食堂 なかや

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 食堂 なかや

住所 :

Bentenbashidori, Chuo Ward, 〒950-0925 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8879
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–9PM
Sunday 11:30AM–9PM
Monday 11:30AM–9PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11:30AM–9PM
Thursday 11:30AM–9PM
Friday 11:30AM–9PM
街 : Niigata

Bentenbashidori, Chuo Ward, 〒950-0925 Niigata,Japan

ラーメンがとても美味しいです!鰹出汁がきいていてサッパリとした味です。新潟県はこってり系のラーメンが多いと聞きましたが、とても珍しい店ではないのでしょうか? また、若鶏の半身揚げはカレー風味で美味しかったです。ただ結構大きいので冷めにくく、他のクチコミにも書いてある通り少々食べにくいです…。
Ramen is very delicious! It has a refreshing taste with the soup stock. I heard that Niigata Prefecture has a lot of ramen, but isn't it a very unusual shop? Also, the half-fried chicken was delicious with curry flavor. However, it's quite big, so it's hard to get cold, and it's hard to eat a little as it is written in other reviews ...
InrI InrI on Google

The "ramen set meal", which is a set of rice and fried chicken, is 650 yen for lunch. There is a great deal of value for money. This ramen looks like Niigata soy sauce, which is often seen at first glance, but it has some characteristics. I like the shop itself because it has the comfort of a Showa era.
kazu kon on Google

A large ramen set meal. The ramen soup is delicious ?️
山司(yamah) on Google

ランチで鶏の唐揚げ定食を頼んだら、片手持ちのもも揚げが出てきました。 美味しいのですが、食べにくいので、普通の唐揚げが自分は好きなのですが。 ご飯の量はどんぶりにすり切りいっぱいで、十分に満足できました。 ランチの料金は650円でリーズナブルです。普通のメニューもそれほど高くないようでした。 タクシーの運ちゃんも来ていましたので、当たりのメニューがあるのかも。 しょうが焼きの定食は量が見た目、少ないように見えました。 駐車場は店の前に5、6台分位でしょうか。 古くからあるお店のようで、普通にテーブルに灰皿がおいてあります。 ご主人はお疲れのようでした。 奥さんの感じは良かったです。 また来てもいいかと思いました。
When I ordered a fried chicken set meal for lunch, one-handed fried chicken came out. It's delicious, but it's hard to eat, so I like regular fried chicken. The amount of rice was grated in a bowl and I was fully satisfied. Lunch is reasonably priced at 650 yen. The regular menu didn't seem to be that expensive either. Taxi luck also came, so maybe there is a winning menu. The ginger-grilled set meal seemed to be small in quantity. Is the parking lot about 5 or 6 cars in front of the store? It looks like an old shop, and there are usually ashtrays on the table. My husband seemed tired. The feeling of his wife was good. I thought it was okay to come again.
aki t. on Google

池田和也 on Google

数多くの常連さんがいるタイプの定食屋さんです。夕方に行くと常連さん同士で結構盛り上がっています。 550円のラーメンが凄く美味しいです。新潟では煮干しダシのラーメンが多めな中、強めにカツオダシが効いたラーメンは、やや新鮮です。非常にあっさり食べられる美味しいラーメンです。 一緒に注文した餃子もジューシー。 他に新潟名物の鶏の半身揚げも食べられます。半身揚げもじっくりと時間をかけて揚げていて非常に香ばしく、肉汁たっぷり。 お酒も提供しているので、おつまみに良さそうなメニューも多彩でした。 昼はランチメニューもあるようです。 カウンター席が8席程度、小上がりのテーブル席が四卓程度。駐車場スペースは10台無いくらいだと思います。
It is a type of set meal restaurant with many regulars. When I go to the evening, the regulars are quite excited. Ramen for 550 yen is very delicious. In Niigata, there are many ramen with dried sardines, but the ramen with a strong bonito is a little fresh. It is a delicious ramen that you can eat very easily. The dumplings I ordered together were also juicy. You can also eat the half-fried chicken, a specialty of Niigata. Half-fried chicken is also deeply fried over time and is very fragrant with plenty of gravy. We also serve sake, so there was a wide variety of menus that seemed good for snacks. It seems that there is also a lunch menu at noon. There are about 8 counter seats and about 4 small table seats. I don't think there are 10 parking spaces.
喜谷健太郎 on Google

ランチの新規開拓に出掛けた喜谷さん。今回は鳥屋野潟の近くにある定食屋『なかや』さんを威力偵察。夜は居酒屋さんの様だ。手始めに『とり唐揚げ定食(税込650円)』を頂く。因みにランチタイム以外では税込750円。 巨大なモモ肉!と言う訳では無い。モモ肉を均質な肉厚に開いた状態で揚げられた唐揚げだ。カリッと揚げたい為に手間を掛けている様だった。味付けは比較的薄味で食べやすかった。千切りキャベツの盛りが若干少な目だが、650円でこれだけのクオリティを出されている以上、文句など言ってはいけない。 昼ご飯には少し遅めの時間での訪問だったが、家族連れで賑わっていた『なかや』さん。次は晩御飯を頂きに再訪問したい…(っ´ω`c)
Mr. Kitani went out to develop a new lunch. This time, a powerful reconnaissance of the set meal restaurant "Nakaya" near Toriya Nogata. It's like an izakaya at night. As a starting point, we will have a "fried chicken set meal (650 yen including tax)". By the way, it is 750 yen including tax except lunch time. Huge thigh meat! That is not to say. It is fried chicken that is fried with thigh meat opened to a uniform thickness. It seemed that he was taking time to fry it crispy. The seasoning was relatively light and easy to eat. The julienne cabbage is a little small, but you shouldn't complain as long as the quality is so high for 650 yen. It was a little late for lunch, but Mr. Nakaya was crowded with his family. Next time I want to visit again for dinner ... ('ω`c)
hebe on Google

ランチで訪問。 ラーメン定食650円 ラーメンは鰹出汁で、美味しかったです。 麺との相性も良く、老若男女にウケる味付けです。 セットの唐揚げは、肉厚で、カリッとしていて こちらも美味しかったです。 味付けは薄めで、肉本来の味わいが楽しめます。 総合してコスパ抜群のお店です。
Visit for lunch. Ramen set meal 650 yen The ramen was bonito broth and it was delicious. It goes well with noodles and is a seasoning that is appealing to men and women of all ages. The fried chicken in the set is thick and crispy This was also delicious. The seasoning is light and you can enjoy the original taste of the meat. Overall, it is a shop with outstanding cost performance.

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