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Contact 藩校興譲館跡

住所 :

Central, Yonezawa, 〒992-0045 Yamagata,Japan

街 : Yamagata

Central, Yonezawa, 〒992-0045 Yamagata,Japan
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米沢が誇る藩校興譲館の由緒が書き記されています。 右の笠石の乗った細長い石柱は古いもので、左の大きな黒石の石碑が平成20年に新たに建てられたものです。石碑の原文は以下のとおりです。 「米沢藩第九代藩主上杉治憲(鷹山)公は、大倹約令・殖産興業など藩政改革を進める中、「学問は治国の根源」として、安永五年(一七七六)この地に学問所を再興、師の細井平洲先生によって「興譲館」と命名された。 正門は南側にあり、正面奥には孔子を祀る「先聖殿」、その手前の大きな建物は講堂である。学寮には藩士から選ばれた二十名の俊秀が寄宿し、三ヵ年勉学に専念した。後に講堂右に通学生が学ぶ「友于堂」、正門左に医学館「好生堂」が併設され、充実が図られた。 学風は、政治や経済に役立つ「実学」を奨励、多くの有為な人材を輩出したが、惜しい哉、元治元年(一八六四)の大火で類焼し、同年門東町の武芸所隣に再建された。」 写真撮影月 令和元年9月
The history of Yonezawa's proud clan school Kojokan is written down. The elongated stone pillar with the capstone on the right is old, and the large black stone monument on the left was newly built in 2008. The original text of the stone monument is as follows. "The 9th feudal lord of the Yonezawa domain, Harunori Uesugi (Takayama), studied in this area in the 5th year of Anei (1767) as" learning is the root of the rule "while promoting the feudal affairs reforms such as the Great Sumptuary Law and the breeding industry. The place was revived, and it was named "Kojokan" by his teacher, Professor Hosoi Heishu. The main gate is on the south side, and in the back of the front is the "Senshoden" that enshrines Confucius, and the large building in front of it is the auditorium. Twenty Toshihide selected from the feudal lords boarded the school dormitory and devoted themselves to studying for three years. Later, on the right side of the auditorium, there was a "Yuyu-do" where students can study, and on the left side of the main gate, there was a medical center "Kosei-do". Gakufu encouraged "practical science" that is useful for politics and economy, and produced many talented human resources. It was rebuilt next door. " Photographing month September 1st year of Reiwa

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