
4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Cafe+8101

住所 :

Kamiyoga, Setagaya City, 〒158-0098 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
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街 : Tokyo

Kamiyoga, Setagaya City, 〒158-0098 Tokyo,Japan
ykk * on Google

昼と夜数回来店しました。 オリンピック見越して開店したと思うんですが立地的に夜の集客なんかは難しそう。 朝と昼は満足。 夜は選べるメニューがあまりなくてミッドタウン辺りの値付け。そこを気にしない空いてるお店が好きな人にはいいかも。 接客はこちらからのコミュニケーションがあれば。海外仕様です。
I visited the store several times during the day and at night. I think the store opened in anticipation of the Olympics, but it seems difficult to attract customers at night due to its location. Satisfied in the morning and noon. There aren't many menus to choose from at night, so pricing around Midtown. It may be good for people who like vacant shops that don't care about it. If there is communication from here for customer service. It is an overseas specification.
S mizuki on Google

気になってたお店 テラス席有ります!ワンチャンOKです? 店内も広くて子連れママにおすすめかな? 店員さんも丁寧な接客で好印象でした! サーモンアボカドのサンドBOXを頼みました おいしかったです! テイクアウトしたので次回はイートインしたいと 思います✨ 星4つは今後に期待を込めてです⭐️ イートインしてきました!
The shop I was interested in There are terrace seats! Wanchan is OK ? The inside of the store is large and is it recommended for moms with children? The clerk was also very impressed with the polite customer service! I ordered a salmon avocado sandbox It was delicious! I took out so I want to eat in next time I think ✨ Four stars are with expectations in the future ⭐️ I've been eating in!
Johnny Lovinson on Google

オープンテラスタイプのカフェ 目の前は道路だけど、木々があるし広いので開放感があって気持ちいい。 料理は美味しい。 カフェラテはミルク感あって、私は好きです。 写真はランチメニューで、マリネポークのBBQです。 グリルできちんと焼いております、時間はかかるが美味しいので満足。 アイスカフェラテがついて¥1,500 手のこんだサラダとポークBBQ、立地等加味すると値段相応かなと感じました。 混んでなければリピしたいです。
Open terrace type cafe There is a road in front of me, but there are trees and it's wide, so it feels open. The food is delicious. The latte has a milky feel and I like it. The photo is the lunch menu, BBQ of marinade pork. It's grilled properly, it takes time, but it's delicious, so I'm satisfied. With ice latte ¥ 1,500 I felt that the price was appropriate considering the elaborate salad, pork BBQ, location, etc. I want to repeat if it is not crowded.
Setagaya Dog on Google

テラス席ペット可。 去年は散歩の途中に朝ごはん、ランチ、お茶とちょこちょこ通っていましたが、代わり映えのしないメニューとコスパの低さで自然と足が遠のいていました。 久しぶりにランチに寄らせていただいたところ、メニューも工夫されて、コスパも大幅に改善されていました!週末のランチは、サラダプレート+メイン+ドリンクで1500円程度。ちょっとした付け合わせにお店のやる気が感じられ、とても満足な内容でした。テラスも気持ちいいですが、店内も洗練されて広々としています。 接客は中立的な感じのスタッフが多いので若干不愛想に感じることもあるかも知れませんが、一生懸命で良い方が多いし、同じ方が長く働いている感じです。今後の伸びしろに期待して、☆4つです。
Pets on the terrace are allowed. Last year, I used to go for breakfast, lunch, and tea during my walk, but I was naturally away from the menu and the low cost performance. When I stopped by for lunch for the first time in a long time, the menu was devised and the cost performance was greatly improved! Weekend lunch is about 1500 yen for salad plate + main course + drink. I felt the motivation of the shop with a little garnish, and it was very satisfying. The terrace is nice, but the interior is sophisticated and spacious. There are many staff who are neutral in customer service, so it may feel a little unfriendly, but there are many people who are good at working hard, and it feels like the same person has been working for a long time. Expecting future growth, there are four ☆.
アキオ on Google

オシャレー、テラス席に引き込まれてはいり、お店も広くてモダンですね また、来ます
It's fashionable, you're drawn into the terrace seats, and the shop is large and modern. I'll come back later
太郎(Sasataro) on Google

【馬事公苑近くにあるカフェ】 馬事公苑の砧側にある、0830営業開始のカフェ。 もともとはバルみたいな感じでの営業だったようだが、いつからか朝8時からモーニング対応が開始。 近隣界隈(桜新町、用賀、経堂近辺)のカフェは9-11時の間でのオープンが多いので、のんびりしたモーニング利用に重宝してます。 モーニングメニューも複数用意されていて、それぞれのお料理は美味しいです。
[Cafe near Bajikoen] A cafe on the side of Bajikoen, which is open for business at 0830. Originally it seemed to be a bar-like business, but someday morning support started at 8 am. Cafes in the neighborhood (Sakurashinmachi, Yoga, Kyodo) are often open between 9-11 o'clock, so it is useful for relaxing morning use. There are also multiple morning menus, and each dish is delicious.
やまもー on Google

There was a staff member in front of the store entrance, but he was enthusiastic about the story and almost ignored it. I even called out from here, "Are you free?" There was no welcome, and I was passed by a female staff member who was unfriendly and went into the store. The staff had a fun conversation with each other. The food on the lunch menu was very good. I was disappointed with the response and customer service when I entered the store just because I heard from my friends that the atmosphere inside the store and the customer service of the staff were good as well as the food.
Jean-Baptiste Dominguez on Google

Simple, fresh, delicious French toast and coffee, shout-out to the cook. Great spot for a breakfast. The staff is friendly, thank you for your warm welcome. Really great spot as well for daddies waiting their new born in Tokyo Mother’s Clinic.

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