
4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact うふcafe

住所 :

Furushidamachi, Yonezawa, 〒992-0065 Yamagata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : https://www.facebook.com/%25E3%2581%2586%25E3%2581%25B5cafe-150167151759548/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–6PM
Sunday 11AM–6PM
Monday 11AM–7PM
Tuesday 11AM–6PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11AM–6PM
Friday 11AM–6PM
街 : Yamagata

Furushidamachi, Yonezawa, 〒992-0065 Yamagata,Japan
Ritsuko m on Google

It's a very delicious, fashionable and nice cafe ?
きぬた on Google

フードからお店の全ての装飾まで、細部にこだわりが詰められたカフェ。 田んぼと山に囲まれた雰囲気の中で、気持ちよく過ごせます。 ランチは混んでますが、おススメは夕暮れ時。田んぼの向こう側に見える米沢の街の灯りを眺めながら、ゆったり過ごすのが至福のひととき。
A cafe filled with details, from the food to all the decoration of the store. You can feel comfortable in the atmosphere surrounded by rice fields and mountains. Lunch is busy, but I recommend at dusk. It is a blissful moment to spend leisurely watching the lights of the city of Yonezawa, which is visible on the other side of the rice fields.
e on Google

知人にオススメと言われて行ってきました。 クレープのお店と言うことで、クレープのメニューが豊富です。 私はガレットランチにドリンク、本日のケーキを注文しました。 ¥2000越えたので、結構高いですね。 ガレットのメニューも結構あったので悩みました。 ガレット(ベーコン&チーズ&きのこ&たまご)、今日のコーヒー(忘れました)、本日のケーキ(バスクチーズケーキ)を注文しました。 どれも美味しかったです。 また来たいですね。
I have been told to be recommended by an acquaintance. There are a lot of crepe menus by saying crepe shops. I ordered a drink for the galette lunch and today's cake. It is quite expensive because it exceeded ¥ 2000. I was worried because there were quite a few galette menus. I ordered galette (bacon & cheese & mushroom & egg), today's coffee (forgot), today's cake (basque cheesecake). They are all delicious. I want to come again.
わ_かじゅむ on Google

お店のインスタを発見して初めて訪れました。 店員さんの気配り、対応、注文した物の映え、味全て含めて大満足でした。
I visited for the first time after discovering the store's Instagram. I was very satisfied with the attention of the clerk, the response, the appearance of the ordered items, and the taste.
島軒和治 on Google

おいしい!意外と腹持ちが良い。 女性に人気なのも納得。
delicious! Surprisingly hungry. I understand that it is popular with women.
im gg on Google

Lunch set + Drink. The rumored galette is very delicious. I was able to spend a relaxing time with a generous amount of specialty coffee. The clerk also feels good and the timing of coming out is very good. It was a cafe that healed according to the word of mouth. I will go again.
鈴木由利子 on Google

Lunch comes with an appetizer and is very delicious. You can choose your favorite galette and drink your favorite drink for an additional 100 yen. I had another fun. It was delicious.
Naoko on Google

駐車場も広めなので停めやすいです。 混んでるときは席が空いてる様でも多少外で待ってるようでした。 外観や内装(椅子やテーブル…)も1つ1つがくすぐられるものばかりで見ていても楽しいです。 スイーツも美味しかったです。 次はガレット頂きたいです。 おトイレにエッフェル塔のオブジェがたくさんあって上がります↑↑
The parking lot is also large, so it is easy to park. When it was crowded, it seemed like I was waiting outside even if the seats were vacant. The exterior and interior (chairs, tables, etc.) are all tickled, so it's fun to look at them. The sweets were also delicious. Next, I would like to have a galette. There are many objects of the Eiffel Tower in the toilet and it goes up ↑↑

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