BLUESKYLAUNDRY Nishiharuten Coin Laundry - Kitanagoya

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact BLUESKYLAUNDRY Nishiharuten Coin Laundry

住所 :

Kitanagoya, 〒481-0043 Aichi,Japan

Postal code : 481-0043
Webサイト :
街 : Aichi

Kitanagoya, 〒481-0043 Aichi,Japan
井手徳一郎 on Google

Say this and it's the same everywhere ?
橋本正澄 on Google

It becomes fluffy with soft finish + dryer.
shibata yoshihiko on Google

It's right next to the supermarket, so if it's just dry, you can do it between shopping.
kei on Google

清潔感があり、スタッフがいる間は、外に出ていても洗濯から乾燥間の移動を代わりにやってもらえるなどサービスが行き届いた素敵なお店です。 周囲は田畑が広がっている田舎ということもあり盗難被害もなさそうです。
It is a nice shop that has a good feeling of cleanliness and has a good service such as moving from washing to drying even if you are outside while the staff is there. The surrounding area is a country where the fields spread, so it seems that there is no theft damage.
e k on Google

There was a lot of rain and laundry, so I went to the dryer. It is dry and the finish is also excellent. It is more fluffy than it is dried in the sun. I will continue to use it in the future.
Aihon Nohia on Google

Muito legal. A mulher que estava lá nos explicou como usar. Muito bom!
Very cool. The woman who was there explained how to use it. Very good!
速水昌子 on Google

洗濯機が突然、壊れてしまいコインランドリー生活になってしまいました。色々探しましたがここは、洗濯の量で洗濯機が2種類から選べて便利です。 通常は洗濯と乾燥が別ですが、洗濯から乾燥まで一台で終わるものまであります。 普段は仕事があるのでそこまでの時間がないので洗濯のみですが、休みの日に隣のスーパーで買い物がてら使ってみたいです。 買い物が終わったら、洗濯・乾燥が終わってるので持ち帰ったら畳むだけなのですから。
The washing machine suddenly broke and I was in a coin laundry. I searched variously, but here it is convenient to choose from two types of washing machines depending on the amount of laundry. Normally, washing and drying are separate, but there are cases where washing and drying can be completed in one machine. Since I usually have work, I don't have time to do that, so I only do laundry, but on holidays I would like to use it while shopping at the neighboring supermarket. When I'm done shopping, I'm done washing and drying, so I just fold it when I bring it home.
まーうまる on Google

新しいくて綺麗で盗難被害が今のところない治安の良いランドリー。乾燥機の乾きが良い。 洗濯機4台・洗濯乾燥機2台・ 大型乾燥機2台・乾燥機6台 乾燥機10分100円~とコスパ最高! ポイントカード100円で10p(10円分)になり100p(100円分)から利用可能。 ※覚書/4番乾燥機 乾きが悪い
New, clean and safe laundry with no theft damage. Dryer is good. 4 washing machines, 2 washing and drying machines, 2 large dryers and 6 dryers Dryer 10 minutes 100 yen ~ and cospa is the best! It becomes 10p (for 10 yen) for a point card of 100 yen and can be used from 100p (for 100 yen). * Memorandum / No. 4 dryer

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