和ノ肴 松 by L factory

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 和ノ肴 松 by L factory

住所 :

Izumi Ward, Sendai, 〒981-3117 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://nagominoatematsu.gorp.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 5PM–1AM
Sunday 5PM–1AM
Monday 5PM–12AM
Tuesday 12AM–1PM
Wednesday 12AM–1PM
Thursday 5PM–1AM
Friday 5PM–1AM
街 : Miyagi

Izumi Ward, Sendai, 〒981-3117 Miyagi,Japan
松木虎輝 on Google

If you're looking for a shop in Izumi Chuo, Wano Kanamatsu is the most recommended! The atmosphere of the clerk is very good, and the appearance of the shop is also fashionable! After all, rice and sake are exquisite. ️Please drop by once! !
片岡純一 on Google

2021/8/13時点では店内喫煙可能。 美味しい食事もお酒も楽しむ事が出来ませんでした
Smoking is allowed in the store as of 8/13/2021. I couldn't enjoy delicious food and alcohol
yuuki yokota on Google

お酒も品数多いし、店員さんも人柄がよくいい雰囲気のお店です。 近くの人は行くべきですね。 とっても美味しい。 あとデザートの手作りアイスが最高です♪ かぼちゃ、抹茶、紅茶の三種類あります。 全部食べるべき。
There are many items of liquor, and the store clerk has a good personality and atmosphere. The nearby people should go. Very delicious. And dessert handmade ice is the best ♪ There are three types: pumpkin, matcha and black tea. You should eat everything.
すわっち1 on Google

We had a good time enjoying Junmai sake and authentic shochu. I also want to go secretly.
大津和弥 on Google

お通しからデザートまで美味しかったです。 雰囲気も良く、大満足です。 デートにもオススメです♪
It was delicious from passing through to dessert. The atmosphere is good and I am very satisfied. It is also recommended for dates ♪
J O on Google

先月初めて夜に食事をしに行った時には夜定食が食べられなかったのですが、他の料理もとても美味しいと思い、今回こそ夜定食を食べたいと思い、再度食事にいきました。 夜定食もとても美味しくて満足できたのですが、店舗の面積ゆえなのか、喫煙者と分煙がされておりません。折角美味しい料理を食べているなか、隣で煙草をすわれると、美味しい料理もだいなしです。 星を5つつけたいところですが、分煙されてないので、星3つ。 今後分煙を検討してほしいところです。
When I went to eat at night for the first time last month, I couldn't eat the evening set meal, but I thought that other dishes were also very delicious, and this time I wanted to eat the evening set meal, so I went to eat again. The evening set meal was also very delicious and I was satisfied, but probably because of the area of ​​the store, smoking is not separated from smokers. While eating delicious food, if you smoke next to me, you will not be able to enjoy delicious food. I'd like to add 5 stars, but since the smoke is not separated, 3 stars. I would like you to consider smoke separation in the future.
最&高 on Google

気さくなスタッフさんと美味しいお料理と美味しいお酒。 店内の雰囲気も良く最高なお店です。
Friendly staff, delicious food and delicious sake. The atmosphere inside the store is good and it is the best.
俊彦大友 on Google

以前、配達の手伝いで納品にお伺いした泉の「和ノ肴 松」さんでお昼ごはん。武屋食堂さんの向かいにあるお店です。 「今日は桃の節句にちなんで『ハマグリラーメン』だー」と入店したのですが、「良いハマグリが入荷しなかったので…」ということで品切れ。 かわりに『いわい鶏の唐揚げ定食』を注文しました。 唐揚げが大きい&多すぎてビックリ!! 衣はクリスピー、中身はプリプリ。おろしポン酢も大活躍。 あと嬉しかったのは、宮城の郷土食「しそ巻き」が付いてきたこと。 唐揚げ、しそ巻きでご飯が進みまくりでした! お会計の際に「ハマグリラーメンをお出しできなくて申し訳ございません」とお詫びの言葉もいただきました。 後日、ハマグリラーメンを食べにまた来たいと思いました!
I had lunch at Izumi's "Wano-Shomatsu" who visited me for delivery with the help of delivery. It is a shop opposite Takeya Shokudo. I entered the store saying "Today is" Hamagri Ramen "after the peach festival", but it was out of stock because "I didn't receive good Hamagri ...". Instead, I ordered "Iwai chicken fried set meal". I was surprised that the fried food was too big and too much !! The batter is crispy and the contents are pre-prepared. Grated ponzu is also very useful. Another thing I was happy about was that Miyagi's local food "Shiso-maki" was included. The rice was fried and rolled with shiso! At the time of payment, I received an apology saying, "I'm sorry I couldn't serve Hamagri Ramen." I wanted to come back to eat Hamagri Ramen at a later date!

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