Bashamichiiwatsukiten - Saitama

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Bashamichiiwatsukiten

住所 :

1 Chome-25-7 Minamihirano, Iwatsuki Ward, Saitama, 339-0051, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887988
Postal code : 339-0051
Webサイト :

1 Chome-25-7 Minamihirano, Iwatsuki Ward, Saitama, 339-0051, Japan
植村貴昭 on Google

Although it is an ordinary Bashamichi, it is easy to get in and out by car, and the parking lot is large. Also, because Iwatsuki Castle Park is nearby, it is easy to use when you come to the park.
ひよちゃん on Google

I came to the store after noon, and since it was Saitama City, I provided alcoholic beverages with "Man Defense" applied ☓, there was no congestion, but there were many groups of female customers and it was noisy ?
t ken1 on Google

Without refusing, he parked in this parking lot ... I entered Bashamichi for the first time in at least 5 years, thinking that I could eat spaghetti even though I was a jijii. The waitress uniform is Haikara-san. As usual, it's cute ❗ I've been thrilled for the first time in a long time‼ ️Mushroom chicken and garlic strong soup spa may be ramen? It's delicious and I'm visiting again. How many times have you revisited while saying that? The eagle is also Jiji, but what is it?
Emi Watanabe on Google

お料理のボリュームもそこそこあり、味も美味しいです ドリンクバーも種類豊富でいいです ステンドグラスの窓でとても落ち着きます デザートの盛り付けも食器もステキです
The volume of the food is moderate and the taste is delicious. The drink bar is also nice and the stained glass window is very calm. The dessert serving and tableware are wonderful.
りりあ on Google

店員さんの笑顔で親切な応対は素晴らしいです。 お店の雰囲気やメニューのせいか女性客が多いので、男性客は入りにくいかも。 でも大盛りもあるし、美味しいのでぜひたくさんの男性にも行ってもらいたいです。
The smile and kind reception of the clerk is wonderful. Because of the atmosphere and menu of the shop, there are many female customers, so it may be difficult for male customers to enter. But there is a large serving and it is delicious, so I would like many men to go there.
なかはらまさちか on Google

三家族幼児も3名で行きました。幼児連れでも気安く入れるのが気に入りました。 忙しくなるとサービスが追い付いていないのが残念です! 味は普通……、幼児がまた行こうと言えば行きます。
Three family infants also went with three people. I like that it's easy to put in even with infants. It's a pity that the service hasn't caught up when I'm busy! The taste is normal ... I will go if the baby wants to go again.
Noriko K on Google

パスタを食べたい時に行くかと言うと 個人的には、もう少し先にある五右衛門の方が好きなのですが、 先日友人とランチの際にたまたま食べた「イカとエビといくらの明太子スパゲティ」が とても美味しく これだけどうしても食べたくなり 1人でまた来てしまいました! 普通の明太子スパゲティより 断然美味しい!
When I want to eat pasta, I go Personally, I prefer Goemon, which is a little further away, "Squid, shrimp and salmon roe spaghetti" that I happened to eat at lunch with a friend the other day Very delicious I just want to eat this I came again alone! From ordinary mentaiko spaghetti Definitely delicious!
だん丸かけぞう推し on Google

Very nice place in English traditional style.The food is delicious. Highly recommended. Highly recommended.

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