Central Clinic Ishima - Okayama

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Central Clinic Ishima

住所 :

7-5 Ishima Kitamachi, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0017, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
Postal code : 700-0017
Webサイト : http://www.kohjin.ne.jp/

7-5 Ishima Kitamachi, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0017, Japan
マロリン on Google

Y H on Google

ここの院長 ○重 稼ぐことしか考えていない。 アンケートの前だけ対応がよくなる 日替わりで言ってる事がかわる。
Director here ○ I'm only thinking about earning a lot of money. Correspondence improves only before the questionnaire What I say changes daily.
まさこ on Google

I am always indebted to breast surgery. The teacher is friendly and can listen to anything without hesitation. I will take care of you one by one.
久之永原 on Google

今日は血尿の検査結果を聞きに来る 尿検査のため尿を取る 予約の為か待ち時間時間20分ほどで終わる 診察代は700円でした
I'm going to hear hematuria test results today Take urine for urinalysis It takes about 20 minutes to wait for a reservation. The examination fee was 700 yen
幸せ通信黒豆さん on Google

内科を検診するも、原因がわからず、次は、産婦人科に移動させられました。 産婦人科で、かなり待たされて、内科の先生が、更年期と診断したのだけど、更年期はとっくに過ぎてると言われて、また内科に行かされ、超音波検査と血液検査をしました。 朝10時45分の予約で、会計が終わったのが、夕方4時でした。 たらい回しにされましたが、超音波で病名がわかり、少し安心。 ただ、手術が待ってますが、この病院での手術は、大丈夫かな?という不安はあります。
Although I had a medical examination of internal medicine, I did not know the cause, and then I was moved to obstetrics and gynecology department. In obstetrics and gynecology department, I was awaited a lot, but my internal medicine teacher diagnosed menopause, but it was said that menopausal age was too long, and I went to internal medicine again and did ultrasound and blood test. At 10:45 am, it was 4 pm in the evening when the accounting was over. It was made to go around, but the disease name was understood by ultrasound, and it was a little relieved. However, surgery is waiting, but is it OK for surgery at this hospital? There is the fear that.
小林幸紀 on Google

胃潰瘍でお世話に成りましたが最悪です。内視鏡の検査の時私がエヅイテ辛い時、看護士さんが内視鏡を操作している技師に思わず意見する程の嫌がらせ(胃の手前で内視鏡をわざと止めエヅイテ居る状態を楽しむ) 医療関係者とは思え無い行動や、 次回の検査項目の種類も、検査済みの物が有る等、トータルで15種類も有り明らかに診療報酬目当て!! (手遅れや後悔したく無い方々にはオススメしません。)患者の負担(身体面、経済面)を考えて居るとは思えません。!!
I was taken care of by a stomach ulcer, but it is the worst. At the time of endoscopy examination When I have a hard time, the nurse harasses the technician who is operating the endoscope so much that I intentionally stop the endoscope in front of my stomach and enjoy being in Ezuite. Behaviors that do not seem to be medical personnel, There are a total of 15 types of inspection items, including those that have been inspected, and we are clearly aiming for medical fees! !! (I don't recommend it to people who don't want to be too late or regret.) I don't think they are considering the burden on the patient (physical and financial aspects). !! !!
サコンさやか on Google

昨日、内科を受診させていただきました。 一週間以上続く、微熱、頭痛に苦しみ、飛び込みで婦人科を受診希望で行きましたが、内科にご紹介いただきました。採血も1時間後には結果が出まして、丁寧な診療とご説明があり、お薬もいただき、安心して帰宅できました。 あしもりクリニックを数日前に受診しましたが、車の中で待たされ、体調が悪くなり、すがる思いで受診しました。個室に通していただき、懇切丁寧な診療で、有り難かったです。
I had a medical examination yesterday. I suffered from a slight fever and headache for more than a week, and I went to see a gynecologist because I jumped in, but I was introduced to the internal medicine. The result of blood collection came out one hour later, and there was a careful medical treatment and explanation, and I was able to get medicine and went home with peace of mind. I visited the Ashimori Clinic a few days ago, but I had to wait in the car and felt sick, so I went to the clinic with a feeling of urgency. I am grateful to have you go to a private room and have a thorough and careful medical examination.
浦上みやこ on Google

毎年、乳腺外来で乳ガン検診をうけます。マンモも女性だし、医師も女性なので、気分的に楽です。昔、乳ガンで有名なおおもと病院で第一人者の医師に診てもらっていましたが、予約なのに、凄くまたされるしそのわりには、診察時間は、とても短くて、不満に感じていました。友達が、こちらが良いと言うのど、こちらに変えました。診察に時間をかけてくださり、いろいろ質問もできます。こちらでこれからもお世話になると思います。マンモ2方向と診察で7700円でした。もう少し安ければよいな、と思います(笑) 高齢の医師だったので、診察先希望者ご
Every year, we have a breast cancer screening at the outpatient department of the breast. The mammography is also female, and the doctor is also female, so I feel comfortable. A long time ago, I was seen by a leading doctor at Omoto Hospital, which is famous for breast cancer, but even though I made an appointment, I was dissatisfied with the fact that the consultation time was very short. My friend said this was good, but I changed it to this one. You can take the time to see the doctor and ask various questions. I think that you will continue to be indebted here. It was 7700 yen for 2 directions of mammography and medical examination. I hope it's a little cheaper (laughs) Since I was an elderly doctor, I would like to see a doctor.

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