Care Life - Hirakata

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Care Life

住所 :

2番10号 Mitsuyacho, Hirakata, Osaka 573-0051, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 573-0051
Webサイト :

2番10号 Mitsuyacho, Hirakata, Osaka 573-0051, Japan
シナ子川村 on Google

たばたかさい on Google

not really
なしな on Google

知人のお困りの方の力になっていただけ、とても助かりました。 いろんなサービスがあって驚きました。
It was a great help to those who were in trouble with my acquaintances. I was surprised that there were various services.
suki sakana on Google

It's a warm company that is active from young people to elderly people.
まて味方だ on Google

ものすごいひどいブラック企業です。働くには適さない。 一生会いたくない家族を預けるには素晴らしい会社です。 ベルビーというNPO法人も、仮装してるだけで、同族会社です。配属に違いは無いペーパー上のカンパニーに近いです。 同族と幹部には2%以上の高金利がつく仕組みです。農協や組合みたいな感じです。なので頑張っても旧態質なので出世は無いです。 自分たちでうたっています。実力主義、年功序列と。出来ないペーパー看護師さん PTさんでも偉そうにここでは振る舞えます!新しい人来ないから。 ボランティアで来て料理してもお金が支払われています。これは脱税。労働基準違反。 会社に籍を置くと強制的に 通品費でお金を取られます。これも説明が無いので詐欺。 最低賃金以下の就業です。休み時間も有りません。施設外に出るのを禁止されて見守り業務をさせられます。 差別もすごい有ります。女性 男性 障害の尊厳が全く無いです。
It's a terrible black company. Not suitable for working. It's a great company to leave a family you don't want to meet for the rest of your life. Belby, an NPO, is also a family company just by dressing up. It is close to the company on paper with no difference in assignment. It is a mechanism that a high interest rate of 2% or more is attached to the family and executives. It feels like an agricultural cooperative or union. So even if I do my best, I will not be promoted because it is old-fashioned. We are singing ourselves. Pay for performance and seniority. Paper nurses who can't do it, even PT can behave brilliantly here! Because no new people will come. Even if you come as a volunteer and cook, you are paid. This is tax evasion. Labor standard violation. If you register at a company, you will be forced to take money for goods. This is also a scam because there is no explanation. Work below the minimum wage. There is no break time. You will be prohibited from going out of the facility and will be allowed to watch over. There is also great discrimination. Women and men have no dignity of disability.
滝倫太郎 on Google

There are a wide variety of jobs and you can choose from them, so it's easy to work. It is easy to take paid leave. It's easy to commute because it's right from Hirakatashi station.
浜田遼一 on Google

突然48歳で障害者になり、ケアライフさんにお世話になることに。 今は、第2号被保険者として介護保険も利用しています。 この13年間の間、入退院もあり、その度に病院から施設入所を勧められた事もありました。 男、一人暮らし、もう無理なのかなと諦めそうになった時 ケアライフさんに全力で力になってもらい、明るく元気なヘルパーさんに、「人生100年の時代やで」って支えてもらい、 今も自分の家で、男、一人暮らしを楽しんでいます。 まずは、何でも相談してみるのがいいと思います。
Suddenly at the age of 48, he became disabled and was taken care of by Mr. Care Life. Now, as the second insured person, I also use long-term care insurance. During the last 13 years, I have been hospitalized and discharged, and every time I was advised by the hospital to enter the facility. When a man lives alone and is about to give up thinking it's impossible I asked Care Life to help me with all my strength, and I asked a cheerful and energetic helper to support me in the age of 100 years of life. I still enjoy living alone as a man in my own house. First of all, I think it's a good idea to consult with us about anything.
田中修 on Google

70歳過ぎても仕事をしていた元気な母親でしたから、介護と無縁だと思っていました。しかし、年末の大掃除で、踏み台から落ちて大腿部骨折、要介護2の文字に、大パニックになりました。 そのあと、癌、髄膜炎…。 本当に、この10年色々ありましたが、その時の、状況に合わせてサービス内容を変えてもらい、妻も妹も介護離職せず、家で母親が暮らせる事に感謝しています。 本当にケアライフさん、ありがとうございます! これからも宜しくお願いします。
I was a healthy mother who was still working after 70 years old, so I thought she had nothing to do with long-term care. However, at the end of the year, I fell off the platform and got a big panic with a broken thigh and the word "Need care 2". After that, cancer, meningitis ... I've had a lot of things over the last 10 years, but I'm grateful that my wife and sister didn't leave their jobs for long-term care and that my mother could live at home by changing the service content according to the situation at that time. Thank you very much, Care Life! Thank you for your continued support.

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