BEANS - Setagaya City

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact BEANS

住所 :

8 Chome-15-32 Kitami, Setagaya City, Tokyo 157-0067, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 157-0067
Webサイト :

8 Chome-15-32 Kitami, Setagaya City, Tokyo 157-0067, Japan
takuma yamamoto on Google

Coffee is very delicious
Ponta 川口のぶ on Google

A home-roasted soybean shop. Straight beans are good and blends are good. Roasting will also suit your taste. He / she can get advice on recommended roasting. Let's buy beans as it is so hard. Let ’s buy a mill,
水島楓 on Google

付近に遊びに来た際に立ち寄りました。 こだわりのコーヒーを味わえるお店です。 2階のカフェではおいしいランチがいただけます。 私は帰りに1階で豆を買って帰りました。 自分で入れてもそれなりにおいしくなるのはうれしいです。
I stopped by when I came to play nearby. This is a shop where you can taste your specialty coffee. You can have a delicious lunch at the cafe on the second floor. I bought beans on the first floor on my way home. I'm glad it tastes good even if you put it in yourself.
N HD on Google

First visit and purchase for gifts. I was able to return home comfortably because I was indecisive and ignorant. I made coffee in a café au lait with a lot of milk, or cheap drip coffee was enough to eat cake, but I wanted to drink it. I was lost because there were many types of coffee beans, but it was helpful because it explained the taste preference, compatibility of the selected beans with the beans to be selected next, and so on. Although it was a small shop, there were many visitors. There was a counter where you can get a set of gateau chocolate, cheesecake and coffee in the store. It's small, but next time I want to order the wait time to roast the beans!
Koh U on Google

良いコーヒー豆を手頃なお値段で買える良いお店。 店員さんもフレンドリーで相談しやすく、毎月オススメコーヒー があるなど通っても毎回楽しめます。 ※2020年夏現在、ランチ・カフェペース縮小やコロナの影響もありランチやカフェ利用は難しいようです。 (また時期によって変わるかも?)
A good shop where you can buy good coffee beans at a reasonable price. The clerk is friendly and easy to consult, and you can enjoy it every time you go, including recommended coffee every month. * As of the summer of 2020, lunch and cafe use seems to be difficult due to the reduced pace of lunch/cafe and corona. (It may change again depending on the time?)
tomoko k on Google

I had a delicious iced coffee!
nozomu on Google

拘りのコーヒーと最高のホスピタリティ! 店員さんが非常に丁寧な接客をされていて、初めて入っても居心地のいいお店です。 コーヒーの知識も様々丁寧に教えてくれて、好みの風味について相談に乗ってくれます! 月に一度発行される、「瓦版」というコーヒー通信のような記事があり、様々なコーヒーにまつわる知識も楽しみながらつけることができます。 コーヒーに対する愛が伝わってくるお店です!
Insistence on coffee and the best hospitality! The clerk is very polite and it is a comfortable shop even if you enter for the first time. He will teach you various coffee knowledge carefully and will consult you about your favorite flavor! There is an article like "Kawaraban", which is published once a month, like a coffee newsletter, and you can enjoy learning about various coffees. It's a shop that conveys your love for coffee!
西川大 on Google

2021/06/17 さまざまな値段のコーヒー豆が売られているお店。生豆の状態で保管されており、購入する際に焙煎してもらえます。 入り口傍に並んだ、麻袋入りの生豆を見ているだけでもワクワクしてしまいます。 「本日のコーヒー」などのドリンクメニューもあります。 現在、テイクアウトのみになっているので注意。
2021/06/17 A shop that sells coffee beans of various prices. It is stored in the form of raw beans and can be roasted at the time of purchase. It's exciting just to look at the raw beans in a jute bag lined up near the entrance. There is also a drink menu such as "Today's Coffee". Please note that currently only takeout is available.

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