
4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 新潟のBROOCH(ブローチ)

住所 :

Shichikuyama, Chuo Ward, 〒950-0914 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://www.brooch.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–7:30PM
Sunday 11AM–7:30PM
Monday 11AM–7:30PM
Tuesday 11AM–7:30PM
Wednesday 11AM–7:30PM
Thursday 11AM–7:30PM
Friday 11AM–7:30PM
街 : Niigata

加藤達也 on Google

エンゲージネックレスの種類が豊富だったのでこちらで購入させていただきました。 あまり時間のない中でしたが刻印の納期など最善を尽くしてくださったのでありがたかったです。 また機会があったら利用したいです。
Kind of engagement necklace I was allowed to buy here because it was rich. I was thankful because who have our best and delivery of did was but engraved in no much time. I would like to use it again if there is an opportunity.
杉崎尚美 on Google

I've known brooches for a long time, so I decided to buy a wedding ring here. The budget was fixed and it was a small budget, but I decided here because I thought that I could find it within the budget and ask with confidence. Also, I would like to use this when purchasing pairings on these anniversaries.
min on Google

こちらの婚約指輪でプロポーズしてもらい、結婚指輪もこちらで買いました。 店員さんもとても丁寧で優しくて、要望にあったいろんな素敵な指輪を紹介していただきました。
I had him propose with this engagement ring, and I bought a wedding ring here as well. The clerk was also very polite and kind, and he introduced me to various wonderful rings that meet my needs.
小名さくら on Google

I was able to buy the wedding ring that I liked the most by asking me to listen to the story when choosing and giving me various candidates! The staff were friendly and friendly, so it was easy to talk to them!
momo sachi on Google

This time, to commemorate the 10th anniversary of my marriage, I bought a ring and my husband bought a watch. At the same time, I also asked for the repair of the wedding ring I bought here before. When choosing a commemorative ring or watch, they responded very politely and I was able to shop comfortably. I was very much looking forward to getting it. I'm satisfied.
パネブログ on Google

結婚指輪からお世話になってます。 今回はスイートテンダイヤモンドのリングを購入させていただきました!予定より早く仕上げていただいて感謝です。
I am indebted to you from the wedding ring. I bought a sweet 10 diamond ring this time! Thank you for finishing it earlier than planned.
高橋めい on Google

相手が仕事だったので1人で行きました。 スタッフの方がとても良くしてくださって安心して見れました。 ダイヤモンドの説明もしてもらい、産地やカットのことを教えてもらいました。せっかく選ぶならこういった、良いものを選びたいですし、実際に見ていてもキラキラで綺麗だったので、このダイヤがいいなと思いました。また彼と行きます。
The other person was at work, so I went alone. The staff made it very good and I was able to see it with confidence. He also explained about diamonds and told us about their origin and cuts. If you choose it with all your might, I would like to choose a good one like this, and even when I actually saw it, it was glittering and beautiful, so I thought this diamond was good. I will go with him again.
Simon Scott on Google

Great service and fantastic staff members who helped us pick rings which were perfect for us! Would recommend to any couple looking to make the lifelong purchase!

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