Big Motor Kurashikimizushimaten - Kurashiki

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Big Motor Kurashikimizushimaten

住所 :

6-1 Mizushima Takasagocho, Kurashiki, Okayama 712-8066, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Postal code : 712-8066
Webサイト :

6-1 Mizushima Takasagocho, Kurashiki, Okayama 712-8066, Japan
ナカ on Google

先日車検を受けました。 店内も綺麗でスタッフさんの対応、値段すべて良かったです。 これからは家族の車も全てビッグモーターさんでお願いしたいと思います。
I had a car inspection the other day. The inside of the store was beautiful, the staff responded, and the price was all good. From now on, I would like to ask Big Motor for all the cars of my family.
高尾柚衣 on Google

We are considering purchasing a used car and explained it carefully. The store was beautiful, there were services such as drinks while waiting for the oil change, and there was a children's playground, which was very helpful.
野比のび太 on Google

The person in charge was Mr. Matsuo! Thank you for having the purchase assessment higher than other stores and for finding your ideal car with polite customer service when purchasing a car! I would like to ask for the next car
Iam Jon on Google

この店まるで詐欺です。他の好評口コミを鵜呑みにしないように、水島店で 車検詐欺まがいに合いました。必要のないパックをつけられて、上乗せ7万無駄に取られ、説明せず。あげく、車検後の検査記録が渡せないとのこと。記録すら取っておらず、車検をしたように見せて、何もやってない可能性がある。 ぼったくりではないですか? 車検の証明書不在 提供なし さらにオイル交換永年無料が、とつぜん有料になり、最初の契約が無効になりました。 スタッフの対応も不切実、不適切。誠意なし、 誰がこんなところでお世話になるか。 ちなみに電話対応のスタッフに 『詐欺ですよね?』と聞いたら 『そうですね…』 だってさ。 みなさんもお気をつけて!
This store is like a scam. In order not to swallow other popular reviews, I met the car inspection fraud at the Mizushima store. An unnecessary pack was attached, and an additional 70,000 was wasted, so I didn't explain it. After all, the inspection record after the vehicle inspection cannot be handed over. I haven't even kept a record, and it's possible that I've done a car inspection and haven't done anything. Isn't it a rip-off? No vehicle inspection certificate provided In addition, the oil change is free for many years, but it is always charged, and the first contract is invalidated. The staff's response is also urgent and inappropriate. No sincerity, Who will take care of me in such a place? By the way, to the staff who can answer the phone "It's a scam, right? If you ask "is that so…" Because. Please be careful, too!
ひろa on Google

Even if you don't buy a car here, the mechanic here will take care of you so you can rest assured. I couldn't find anything else that wasn't working well, but when I brought it here, I immediately found out the cause and had it repaired. After that, when things go wrong, I always see them.
照焼チキン on Google

This is a recommendation to disregard the budget, even though we will consult after deciding the budget and the car model. Well, since you're asking for a request, you'll probably say the budget with the older Hope Great. It's natural that you feel sick when you are told that this is not common sense. Isn't it your job to find a compromise (year and mileage) in the stock cars? I don't have any suggestions, I don't give a quote, I don't want to sell it. Is it strange to ask a professional from an amateur? Also, when I said that I didn't feel like taking out a loan, I couldn't help but understand. I'm not going to go anymore, but I'm a little more sales person, so I'd like you to show your efforts to meet the needs of customers. It was a waste of time just to go.
足軽Lv.1 on Google

以前車の下部(エアコン吸入)から鳥が侵入しており仏になり車中が何とも言えない悪臭で修理、清浄をお願いしたところ費用50万はかかる、匂いは完全には取れないと言われしかも正直作業したくないと、、呆 仕方なく他の業者でお願いしたところ費用15万で匂いもオゾンで施工して頂き0でした。 追記 オイル交換永久無料だったが、知らぬ間にビッグで車検受けなかったら有料になってました ここで購入した意味。 てかそーゆーの知らせといてくれます?一応客なんで 売ったら終わり態度ビッグモーター 他所の方が車検は安い オススメしません!! ☆1つも付けたくないです
Previously, a bird had invaded from the bottom of the car (inhalation of the air conditioner) and became a Buddha. I don't want to work honestly I had no choice but to ask another company to do it, but the cost was 150,000 and the smell was zero. Postscript: The oil change was free forever, but if I didn't get a big car inspection without knowing it, I would have to pay for it. Can you give me the news of Tekassoyu? Why is it a customer? If you sell it, it's over. Big motor Vehicle inspection is cheaper elsewhere I don't recommend it! !! ☆ I don't want to attach one
ここ空 on Google

今日は日曜日!オイル交換と点検です。待ち時間は2時間との事!事前予約出来たら良いのですが無理な様です。 点検予約で対応してもらいました。タイミングでどうなるかは分かりませんが、色々と担当者さんの心遣いも良く、スタッフさんの対応も大変良いと思います。 やはり車を買う時にはその車に乗り「座り」トキメキがあるかどうかで決まると思います。ここで買わないにしても在庫が沢山あるから欲しい車に近い車種を選ぶのに使う事も出来ると思います。鍵は付いてますから受付をしなくても自由に選べると思います。 新車も良いですが、新車に近い車も沢山ありますね! 保証もしっかりしてますよ!(^_^) 各地にあるからどこで車検、オイル交換しても対応してくれますから便利ですよね!
Today is Sunday! Oil change and inspection. The waiting time is 2 hours! I wish I could make a reservation in advance, but it seems impossible. I had them respond by making an inspection reservation. I don't know what will happen at the timing, but I think that the person in charge is very considerate and the staff are very responsive. After all, when you buy a car, it depends on whether you get in the car and have a "sitting" feeling. Even if you don't buy it here, you can use it to choose a car model that is close to the one you want because it has a lot of stock. It comes with a key, so you can choose freely without having to register. New cars are good, but there are many cars that are close to new cars! The guarantee is also solid! (^_^) It's convenient because it's located in various places, so it will be available no matter where you inspect the vehicle or change the oil!

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