Anyway, everything ends right in front of you. And it will tell you where to replace it. "This is okay." "This will deteriorate by the next time." Yeah, now I can tell the degree with my skin. "Would you like to exchange it?" Have coffee in the coffee room on the 2nd floor during the additional work you requested. It feels like looking down on various tasks of various cars as well as my own car. Awesome Is the recent car inspection like this? "No, I started with the idea of ​​an employee. In Chiba, I'm still the only one." I learned a lot from the mechanism of the car to the attitude of work. Thank you! !!
Hiro K on Google

Highly recommended for Tesla owners. He is kind and polite, and he has a great deal of knowledge about Tesla, so you can consult with confidence.
fox Silver on Google

I use it for a year's inspection of the car, vehicle inspection, and oil change. The staff and engineers are both kind and polite. When working on the car, you can have a tea while waiting in the waiting room on the second floor.
y K on Google

車検、ディーラー(国産H社)が色々つけて13万だったのがこちらで8万くらいになりました。「ディーラーが5年でトランスミッション(?)オイルを交換した方がいいって言ってましたが」と質問したら「メーカーはそうみたいですがきれいなので次の車検にしましょう」と相応の提案もして頂けるので疑心暗鬼な自分でも安心出来ました。次もお願いすると思います。 以前に車をぶつけてしまった時に板金塗装もしてもらったことがあるのですが、コ●ックが4万でこちらが2.5万くらいでしたが見た目分からないようにきれいにしてもらったこともあるので傷隠しもお得です。
The number of vehicle inspections and dealers (domestic H company) was 130,000, but now it is about 80,000. When asked, "The dealer said that it is better to change the transmission (?) Oil in 5 years," he said, "The manufacturer seems to be so, but it's beautiful, so let's go to the next vehicle inspection." So I was relieved even if I was suspicious. I would like to ask you next time. I had a sheet metal painting when I hit a car before, but the cock was 40,000 and this was about 25,000, but I also had it cleaned so that it does not look like it. Since there is, it is also advantageous to hide the scratches.
新井新也 on Google

スタッフの教育が行き届いていて、とても気持ちよく任せられる店です。 オイル交換に来たのに色々点検してくれてスペアタイヤのトラブルに気づいてくれた事は本当にありがたかったし、素晴らしいと思いました!
The staff are well-educated and you can leave it to us very comfortably. I was really grateful that he came to change the oil, but he checked various things and noticed the trouble of the spare tire, and I thought it was wonderful!
タロップ on Google

初めて利用させてもらったのですがスタッフさん達の対応が凄く良く、安心して任せて修理をしてもらい満足のいく値段で愛車が戻ってきました。 待合室にはドリンクバー、マッサージ機もあり快適に待つことができ本当によかったです。 今度車検もお願いしようと思ってます。
I used it for the first time, but the staff were very responsive, and I was relieved to leave it to me for repairs, and my car returned at a satisfactory price. There is a drink bar and a massage machine in the waiting room, so it was really nice to be able to wait comfortably. I'm thinking of asking for a car inspection next time.

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