
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ろばた膳

住所 :

Central, Warabi, 〒335-0004 Saitama,Japan

街 : Saitama

Central, Warabi, 〒335-0004 Saitama,Japan
BaBa BaBa on Google

It was very delicious. I want to come again.
ENZA Msg. on Google

Adult tavern. Sip a drink on a seasonal dish. Wild vegetables, seafood. Well, sake goes on.
英剛橋本 on Google

No matter what you eat
森寛光 on Google

シックでお洒落、味も美味しい素敵なお店 カップル、一人呑み、家族も座敷有るし大丈夫かな。蕨駅近辺でお気に入りのお店の1つです。
Chic and stylish, nice tasty delicious taste I have a couple, a single person, a family member and I am OK. It is one of my favorite shops near 蕨 station.
ひろこ on Google

約、10年ぶりに先週行きました。昔はとても美味しいと思ってましたが、久々に行ったら不味くて驚きました。 お刺身は鮮度が悪く残しました。つくねはバサバサ。美味しかったのは焼きおにぎりだけでした。 お値段も都内と変わらず高めです。 常連さんが来てるっぽく、一見さんや、ごくたまにしか来ないお客さんにはネタの古いネタを出すんですかね。がっかりしました。
I went last week for the first time in about 10 years. In the past, I thought it was very delicious, but when I went after a long time, I was surprised that it was not good. The sashimi was left with poor freshness. Tsukune is rustling. The only delicious thing was grilled rice balls. The price is as high as in Tokyo. It seems that regulars are coming, do you give old-fashioned material to Kazumi and customers who come only occasionally? I was disappointed.
0726 mase on Google

Good taste, good customer service, nothing to say ✨
大石典幸 on Google

I entered by myself, but the proprietress and staff were very friendly and I had a good time. The food was delicious
saya T on Google

値段見ずに注文した1200円の牡蠣などお値段は少し高めですが間違いない美味しさ。 力士味噌を付けて食べる生キャベツのおかげで2歳の子どもが葉野菜を食べるようになりました! おにぎりの美味さが忘れられないのでまた行きたいです。
Price such as oyster of 1200 yen which we ordered without looking at price is slightly high, but is definitely delicious. A two-year-old child now eats leafy vegetables thanks to the raw cabbage that he eats with wrestler miso! I want to go there again because I can not forget the deliciousness of the rice ball.

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