Bando Total Law Office - Chuo City

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Bando Total Law Office

住所 :

2 Chome-16-7 Ginza, Chuo City, Tokyo 104-0061, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8789
Postal code : 104-0061
Webサイト :

2 Chome-16-7 Ginza, Chuo City, Tokyo 104-0061, Japan
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Your lawyer will be happy to help you.
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Every lawyer is a person with personality before a lawyer and who can be trusted.
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最後の最後まで!という事務所でした。 エイブルのご紹介で事務所を訪ね契約いたしました。 他の弁護士さんもいらっしゃるので私の担当者が酷かったのか? 事務方が杜撰なのか? 小さな案件として放置されたのか? 代表も進捗状況は把握していなかった模様。 1、先ずは1年もの間全く放置された。(年明け後 何の報告もないのに業を煮やし電話) 2、契約時にお渡しした資料は紛失または廃棄したし たらしく、再度郵送。 3、その間、当然被害額は拡大。 4、無事、解決後は100万を超える返金があるはずが 何故か、差額?の13万円の請求書が送付される 5、確定申告の為の領収書を依頼した所、直ぐに送りしますと返信あるも、1か月を過ぎても無しの礫 6、ようやく、本日領収書届きました。 このお仕事ぶり、どう思われますか? 解決を見るまではと堪えましたが、腹が立ったのは詭弁を弄した言いぐさです。 先ず、(1年間放置した事の申し開き?のつもりなのか)着手金をいただいていなかったとのこと。 契約時に着手金の話は一切なかったし、請求書も来ていない。ムカッ❗️ もし、着手金の話があれば、直ぐにお支払いしました。 次に、[弁護士費用ですが、ウチの事務所では考えられない位お安い金額ですからね] それで、私に有難がって感謝しろとでも? 弁護士費用は0円でもいいほど、被害額が拡大したんですけど! まぁ、前代未聞の弁護士さんでした。 お気をつけあそべ。
Until the last minute! It was an office called. I visited the office and signed a contract with Able. Was my representative terrible because there were other lawyers? Is the clerical way obscene? Was it neglected as a small project? It seems that the representative did not know the progress. 1. First, it was completely neglected for a year. (After New Year I boiled my work without any reports) 2.Materials given at the time of contract are lost or discarded Mail again. 3. During that time, the amount of damage naturally expanded. 4, safe, after settlement, there should be over 1 million refunds Why the difference? 130,000 yen invoice is sent 5.After requesting a receipt for final tax return, if you send it immediately, there will be a reply, but there is no gravel even after one month 6. Finally, a receipt arrived today. What do you think of this job? 堪 I was able to endure until I saw the solution, but what made me angry was the expression that made use of sophistry. First of all, he said he didn't get the starting money (Is it open for a year?) At the time of the contract, there was no talk of starting money, and no invoice was received. Mukwa If there was a story about the starting money, I paid immediately. Next, [it's a lawyer's fee, but it's an inexpensive amount that you can't imagine at our office] So thank you thank me? The amount of damage increased as the lawyer's fee could be 0 yen! Well, it was an unprecedented lawyer. Play with care.
rerius amuru on Google

不安で不安で毎日眠れません。 ●お金をとることしか考えてなく、全く親身になってくれない。 ●約束を守らない。 ●弁護士が口の利き方を知らない、すごく不快になった。 ●不備があっても、お詫びの一言もない。 ●弁護士の報酬が安いのか、全くやる気が感じられない。 ●全てに対して、弁護士に指示しないと自発的に全く動かない (普通に仕事しろ!!と本当に頭にくる。) ●放置されつづける 私の場合は、弁護士から1か月後には連絡が来ると言われ 3か月たっても音沙汰がなかったので 電話で事務所にいた弁護士と連絡をとると まだ何もしていないという状況だった。 しかもお詫びも何もなく、逆切れ気味に言われ 本当に不快な気分になり、その日は頭にきて寝れなかった。 ★★★二度と、こんな事務所に関わりたくない!!!!
I'm anxious and anxious and can't sleep every day. ● I'm only thinking about taking money, and I'm not at all friendly. ● Do not keep your promise. ● The lawyer didn't know how to speak, which made me very uncomfortable. ● Even if there are deficiencies, there is no apology. ● I don't feel motivated at all because the attorney's compensation is cheap. ● For all, if you do not instruct a lawyer, you will not move at all voluntarily (I really think that I should work normally !!) ● Continue to be left unattended In my case, my attorney told me that I would be contacted in a month. There was no sound even after 3 months When I contact the attorney who was in the office by phone The situation was that I hadn't done anything yet. Moreover, there was no apology, and he was said to be in reverse. I felt really uncomfortable and couldn't sleep that day. ★★★ I don't want to be involved in such an office again! !! !! !!

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