Cafe de Paris - Toshima City

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Cafe de Paris

住所 :

1 Chome-23-1 Nishiikebukuro, Toshima City, Tokyo 171-0021, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 171-0021
Webサイト :
Description : Opulent, Parisian-style cafe with red velvet seats & chandeliers, serving pasta, sandwiches & cake.

1 Chome-23-1 Nishiikebukuro, Toshima City, Tokyo 171-0021, Japan
kikilala3430 on Google

The morning set is cheap and voluminous, so it is recommended. Iced coffee with plenty of milk is delicious. The seats are wide so you can relax! It is a retro coffee shop.
黒古里あんな on Google

池袋に行った時は必ず行きたくなる老舗の喫茶店です。昭和レトロな雰囲気を楽しめるし、落ち着いてゆっくりとした時間が過ごせます。よく飲むのはシナモンティー。シナモンの良い香りに癒されています。オススメのお店です。 It is a long-established coffee shop that you will definitely want to visit when you go to Ikebukuro. You can enjoy the Showa retro atmosphere and spend a calm and relaxing time. I often drink cinnamon tea. Healed by the good scent of cinnamon. This is a recommended shop.
It is a long-established coffee shop that you will definitely want to visit when you go to Ikebukuro. You can enjoy the Showa retro atmosphere and spend a calm and relaxing time. I often drink cinnamon tea. Healed by the good scent of cinnamon. This is a recommended shop. It is a long-established coffee shop that you will definitely want to visit when you go to Ikebukuro. You can enjoy the Showa retro atmosphere and spend a calm and relaxing time. I often drink cinnamon tea. Healed by the good scent of cinnamon. This is a recommended shop.
imap4rev1 on Google

初見なので星3 コロナ以前に来た時は満席でタバコの匂いがすごい感じだったが、いまの平日12時台はそんなことなかった 混雑度は落語の講演の有無に依存するのか? 近所の伯爵やフラミンゴと似たような昭和な喫茶店で場所も良いので待ち合わせや食後にちょっと話し込む場所としては良いだろう 2022/03追記 モーニングは所謂オールドファッションな喫茶店のモーニングの水準を満たしているので、値段に内容共に納得のいくものである。細かいところがちゃんとしているのがいい所だと思うが、その細部の差をどう捉えるかは人それぞれではあろう
It's my first time seeing 3 stars When I came before Corona, it was full and the smell of cigarettes was amazing, but it was not so at 12 o'clock on weekdays now. Does the degree of congestion depend on the presence or absence of a rakugo lecture? It's a Showa coffee shop similar to the counts and flamingos in the neighborhood, and the location is good, so it's a good place to talk a little after a meeting or a meal. 2022/03 postscript Morning meets the standards of so-called old fashion coffee shop morning, so the price is reasonable. I think it's good that the details are correct, but it's up to each person to understand the differences in the details.
T F on Google

A remnant of a nostalgic coffee shop! It takes about 2 minutes on foot from the west exit of Ikebukuro. From the 1st floor, take the escalator and sit in your favorite seat and wait. I ordered coffee and seafood pasta from a coffee shop. It has a very nostalgic taste and is delicious. The inside of the store is not so messy, and I think it is suitable for business negotiations and work by one person. I am very grateful for a coffee shop like this near the station. It was a treat.
小日向哲 on Google

昔からある喫茶店。 エスカレーターで2階に登った先に入り口があります。 喫煙スペースは店内に1箇所ですが狭いです。 場所柄か客層は濃いめ(!)の方が多いような気がします。
An old coffee shop. There is an entrance at the end of the 2nd floor on the escalator. There is only one smoking space in the store, but it is small. I feel that there are more people with a darker (!) In terms of location or customer base.
西村俊彦の朗読ノオト on Google

池袋西口、寄席のすぐ近くにある喫茶店、カフェ・ド・巴里。 入口が自動扉でエスカレーターという、余り見ない導入。 それを登り切ると何かの銅像らしきものがお出迎えという、クラシックでゴージャスな空間が広がる。 店内は廣く開放的でのんびりできる。椅子もなんか豪華なやつ。 ケーキセットでも頼んでのんびり読書、というのはいかがでしょう、という感じである。 喫煙は喫煙ブースで。ペイペイも使える。 出口は出口で自動扉。開くときにびっくりするので心構えが必要。
Cafe de Paris, a coffee shop near the west exit of Ikebukuro and the yose. The entrance is an automatic door and an escalator, which is a rare introduction. When you climb up it, you will be greeted by something that looks like a bronze statue, creating a classic and gorgeous space. The inside of the store is spacious and open and you can relax. The chair is also luxurious. How about asking for a cake set and reading a book leisurely? Smoking is at the smoking booth. PayPay can also be used. The exit is an automatic door at the exit. You need to be prepared because you will be surprised when you open it.
あんこ on Google

池袋に行く度気になってた喫茶店。 先日待ち合わせまで時間があったので寄ってみました。 入口がすごく独特で変わった自動ドアにエスカレーター。 店内がとても広くてくつろげました! シャンデリアも飾ってあったりレトロな喫茶店という感じです。 カフェラテ単品750円で飲もうとしたら、カステラとのセットで800円らしいのでそっちに変更。 カステラの味はまぁ普通だけど量もちょうどよくて、ちょっと小腹が空いた時にいい感じです。 カフェラテも泡がふわふわでおいしい。 本当はケーキセットや他のフード類も気になったのでまた行こうと思います。 タバコ臭くないし、時間潰しにとてもいいお店です!
A coffee shop that I was curious about every time I went to Ikebukuro. I had time to meet the other day, so I stopped by. An escalator with an automatic door that has a very unique and unusual entrance. The inside of the store was very spacious and relaxing! The chandelier is also displayed and it feels like a retro coffee shop. If you try to drink a latte for 750 yen, it seems to be 800 yen as a set with castella, so change to that. The taste of castella is normal, but the amount is just right, and it feels good when you are a little hungry. The latte is also fluffy and delicious. Actually, I was interested in cake sets and other foods, so I will go again. It doesn't smell like cigarettes and it's a great place to kill time!
r u on Google

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