Cake House OPERA - Toyonaka

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Cake House OPERA

住所 :

3 Chome-3-40 Shonaisaiwaimachi, Toyonaka, Osaka 561-0833, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 561-0833

3 Chome-3-40 Shonaisaiwaimachi, Toyonaka, Osaka 561-0833, Japan
k-y-y-h k-y-y-h on Google

There are few products in a small store. The shopkeeper is unfriendly. Fresh cream is too sweet.

I made a decoration cake on the day order ❣️
たおぐちまきこ on Google

Frozen pineapple ? is the best when it gets hot ☀️???
てててり on Google

オペラさんのケーキはどれも美味しい! 特にオススメなのはチーズケーキ。初めて食べた時は美味しすぎてびっくりしました。笑 シュークリームもクリームたっぷり!
All of Opera's cakes are delicious! Especially recommended is cheesecake. When I ate it for the first time, I was surprised at how delicious it was. Lol A lot of cream puff!
ねこまぁまぁ on Google

バースデーケーキをここでいつも買わせていただいてます^ ^こちらの無理なお願いも、快く受けてくださりとてもいいお店です! なにより味は天下一品で、褒めすぎだと言われるかも知れないですが私はここのケーキが大好きです(^^)
I always buy birthday cake here ^ ^ It's a very nice shop because I can accept this unreasonable request! Above all, the taste is one of the best in the world, and it may be said that it is over complimented, but I love the cake here (^ ^)
M. Nishimura on Google

「チーズケーキ」見た目は素朴ですが、食べたら卵黄感とバニラ感の濃厚なクリームチーズケーキ、食感もパサパサしておらず、とても美味しかったです。 ホール買いは事前予約が必要とのことでした。
"Cheese cake" The appearance is simple, but when it was eaten, it had a thick cream cheese cake with a sense of egg yolk and vanilla, and it did not have a smooth texture, which was very delicious. Hall buying was that prior reservation was necessary.
O “mayumi” M on Google

長年利用していましたが、ケーキを予約した際に注文内容を間違えられたにも関わらず謝罪なし 更にはレジの女性にデコレーション出来ると確認してから予約したにも関わらず受け取りの際に出来ないと言われ、これまた謝罪なし! 最近、久しぶりにケーキを購入したけど、ケーキの違いを女性スタッフが説明出来ない… やはりもう二度と利用しない
I've been using it for many years, but I didn't apologize even though I made a mistake when I booked the cake. Furthermore, I was told that I couldn't do it when I received it even though I made a reservation after confirming that I could decorate it with the cashier woman, so I didn't apologize again! Recently, I bought a cake for the first time in a long time, but the female staff can't explain the difference between the cakes ... I will never use it again
甲賀弦之助 on Google

I like the shop owner who is polite in serving customers and responds to the needs of small cakes on this side as much as possible. Of course I love the taste and I go to buy it at each event

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