から揚げ専門店 チキンダック

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact から揚げ専門店 チキンダック

住所 :

Bandai, Chuo Ward, 〒950-0088 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87988
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–8PM
Sunday 11AM–8PM
Monday 11AM–8PM
Tuesday 11AM–8PM
Wednesday 11AM–8PM
Thursday 11AM–8PM
Friday 11AM–8PM
街 : Niigata

Bandai, Chuo Ward, 〒950-0088 Niigata,Japan
キムキモ on Google

Karaage bento ? 400 yen. This price is good with this volume and deliciousness.
HL AS on Google

竜田揚げ?店員無愛想なババア。 散々待たせといて何にも謝ることもなく、ありがとうございましたもない。 何でこいつ接客してんだ??
Tatsuta fried? The clerk is unfriendly. Thank you for not apologizing for the long wait. Why is this customer service?
怪獣ブースカ on Google

店員の方が無愛想でからあげも 油っこく胸焼けしました
The clerk is unfriendly and fried chicken Oily heartburn
miyan osawa on Google

美味しい! 安い! 早い!! 小腹が空いていてあまり期待しないで買ったのですが、とっても美味しかったです♪
delicious! cheap! early! !! I was hungry and bought it without much expectation, but it was very delicious ♪
レン on Google

Right now, it's an open sale with 5 fried chicken for 300 yen, usually 350 yen, but the meat is big and very tender, juicy and full of gravy, and at this price I'm ashamed of this quality fried chicken specialty store It ’s very nice.
芝杏 on Google

味は良い。タレもノーマルもしょっぱくなくふっくらしてて美味しいです。 ただ他の方も書かれてるように接客が… あと、複数の味を1つずつ頼んだところ、容器が同じだったのでどれに何が入ってるか聞くと「ちょっと分かんないです」と言われたのが残念でした。
The taste is good. Both sauce and normal are plump and delicious. Just as the other people also write, And when I asked for several flavors one by one, I was sorry to say "I don't know a little" when asked what was in the container because it was the same.
にゃーにゃー on Google

若い女性でしたがめっちゃ無愛想でした。質問しても「は?」みたいな顔。お弁当を頼みましたが味の種類があるのも教えてくれなかった。ご飯の大盛りはほんとに大盛りでびっくりした 笑
Although she was a young woman, she was very unfriendly. Even if you ask a question, the face looks like "What?" I asked for a bento, but he didn't tell me that there were different flavors. The large serving of rice was really big and I was surprised lol
なの on Google

唐揚げは凄く美味しいし調味料も無料だからほんとに気に入ってます。 でも提供時間が遅い事が多々あって並んでて1時間後近く待ったことありました。
I really like the fried chicken because it's very delicious and the seasonings are free. However, there were many cases where the delivery time was late, so I had to wait for almost an hour after lining up.

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