BBQ Garden - Inzai

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact BBQ Garden

住所 :

3 Chome Uchino, Inzai, Chiba 270-1347, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88979
Postal code : 270-1347
Webサイト :

3 Chome Uchino, Inzai, Chiba 270-1347, Japan
Takuya RN on Google

坂本みい on Google

A secret BBQ place
べっかむ on Google

準備いらず 片付けいらず ◎
No need to prepare or clean up ◎
鈴木稔 on Google

Groceries are on site
吉谷孝義 on Google

公園のEゾーンにあり、 公園の1番奥です。 前もって利用するときは、 予約が必要です。
Located in the park's E zone, It is the back of the park. When using in advance, Reservations are required.
ぷにメイ on Google

公園がかなり大きく緑が多いです。 ドリンクバーもあり、包丁等の道具は一式あり。皿やコップ、調味料等もほとんどが完備されていて便利です。
The park is quite large with lots of greenery. There is also a drink bar and a set of tools such as kitchen knives. Most of the dishes, cups and seasonings are complete and convenient.
寳代純也 on Google

2019.05.01に利用?しようとしました。 令和元年早々に最悪です。 10時から予約してたので、10時より10分程前に到着し、早速受付。 この日は自分たち家族が一番だったと思います。 まず受付がスムーズではなく、予約してたにもかかわらずコンロの準備さえもしてないし、予約の内容が確認できてない様子。 何のための予約なんだか。 好きな場所へどうぞと言われたので、子連れの為トイレと受付の中間地点に場所とりました。 今コンロとか準備しますと言われたので待つこと15分。 一向に準備されない。 それどころか、後から来た組へ先にコンロや肉を運ぶ始末。 おそらく組みを間違えたのだと悟りました。 店員さんに言っても、2日前から入ったので慣れてなくてと言われました。 こっちには関係ないし。 3回目の催促でやっとコンロと肉を準備されました。 なんか嫌な予感がしたので中身確認すると、予約してたコースと違う。明らかな不手際。 店長らしき人にコースが違うことを告げるとすぐ準備しますと言って5分ぐらい待ちましたが来ないので全額返金してもらってキャンセルしました。 向こう側の不手際なのに店長からはお詫びも対してなく、この店はやる気があるのかなと思いました。 唯一おばちゃんの対応は親切で、子供達にもゴメンねお腹空いたよね?とお詫びもされたのがせめてもの救いかな? でももう二度と利用しないと思います。
Is it used for 2010.05.01? I tried to. Reiwa is the worst early in the year. As we made a reservation from 10 o'clock, we arrived about 10 minutes before 10 o'clock and received it immediately. I think that their family was the best on this day. First of all, the reception was not smooth, and even though I made the reservation, I did not even prepare the stove, and I could not confirm the contents of the reservation. What is the reservation for? I was told to go to a favorite place, so I took a place halfway between the bathroom and the reception for my children. I was told that I would prepare a stove now, so I waited 15 minutes. Not prepared for the other. On the contrary, they carry the stove and meat first to the group that came later. I realized that I probably made a mistake. Even if I said to the clerk, I was told that I had not got used to it because I entered from two days ago. It doesn't matter to me here. The stove and meat were finally prepared at the third reminder. I did not like the course I booked when I checked the contents because I had a bad feeling. Obvious fault. I told the manager I would prepare as soon as I told that the course was different, and I waited for about 5 minutes, but I did not come, so I got a full refund and canceled it. Although it was a fault on the other side, the store manager didn't apologize for anything, so I thought this store was motivated. The only response to the aunt was kindness, and the children were stupid. And at the very least I apologize for being saved? But I think I will never use it again.
酒井幸司 on Google

GWの混雑してるなかで行きました。 混んでいたものの、現地スタッフの案内が遅くて開始時間が過ぎても着席できませんでした。 案内を待つ列もハッキリわからずもう少し丁寧な案内が欲しかった。 会場では喫煙場所が指定されてるのに子連れの若いお母さん集団はその場で喫煙(IQOSやグローですが)してるなど、マナーを守れないやつが目立ちましたが、スタッフは注意せず、残念。 会場は自然に囲まれたいいとこなのになんだか残念なことが目立ったので☆2つ。
I went in the crowded GW. Although it was crowded, the local staff was late and it was not possible to sit even after the start time. The line waiting for guidance was not clear either and I wanted a more polite guidance. At the venue, although a smoking place was designated, a group of young mothers with their children smoked (IQOS and glow) on the spot, and people who could not protect their manners were noticeable, but the staff did not pay attention, and it was disappointing. The venue was a nice cousin surrounded by nature, so something disappointing was noticeable ☆ two.

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