Bike Studio - Saitama

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Bike Studio

住所 :

4 Chome-2-22 Kishicho, Urawa Ward, Saitama, 330-0064, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Postal code : 330-0064
Webサイト :

4 Chome-2-22 Kishicho, Urawa Ward, Saitama, 330-0064, Japan
T nakachin on Google

目的地が浦和駅周辺で南浦和駅辺りを原付で走行中嫌な音と共に走行不能になり、仕方なく手押しでスマホ片手でバイク修理店を訪問し見てもらった所、対応がもの凄い良かったです。 修理の説明もわかりやすく困っていたので助かりました。 オイル交換メンテナンス等も今後お世話になると思います
When the destination was around Urawa Station and I was driving around Minami-Urawa Station with a moped, I could not drive with an unpleasant noise, and I had no choice but to visit a motorcycle repair shop with one hand of my smartphone, and the response was tremendous. .. The explanation of the repair was easy to understand and I was in trouble, so I was saved. I think that oil change maintenance etc. will be taken care of in the future
蕗上政司 on Google

I had bought a motorcycle at this shop before, and I ordered a slightly older motorcycle for a run-of-the-mill feeling. As a result, I was cured perfectly. I am grateful. Until then, repairs were refused at other stores, and even if you got it done, things that were completely useless due to repeated problems were resolved at this store. Of course, I don't think we can solve anything, but we can convince even customers who are not familiar with the mechanical parts with a properly persuasive explanation of defects and proper maintenance. If you think your bike is not going well, you may want to consult once. It also sells and repairs bicycles in addition to motorcycles, and is a long-standing local shop. Because it is near the station, it is a shop where you can stop by when shopping or returning to work. If you praise too much, it will be crowded and you will not be able to see the trouble of your motorcycle, so praise it in this neighborhood W Anyway you can trust it.
鈴木俊浩 on Google

I was at a loss when I was refused to repair my old motorcycle and asked for it. It's a great shop with technology, responsiveness and what you think is a true professional. The dealer refused to even see it just because it was old, but I was willing to accept it here, and this time it was a defect of the part I tampered with, but after checking the amateur maintenance, the defective part Other than that, it was wonderful to have you check the parts you were worried about, and to find new defective parts by double and triple checks including the surroundings for the repaired parts this time. Even after the repair, he explained the repaired part with a photo and did it really carefully. At first glance, I don't think the cost is cheap, but considering that oil is unlikely to be uselessly refurbished in terms of using Wako's and having the above carefully checked and maintained, it will eventually be cheaper. I think. Also, the wages are the dealer rate, so it is clear and fair. A professional repair shop who can do it because he really has the technology, not the maintenance of bonuses for selling motorcycles. I'm really glad that there was such a shop.
ken sait on Google

I am indebted to a 250cc motorcycle (non-scooter). Not only regular inspections, but also trade-in and new car sales were satisfactory prices. I used to go to a distant authorized dealer, but now I can leave it to a nearby Bysta, so it's very easy. After that, it would be perfect if Kawasaki was treated (laughs).
hiroyuki uto (utofamily) on Google

Please explain in an easy-to-understand manner with a polite response and continue to ask!
Yasa Maru on Google

Mainly pike, but also handles bicycles. It seems that they are also doing touring tours. The second generation store manager is a good person.
A A on Google

40年前の古いスクーターで 動かなくなりました。店員さんが親切丁寧に整備して頂き スクーターは絶好調に若返りました。私も若返った感じです。有り難う御座いました。
On an old scooter 40 years ago It stopped working. The clerk kindly and politely maintains it The scooter has rejuvenated in great shape. I feel rejuvenated. Thank you very much.
桓騎軍オギコ五千人将 on Google

他店購入のCBRに乗っていますが、突然のエンジントラブルでクチコミを見てこちらに。 ショップは、浦和駅から最寄りでアクセスもよく、店長を初め店員さんの対応もすばらしかったです。 修理には、繁忙期ということもあり1週間程度かかりましたが駅近ということもあり問題ありませんでした。 FI車はなかなか見てくれる店も少なく、電話した際はどこも門前払い。 ここだけは『まず持ってきてください』のお返事でした。 料金は技術料と考えればかなり良心的だと思います。そもそも直さないと乗れないレベルの故障だったので安いと感じました。 今後は、継続的にメンテで利用しようと思います。 帰り際でしたが、お店の前が一時停止なのですが、『そこで取り締まりしているので気をつけてください』と。 地元から愛されるお店だと思います。店長も気さくでいい方でした。
I am riding a CBR purchased from another store, but due to a sudden engine trouble, see the word-of-mouth and click here. The shop was the closest to Urawa station and was easily accessible, and the store manager and other staff members were very helpful. The repair took about a week due to the busy season, but there was no problem because it was near the station. There aren't many shops that look at FI cars, so when you call, you pay in advance. Only here was the reply "Please bring it first". I think that the fee is quite conscientious if you think of it as a technical fee. I felt it was cheap because it was a breakdown that I couldn't ride without fixing it in the first place. In the future, I will continue to use it for maintenance. On my way home, there was a temporary suspension in front of the store, but he said, "Be careful because we are cracking down there." I think it's a shop loved by the locals. The store manager was also friendly and nice.

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