(株)若菜 大宮センター

2.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (株)若菜 大宮センター

住所 :

Besshocho, Kita Ward, 〒331-0821 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : https://kyuusyoku-wakana.com/
街 : Saitama

Besshocho, Kita Ward, 〒331-0821 Saitama,Japan
東北訛り on Google

The driver of the delivery car is quite awkward. We pass through a residential area with a nursery school at a considerable speed.
ワイエイチ on Google

みなさんの口コミの書き込みを見て、こちらも納得してしまいました、笑。 次に見かけました時は、ドラレコ等々、映像を撮っておきたいと思います。
After seeing everyone's reviews, I was convinced, lol. The next time I see it, I'd like to take a picture of it, such as a dash cam.
ハレノテラス東大宮ツタヤ書店の店員は顔も悪ければせっ客も悪い。 on Google

企業面接会でスキンヘッドと目つきの悪いおっさんが感じ悪かったな。 それだけでああ、そんなもんかなと印象付けられる。日清医療は 感じ良かった。
Skinhead and unhappy old man felt bad at company interview meeting. That alone can make you realize that kind of thing. Nisshin Medical is I felt good.
面接太郎 on Google

There is a stench around the company. I wonder if your neighbors don't like it. I was worried about hygiene management or okay even though I was handling food.
T T on Google

ある意味 さいたまでは名前だけは有名 能書きばかり一致ょ前で全く中身がない 会社組織がいい加減すぎ 上の好き嫌いで従業員を判断する 組合がないので やりたい放題 昇給なし 残業をもみ消すのは当たり前(周5で1日13時間働かされて年収30◯万) 誰でも快く受け入れるのは常に人員不足(長続きしない)の為 上が代わらないとダメ
Until in a sense, only the name is famous There is no content at all in front of all the writings The company organization is too sloppy Judge employees based on their likes and dislikes There is no union, so you can do whatever you want No salary increase It is natural to wipe out overtime (annual income of 300,000 after working 13 hours a day in 5 weeks) Anyone is willing to accept because of a shortage of staff (not long lasting) You have to change the top
ナウ&禅 on Google

路上で走行中の当該の配膳車を見かけたら 先ずは 離れてください。 大変危険です。 近くに お年寄り 子供 が いたら 車から少しでも離れるように 声掛けの注意 等 安全の配慮願います。近隣にお住まいのドライバーの方は 傍若無人で危険な運転の巻き添え被害を防ぐため 蛮行にあいましたら躊躇無く証拠を取り警察へ 警察が対応せずでしたらマスコミに提出をお願いします。重大事故を防ぐための最低限の必要な手段です。
If you see the serving car running on the road, please leave first. It is very dangerous. If you have an elderly child nearby, please be careful about calling out so that you can get away from the car as much as possible. If you are a driver living in the neighborhood, please do not hesitate to take evidence if you are barbaric and submit it to the media if the police do not respond in order to prevent collateral damage caused by unmanned and dangerous driving. This is the minimum necessary measure to prevent a serious accident.
ta imi on Google

蓋開けるとお米スカスカでガックリきます (›´ω`‹ )
When you open the lid, you will feel sick with rice. (›´ω`‹)
Aki Ito on Google

It's been over 30 years ago, but when I was in high school, I wanted a computer, so when I asked him to work during the summer vacation, he hired me comfortably. I forgot the name of the director at that time, but thank you very much for working comfortably with everyone, even though it was only a little over a month.

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